
Friday 5 June 2009

Would you believe ...

... I started a new post at around 3am this morning and planned to publish it today,with photo's. Time and Dad has run away with it today and it's still not ready and I'm pooped 'cos I was up part of the night last night, unable to sleep. Mix of fortunes over the past couple of days again. Just seem to be on a see-saw at the moment but let's say, I'm learning fast! Have to play 'catch up' over the weekend again. Missed friends birthdays this week and likely to miss some next if I don't start and get my act together. Would have some grovelling to do except - they're all good people who will understand. The type that make the world a decent place to live in and give you faith in the majority of the human race. Quality!

... and the countdown is continuing. Less than a week to the House Party now - woohooo!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Wishing you a wonderful break and rest at your houseparty - you deserve it. Best wishes, Janet.

  2. You certainly deserve the R&R Peejay. I can only imagine what you are going through with your dad, fortunately never having had to cope with elderly relatives. Hopefully things will be resolved quickly for you and your dad. Enjoy your retreat..and don't you dare start to feel guilty!

    Sue x


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx