
Thursday 25 June 2009

Craft - of a different sort.

It's still crafting though! I had a quick lesson on PSP9 at our Crafter's House Party on how to make a watermark but, most of it I forgot within half an hour however, the 'playing' was still on my laptop to give me a clue and a quick email to Joanie for some advice helped as well. It's taken me a few hours, on and off ... mmmmmmmm, more like days *lol* .... of playing but I've done one! OK, it's very much on the lines of the lovely owl that Toni made me a while back and that I've been using for some time now but, this one I made all by myself so I'm really chuffed! Now I've got the PSP bug, well, temporarily at least, I just might need to see what else I can come up with! Here's my new 'watermark' in all it's glory ....


1 comment:

  1. Yeah Pam you did it well done theres no stopping you now with Psp fab sig xxx


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Pam xxx