
Monday 31 August 2009

Inside the Tube!

Or more amazing photography, with a twist! Clark Little - mad or not? Take a look here and decide for yourself. Certainly absolutely stunning photography and definitely art.


I knew I ...

... shouldn't have said anything! Was only telling somebody yesterday that I'd been sleeping much better the last couple of nights. In fact I'd been sleeping round to 9am or so (unheard of!) and now look at the time ..... 04:32am! Oh well, I've had a cup of tea (yep, I've been up ½ hour or more already) and I'll give it another ½ hour and try again.

On the way back from the Glitterpot on Wednesday I got grand-daughter to take a photo. It's not in focus, unfortunately but this is the current state of the new football stadium being built just about 3 miles from where I live. We were assured it wouldn't be seen let alone have any impact on the 'area of outstanding natural beauty' it's being built in. Hmmmm! Think they may have got that wrong! How the heck do they reckon that they can hide such a huge monstrosity? This stadium can be seen from all approaches and ..... Ditchling Beacon. Now that makes it a blot on the landscape!

It's supposed to seat 20K when finished but it's also going to be housing part of the college campus as well. They say it's to be a 'community stadium'. Just hope it turns out that way 'cos it's likely to be a total white elephant from the point of view of the football club. Carry on the way they are and we won't have one and certainly not one that will command such a high gate as 20K. Don't think they could muster ½ that number now!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 30 August 2009

I've been on ...

... my own since Friday morning - *sob!* (not - lol!!!)

Had a chance to start sorting out the study while hubby away and I've done quite well. Just wish I could do more before I have to stop for a break. It's certainly little and often! Can't believe how many empty cardboard boxes I've found. Probably saved them to pack stuff in for the Dogs Trust but doesn't look as though there'll be a lot going there this time. Cardboard boxes all now broken up ready for recycling, cupboards becoming organised and daylight can be seen. Seems months - well, it is months - since I started the mess but now, before I can finish, I need to get a desk and a bit more storage. I'm gonna change the curtains for blinds as well. Will look more streamlined, lighter and more in keeping with a study. Bedroom part is no more so out go the curtains!

I've also Freecycled some bits and, in doing so, met a lovely lady who doesn't live a million miles away and ..... she's a card maker! Now what were the odds on that? Oh yes, and I've managed to update re the makings from Guildford and the Glitterpot workshop on Wednesday.

I'm expecting hubby home soon - although no idea what time to expect him. Just sometime this evening. It's depressing to look outside now. 20:10 and it's dark! We're on the downward slope to winter ...... :0((

Thanks for dropping by .....

Update: Hubby's just phoned - he'll be about 2½ hours. Only just left. Oh well!

Make 'n Takes from Guildford.

Only just over a week late but better late than never - *LOL*.

Twenty southern members (plus one!) of the imag-e-nation forum had a meet in Guildford last Saturday. Beautifully organised by Greta who commandeered the local Scout hut and had one of her sons lay on a buffet for lunch. Think they thought they were feeding the 5000 there was so much food and it was delicious. I organised a draw which meant that everybody went home with a mini goodie bag - some good stuff and some not so good but that was the luck of the draw. Most seemed happy with what they ended up with though. Greta also arranged for her 'local' Stampin' Up demonstrator to join us for the day. Did I say 'local'? Well, if you consider a 4 hour train journey to get to us (a slightly quicker one home) and an overnight stay with Greta so that she made it on time then I guess she's local .... *LOL!* Our Toni decided to join us all the way from Tamworth, making 21 if us in total and, as she is an SU demonstrator she agreed to do some make 'n takes for us to fill part of the day. I made the card on the day, the other cuties - made from punched shapes - I made at home.

All made with SU products

The rest of the day was filled with stamping images, making a box as per the tutorial here (but left for the maker to embellish in their own way and there were a fair few different versions!), Copic and watercolouring demonstrations from Toni and Jackie, digi-scrapbooking demo courtesy of Helen (who also ran a sale, giveaway & swap table) and die-cutting. I'm sure there were other things ... oh yes, chatting!!

A great day was had by all and we're all looking forward to the next one ........... *grin!*


Saturday 29 August 2009

Jungle Pals Workshop with Kay Webb.

Did a Child & Adult class held by Kay Webb at The Glitterpot on Wednesday. Took my eldest grand-daughter for her first attempt at stamping. Think she did really well and certainly managed the watercolour pencils and paint brush better than I did - lol! A selection of designer papers were used, all relating to the theme. The stamp set used was a Woodware Clear stamp set - Jungle Pals. Not a set I would normally have looked twice at but ideal for children's cards ....

Chloe's cards

My versions


Friday 28 August 2009

It's Friday ...

... already! Just where has the week gone?

Good news on the Dad front! He did his taster day at the Day Centre and loved it. When I called to see him yesterday he was full of it and he's obviously looking forward to next week 'cos he tells me they're going on a 'pub crawl'. Now that, from my Dad who, apart from a very rare glass of lager is teetotal, is funny! He did say that he supposed they'd expect him to have a glass of lemonade - *LOL*. I think the idea is that they're going to be given a little outing and will be stopping off somewhere for a pub lunch. This week he had lunch and games, quizzes etc and he actually took part by the seem of things. He had one complaint. He was told he wouldn't need any money as it was a 'taster day' for him so he didn't take any but ... they bought bags of sweets round and he couldn't buy one. I've already had to sort out his wallet for next week and it's now sitting with his flat keys so he remembers to take it. It was good to see him so animated - and even the carer remarked on how happy he was when he got back. Now to get him involved with the coffee mornings and groups at the flats and he'll have a social life better than mine - *hehe*

Wednesday saw me at the Glitterpot for a class but it was a kids class. I took Chloe, my eldest grand-daughter, for her first taste of stamping. She thoroughly enjoyed herself and she did better with the watercolour pencils and paint brush than I did. 2 cards each made and a lovely couple of hours spent together. I shopped in the Glitterpot, she shopped in the bead shop next door - *lol*

Thursday - yesterday - should have been my balloon trip but it's now getting boring *yawn*. Mind you, it was different this time! Phoned the flightline as required at the relevant time but instead of it being just my flight cancelled there was a bulk cancellation. Wish I'd phoned earlier 'cos could have filled the rest of my day with errands I've got to do today now but hey-ho, they have the times to call for each respective flight! They'd cancelled yesterday morning, yesterday evening (mine), this morning and this evenings flight as the period was going to be too windy. Never known a bulk cancellation before but I can't be a jinx on all of them - just the ones I'm booked on so .... here's to the next one - *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 25 August 2009

I was right ...

... too windy! I'm now officially their jinx and also their record holder of most booked flights and not flown. This one was booking number 15! All the other passengers that had reached 13 or 14 bookings have now flown so I'm the only one left of their long-time, rollover passengers that's still to go. I've now got TWO bookings so if the first doesn't happen I don't have to ring to rebook 'cos I've got one ready on standby. Told them I want an extra glass of bubbly when I finally get to fly. Reckon it should really be a bottle myself but didn't want to be greedy - *LOL*. They tell me that it's all noted for the pilot's info so reckon I may very well have the micheal extracted as well ..... when it eventually happens *hehe*

No bets being taken for the next one - *LOL*

Aqua Detox? Mmmmmmm!! Jury still out on that one. Foot spa with some electric thing in middle sending pulses (not felt) into feet to travel to organs etc and release toxins through the pores ... or something! Very relaxing but could have got the same feeling with feet in bowl of warm water at home - *lol* Not sure what I'm supposed to feel - other than energised (not!) - or how long for but don't actually feel any different at all - *LOL* Just as well it was a 'special offer' and don't think I'll be having another one but me - I'll try anything once *grin*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Murphy's law ...

... although I prefer 'Sod's'! It's been ideal flying weather since my last balloon flight was cancelled - every blooming day has been, in fact so ..... guess what? I was rebooked onto this evening's flight and .... I bet it's cancelled! Nice day but the wind has got up. Won't know for sure until this afternoon, when I have to ring the Flight Line to find out if it is going or not but, I'll make a bet it doesn't!

Oh well - off for an Aqua Detox soon (no idea, so don't ask). Hope it makes me feel as good as it's supposed to but not holding breath on that one either - *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 24 August 2009

Seems that I ...

... go days with nothing much to post about then several things come along at once. Like this past weekend. Apart from visiting the littlies yesterday I had a lovely day on Saturday with 20 old, and new, friends. Some of the 'old' friends I was meeting for the first time as they were cyber friends, met via the imag-e-nation forum some years ago. We came from all over the southern region with most travelling an hour or more to get there. They came from the outer reaches of Kent (around 100 miles away), from deepest Buckinghamshire (around 80 miles), the depths of Essex (around 70 miles) and from various places along the south coast (around 50 miles away) and then there was Toni! The southern ladies ... and Toni ... certainly put themselves out to attend meets!

The day was beautifully arranged by Greta whose son laid on a buffet spread that really spoilt us. There was an huge selection of sandwich and other snacks and some excellent homemade cakes - superb! Helen arranged a for sale/swap/giveaway table for anyone to take advantage of and some did so, very successfully.

Toni - mad as they come and our 'local' Stampin' Up demonstrator (soooo NOT!) - joined us but, to do so, she had endured a 4 hour train journey on Friday to Greta's. Fortunately she had a better trip home but it's still a long way to come for one day, on public transport!. Toni provided some very interesting 'make and takes' and there was a 'show and tell' provided by moi! Helen demonstrated some digi-scrapbooking for those that wanted and a free draw added to the excitement. There were a lot of crafty tips exchanged, a few bits made and even more chatting ... a good day was had by all!

Looking forward to the next one now ..... *big grin*!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Run, run, as fast ...

... as you can. You can't catch me I'm ..... Zac!!

I finally got to see the littliest walking .... or rather, running ... yesterday! Don't think 'walk' is in his vocabulary yet (although 'oh dear' seems to be - *hehe*!) He was off at every opportunity and trying to get a photo was near impossible. They're all back views - *LOL!* He started walking on 2nd August and there's been no holding him back since - amazing what can be achieved in 3 weeks! Doesn't seem possible he's the grand old age of One in 2½ weeks time. Where do the baby months go?

I did get to see one 'first' though. His first dip in the paddling pool and he loved it! Wasn't too keen on having water poured over him by sister Amy (middle littlie in piccie) but didn't mind soaking himself with splashes *LOL*

.... and the 'big' kid? Well, that's my baby, Dad to the 3 littlies who decided that the paddling pool was like being on holiday and laid himself down in it after the littlies had vacated ... but not for long - *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 23 August 2009

TUTORIAL - Scalloped edged gift box.

As I've been playing with PSP recently I've decided to try a different and, hopefully, clearer way of presenting a basic tutorial. I'd appreciate feedback in the comments on how you find it so, here it is ...

TUTORIAL: Scalloped edged gift box (click on any image for a larger view) .... with thanks to Paula!

The following box was made by Kim. Really pretty and very wedding favourish, don't you think?


Friday 21 August 2009

He's staying ...

... put. Had the review meeting with Social Worker and Care Manager today and they were quite happy with the way Dad's settling. There are a couple of concerns but not major - nothing to warrant him going into residential care. Social Worker was concerned that he was a bit of a hermit and, although he protests that he's not social and is happy with his own company, his reaction to leaving Rehab and the way he missed the hustle and bustle disproves that. He's still going to give the Day Centre a go but he's going to be 'encouraged' to take part in the social side that is now starting up at the flats. There's a fish & chip supper in the lounge tonight but is he going? Nope! Then, when they left, having given him another opportunity to take part, he complained because he wasn't going! Can't win sometimes - *LOL* Anyway, coffee mornings and afternoon teas are now weekly so he's going to be encouraged to go to them. Once he starts getting out of the flat and meeting people he will be fine I think. It's making that first step, which is difficult for anyone let alone somebody of his age ........ scarey!

Bonus as well ... His shopping lady called while I was there to collect his list and - she and a colleague have taken it upon themselves to provide a paper delivery service for any resident that wants a daily paper. They found out the local newsagent was charging each resident, who wanted a delivery, £3.50 a week on top of the cost of the papers. Some residents were paying £6 for papers with a total value of £2.50! These girls decided they didn't like the residents being ripped off like that so they now go and buy the papers from their local newsagent on their way to work each morning and then deliver them personally when they arrive. They aren't charging for delivery and are funding the purchases, just billing the residents once a week. How kind is that? Dad's name is now on their list as I know he was missing his daily - *LOL*

Mobility update - he told me he'd been 'exercising' by walking all round the flat using just his walking stick. His mobility is as good as it was before he moved now. He went off for a bathroom visit using his zimmer and came back without it. I had to grin and couldn't resist a giggle but I had to ask him if he'd forgotten something! Penny dropped and off he trotted (well, nearly) to collect the zimmer from the bathroom ... unaided! *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Remember January? ...

... or, more to the point, this post in January and ... even more specifically - this particular photo?

What a difference a few months make! Here's another photo taken from the same spot just yesterday .... (forgot decent camera so it's phone camera again and rubbish pic ...!)

Think I prefer the January one *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 20 August 2009

Craft - what is it?

Sometimes I think we tend to become blinkered as to what constitutes 'craft'. To me craft is an art form which means, if you widen your sights, it takes in anything that requires some sort of skill. Writing is a 'craft', photography is a 'craft' and even painting and decorating is a 'craft'. I enjoy looking at something that has taken skill to achieve and that I find interesting. I follow blogs that aren't what some people would call 'craft' but I enjoy them as they're well written and give insight into other people's lives, cultures and traditions. I also enjoy looking at great pictures - drawn, photographed or painted.

Today I was sent a link to a PDF slideshow and the pictures were stunning. Within that slideshow there was a website address so off I went to explore. It was amazing as it combines not just brilliant photography but also an incredible imagination. Take a look at the website of Carl Warner. Click on Website and then browse but take particular note of what's behind the orange box once you get through to the site. Would you be able to do this? I certainly wouldn't. Look deeply and see if you can make out the fruit and veg used - LOL!

Slightly different, still landscape but this time the wonder of nature is used. Dan Paris - one time actor (Drew Kirk in Neighbours) turned photographer. Amazing photos .... of stunning scenery.

Not only is all this art but I reckon it's 'craft' as well - and by master craftsmen!!
