
Thursday 8 October 2009

Oooo ... I'm amazed!

I had to do a double-take this morning when I opened my emails. I had one from Boni, the DT co-ordinator for Digital-Ink Co. She was inviting me to be a guest designer for a month. Me, moi? The person who hardly makes anything at home on her own initiative. I know I have recently and there's something else waiting in wings for another challenge to finish before I can post it but, they are the exception (big exceptions) rather than the rule. I'm so chuffed, honoured, gob-smacked and delighted to have been asked but .... sadly, I've had to refuse the invitation. I just can't make the commitment that such a post would deserve, not even for a month and, if I can't guarantee being able to put the time in then it's not fair to accept. I would certainly love to have a go and hopefully I may be in a position in a few months where I could consider it. Just not at the moment but, I feel it's an huge great compliment for my work - no matter how little of it there is *LOL*

Thank you Boni, D-I Co and Jackie, for putting my name forward. I know I wouldn't have got the invite if Boni hadn't thought my work good enough, no matter who put me forward, but it's nice to know that my work is liked by other crafters.



  1. That's brilliant news Pam and such a compliment to you!
    Hopefully you'll have more time in the future to take on the role for a month.
    Well done you!

  2. Wow Pam thats a lovely offer.Such a great compliment too.
    Well done

  3. A well deserved invite Pam. Your cards are beautiful. I'm sure they will ask you again when you are less committed.
    Hugs Marion

  4. welldone your colouring is awesome and cards impeccable xxx

  5. Well done Pam. A great compliment to you but only because your work is great too. xx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx