
Thursday 25 June 2009

We had ...

... a visitor to our patio today.

When eldest son moved back home last year he also moved his garden pond in as well. It's a preformed one which never actually found it's way into the ground but did find itself full of fish and it now sits in the corner of our patio. Today, hubby was out searching for the fish - there's a lot of suspended algae in the water at the moment so they're difficult to see - and called out to me to tell me that there was a dragonfly hovering around. Me thinking, 'dragonfly' - aka cranefly - decided it was a bit early in year for them really but didn't want to know 'cos I can't stand 'em! Then I heard him talking to this 'dragonfly' and him telling me it's a baby. Decided that he'd finally lost the plot but found my camera and went out to see exactly what he was talking to, and about and, there it was ....... a very pretty, 'proper' little dragonfly and reckon he was right. Think it must have been a youngster as it was no more than an inch long.

It kept flitting about but it settled a couple of times, long enough for me to get some photo's (difficult 'cos it was so small but macro worked a treat). Couldn't get one with wings open though but hey! don't think these photos are bad and what a welcome visitor it was. Need to keep an eye open outside a bit more methinks.

Have to say it's an improvement on nesting gulls and mangey foxes though and it's obviously decided that we're not going to be totally free of wildlife this year, although by the look of the hydrangea leaves in the 2nd photo there's a few slimey wildlife been having a bit of a feast - *LOL*

It's been quiet on the Dad front these past couple of days so that's good news ... or is it? I'll find out tomorrow ...

Not seeing too much of eldest at moment either. He's found himself a new female friend and very nice she is too! It's early days, new and exciting so he's out more than he's home. At least he's happy, for now, so can't ask any more than that for him. It's been a good while since he's been really happy although there's been a marked change since he came back home.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Great photos Pam,fingers crossed for your eldest.
    Sue c

  2. Hi Pam - congratulations on your Damselfly photo - have been trying to get a good one for ages - they keep their wings closed apparently - Google them! Must try harder with my macro.


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx