
Sunday 7 June 2009

A glimmer ...

... of light, perhaps? Called on Dad on Wednesday and he was quite a bit brighter. Best of all he was moving more like he normally does (never good at the best of times) and he got himself something to eat and drink while I was with him. Can only hope it continues. I'm not going back until Monday when I go fetch him for respite - unless I get a call out of course!

One thing that wasn't good and it had nothing to do with him, as such. He'd not long had a shower, with the help of a carer, when I got there. Very good news considering he'd virtually stopped washing let alone anything else. Problem was, the flat had been flooded! Walked in the front door and the first thing I noticed was the sodden carpet in the hallway. The 'bathroom' is a 'wet room' - or should be. Seems there's a bit of a design fault. It's only the immediate shower area that is sloped to the drain and the area only allows for one person to be in it at any one time. There is no room for a carer to work without the water spilling out onto the flat area of the room. Once that happens it spreads over the whole floor with nowhere to run to except under the doors into the carpet so it's not, technically, a 'wet room'. Not only was the hall carpet completely soaked but the bedroom one was as well.

Estate Manager was called and they've now got to find some way of stopping it spreading so far. Reckon it would have been better if the whole floor had sloped gently to the drain then an army could have got in to help without fear of flood. Obviously architect didn't take into account the 'care' part that would be needed in most of the flats .... Have no idea how long the carpet will take to dry out. They left me to mop the bathroom out but I had nothing to soak the water up from the carpet. Think they'll be replacing it if it starts to smell! I'll be keeping an eye on that one ....

Anyway, shower he'd had, clothes changed and carer told me he would be coming back to shave him. Now Dad has never had anyone shave him before. He's always managed his personal care for himself although he needed help with the shower but more to show him how to use it than anything. He's not used a shower in years, preferring to bath. I told the carer Dad was perfectly capable of shaving himself but he didn't seem convinced. Off he went and duly returned to shave him but while he'd been gone Dad had done it. I've tried to explain to carers that Dad can do a fair bit for himself (hence only the basic care package put in place) but, if he thinks somebody else will do it he will let them then he expects it on a permanent basis - which means they will need to have the care package reviewed to be able to increase it. All they need to do is to encourage him to do things, not do them for him unless he's really unable to do so and that's rare. I know Dad is getting fed up of the number of times the carers are calling in on him so perhaps that's the catalyst he needed to start doing stuff for himself again. Have to admit he's got a lot calling 'cos the ones the doctor arranged are calling as well as the inhouse ones. He says he doesn't understand why or why they think I live with him! He can't remember telling them I do, doesn't understand the extra visits are because of his fall and confusion and now thinks he's been living in the flat for weeks - not days! Still, if it's got him doing things again then they've served a purpose. He'd still to use his bed but I know he knows where it is now - just don't know why he's choosing not to go to bed at night. I'm hoping that will have changed by my next visit.

Thanks for dropping by .....

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