
Tuesday 3 March 2009

The lesson ...

... seems to have jogged a memory - lol!! I'll double-check tomorrow morning before I leave him and then it's up to him but I'll pop head in on way home to make sure he's not gassed himself - lol!

Got a day of crafting tomorrow at the Craft Barn, with some of the SE ladies from the imag-e-nation forum. Most I've met but there are a couple coming that I've not met before so it will be good to meet them and I'm really looking forward to it. Disappointed that my mate Cally can't come though. She was booked in for this one but it was postponed from early February when the snow stopped it happening. She's away on a jolly in Devon this week so her place is vacant! She had wanted to do both of the meets - the January and February one - but she didn't get on the January one so she's missed out completely. Still, we've got a long weekend coming up in a couple of months - well in 99 days by my countdown at top of blog - so that's something to look forward to! That's been a long time coming 'cos it was booked waaaaaaaaaaaay back in February last year.

Had a quick trip to hospital with hubby yesterday. Well, I took him and dropped him off (parking's a nightmare even for disabled). He's been complaining of his hand hurting and last week he told me he was going to doctor. Then he tells me it hurts so much he thinks he's broken a small bone at base of thumb! I suggest he goes to hospital where they can Xray it immediately if needed, rather than go to doc but also suggested he strapped it to keep it as immobile as poss. Does he do any of it? Does he 'eck! Well, he's a man after all - lol! Yesterday he finally relents and decides he will go to hospital. Got him there around 3pm, left him and went back to sort Dad out. Hadn't even got Dad's dinner cooked and got a phone call to say he was finished and to pick him up. Now, Dad (and us) only lives about 15 minutes drive away from hospital so this phone call came less than 45 minutes after I'd dropped him off. Seems he never got past the triƔge nurse (I'd warned him he might not). She examined it and it's a bad sprain and guess what - he's to use it as little as possible (of course, but near impossible for a wheelie!) and she gave him a hand splint to wear with instruction to icepack it as well. Now if he'd listened last week as well we might be more than half way there - hehehe! He then admitted that he thinks it may have been coming out of his chair that did it and how along ago was that? Oh yes, here, on the 4th February - doh!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx