
Monday 21 December 2009

Getting there ...

... with the updates!
Hubby has heard from the hospital and has been given another appointment for his op that was cancelled on Friday. He's now going in on New Years Eve and this time he's been told it'll be overnight. Will probably be confirmed but it's looking as though he's way down the operating list so won't be discharged until New Years Day. Just as well we don't do anything special to see the New Year in but this op is too important to him, even if we did.

Weather update... It's rained in this area today so it's helped to clear away some of the snow. Not all of it but at least it's a bit clearer however, because it's so cold it brings the problem of ice. I managed to get out today to do a bit of shopping but didn't stay out too long as I started to feel ill half way through. Didn't do everything I wanted but not bothered. There's always another time. The food shop has been ordered and is due for delivery tomorrow morning. If there's anything out of stock we'll do without!

Anyway, back to the older updates .... Dad finally decided that he didn't want to go to the Day Centre any more so I rang and cancelled. They seemed really surprised but he's happier now he doesn't have to go again. At least he gave it a try which is all that was asked. I told the member of staff that I spoke to that he'd told me the 'old ladies' made him feel old and she laughed. Seems I was right and they are mostly younger than him, by some way, from what she said. Can't say as I'm surprised to be honest. She also told me that she was 69 herself - *lol* He tells us that he's happy with his own company and the carers that pop in and my visits are enough for him.

He refuses to have anything to do with any of the activities at the flats. There was some evening entertainment a week ago. A choir singing 'Christmas with a twist' and I offered to go over and take him. It was only in the lounge and was to be followed by tea and mince pies. Would he go? Not on your life! I've given up trying to encourage him to take part in things now. I feel as though I'm hitting head against the proverbial brick wall so not going to bother any more. He gets a diary of events so if he wants to go to something then he can ask from now on.

My brother has visited Dad twice now in the past 3 weeks *shock*. Mind you it was 3 months since his last visit - *lol* He's once again said that he'll come through (in the New Year) to take him out for lunch. Dad's still waiting for the lunch trip that was promised in August! Don't yer just love brothers?

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx