
Sunday 4 October 2009

Busy doing ...

... nothing! Well, that's what it seems like. It's been a week since I last posted on here and it feels as though I've been really busy all week but would have great difficulty in actually saying what I've done. Until the last couple of days we've continued to have really nice weather ... rubbing my nose in it even more ... but it seems to be on the turn now and there's definitely an autumnal nip in the air morning and evening.

I've arranged a crafty meet at the Craft Barn for mid-month because one of my Scottish friends from the imag-e-nation forum is coming to this neck of the woods for a week and wanted a meet up with some of us 'southerners' Amazing how quickly something like this can be arranged when wanted! Really looking forward to it - a crafty day with like minded friends. Who could ask for more - *grin*

I've spent an hour or 2 at hospital with hubby who's got a problem with his hand. It's been going on months. Initially it was thought he'd sprained it. Then, when it didn't improve it was thought he'd broken a bone but x-rays had ruled that out so he was referred to a hand specialist and that was who he saw this week. She was unable to diagnose the problem but suspects it's torn ligaments so an MRI has now been requested. It's unfortunate that he's unable to rest it. Being in a wheelchair he has to use it - all the time. It's his mobility. Should have seen the fun we had when he had carpel tunnel and an op for that - lol!

It was eldest grand-daughter's 13th birthday on Wednesday and ... *gasp!* ... I made her card! Such a novelty *LOL* It's scarey to think she's now a teenager. I was actually at her birth - an amazing experience! It's even scarier to think that her brother is 18 at the end of this month. I'd post a piccie of her card but I can't ... yet. I've entered it for a challenge on the forum - *shock* What's even more shocking is ....

... I've made another 2 cards this week, on top of that one. Both inspired by mate Jackie who's a design team member for Digital-Ink Co (as well as LaPashe) and they're running challenges and a blog hop. The first card made I managed to enter into 7 challenges. Yep, 7, using one card! Was happy with it initially but the more I look at it the more faults I can see and the less I like it. The second card made I've entered into 3 challenges, one of which I'm pushing my luck with but if yer don't try ...... *LOL* This second one I'm really pleased with. I think it's the best card I've made without input from anybody else (except for the sketch I followed for layout). Just hope the recipient of it at the end of the month will like it as well!

Was gonna take Dad out for lunch on Thursday but he didn't want to go anywhere. He told me he'd been having real problems with his knees since I'd seen him last and he'd had to resort to using his walking frame to help him around. It was a lovely day and I'd planned on taking him for a run out to Beachy Head and having lunch out as well. He says next week though, no matter what, so at least I know he really does want to go out and he even suggested the Seven Sister's Country Park - *LOL* Not sure on that one but guess it wouldn't hurt to have a look. Can always take the wheelchair for him - not sure what I can take to get me around there though *hehe* He's enjoying the Day Centre once a week - as much for the trip round town to pick up other people as anything else. He's seeing parts of the town he's never seen before! Because of where he lives he could be the last pick up and only be transported for 5 minutes. As it is it seems he's one of the first so, instead of being at the Day Centre in less than 10 minutes he has a 45 minute tour - *LOL* Don't reckon he realises that the Day Centre is only 2 streets away from his flat.

Life is now becoming pretty mundane to the extent it could be boring but I'm enjoying it after all the goings on over the past 18+ months! I think I can start to find time to sort our home out now and maybe even finally get my craft room up and running ... once I've cleared out all the stuff I shall never use and have room for that which I will. Pity my health is now going to make it slow progress but some progress is better than none. There are exciting things to look forward to on the horizon - some definite and some not ..... yet, so it's very much 'watch this space' It's possible that this blog will be able to become what I'd initially intended before it became hijacked but that could mean big adjustments. Thinking cap needs to go on for that one but there's no hurry ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx