
Friday 9 October 2009

Out & About ...

... with Dad! Yep, finally made trip out with Dad just for the hell of it - *lol*

Weather has been awful this week. We've had enough rain to nearly refill the pond which had lost about 4 inches in depth from evaporation in just over a week. It's now only about an inch down, which shows how much rain we've had since the weekend. Can't really complain though as it's been a while since we've had rain like that. Yesterday, however, was all change and it was glorious. Beautiful blue sky, bright sun and very little breeze ... ideal for a ride out!

We took the 'scenic' coast road off towards the east aiming to go to Beachy Head, have lunch and then come back. We diverted the long way around Seaford. The Newhaven to Dieppe (France) ferry had just left Newhaven so we went to Seaford Esplanade to watch it making it's way into the English Channel. I've only been on that route once. Might live close to Newhaven but it's worth the 2+ hour drive to Dover to take the ferry to France. It's only an hour on board from Dover to Calais, around 4 from Newhaven to Dieppe and can get mighty boring once mid-channel and nothing to see but sea - *LOL* Anyway, Dad wanted to see the ferry so see the ferry we did! Not sure he actually did see it too well - *lol* It was reasonably close to shore but don't think Dad was looking in the right place (it's difficult to tell with him sometimes - *lol*), although he did say he saw it ☺

We left Seaford behind and headed onto the A259 towards Cuckmere Haven and the Seven Sisters Country Park, past Friston Forest and East Dean village then up the hill to Eastbourne, taking the turning at the top of the hill towards Beachy Head. The views from this road and around this area are amazing and everywhere you look there are sheep! Dad hasn't been in this area for years but he remembers the sheep - *lol* After lunch we continued on a circular tour, stopping at suitable points to take photos and admire the view. We passed Belle Tout lighthouse, Birling Gap and drove into East Dean as Dad had never been to the village - passed by it on the main road but never been in. It's a lovely little, olde worlde, typical flint Sussex village which has changed very little over the years. Going back on the same coast road we arrived on gave us stunning views over the Cuckmere Haven estuary. Unfortunately there's nowhere on the road to stop to take photos of this amazing view - :0(

View of Eastbourne from Beachy Head Road

Belle Tout Lighthouse and views west to Seaford Head/Cuckmere Haven

Seven Sisters from Birling Gap towards Cuckmere Haven and beyond.
Just look at that sea! Like glass and yes, it was that colour as was the sky!

East Dean panorama (3 photos stitched together)

View Beachy Head trip in a larger map

Dad's reaction to his trip out? "We'll have to do it again sometime. Perhaps we can go to Tonbridge ...?" Tonbridge is just over county boundaries and is in Kent. It is where he was born and raised ...

On my way home from Dad's I took the opportunity to take more photographs but this time closer to home! Been after this one for a while - Roedean School - although it's still not from the angle I'd like. Opportunity for that one hasn't arisen yet due to busy coast road and roadworks *LOL*

Then I spotted this solitary yacht, making it's way to Brighton Marina I assumed, as it was nearly there.

And the weather today? It's grey, cold and miserable again. In fact it's raining but at least it waited for me to do the Post Office and bank run ☺

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx