
Sunday 20 December 2009

It's started ...

... to disappear. The snow, that is. Where there was 4 to 6 inches or more, there are now gaps showing through to the ground, even where the sun doesn't reach. Cars are losing their white blankets as are the tops of bushes. It looked pretty but we can do without it and fortunately, for this area at least, the other forecast snowfalls haven't materialised although other parts of the country have had them - including areas that missed the first lot - *LOL*

Over the past couple of weeks of non-posting there's been a fair bit going on. My left arm has become a pin cushion! On top of the various flu jabs and blood tests I've had 3 travel jabs with still one to come. The last I was daft enough to pay for! Yellow Fever - the one I was most worried about and the one that has been least bother - *lol* The blood test results have meant that I've got to have an Impaired Glucose Tolerance test .... after Christmas now! 2, yes that's TWO, blood tests to be done a couple of hours apart and fasting ones, apart from a glucose drink after the first. Such joy! I've had a change of inhaler as well. Slightly heavier duty and although it's better I still struggle. Guess there's nothing that will give me back the breathing that I'd really like so have to actually accept that I'm now limited with what I can do.

Eldest son has had his 37th birthday and officially moved out to live with his new partner and his decree nisi has been granted. He's moved out but .... his stuff hasn't - *LOL* Not sure how long we've to accommodate that but he may find it gets packed in boxes so I can have the room back. Don't think the fish will be moving anytime soon though and to be honest - I don't really want them to, as I like having them on the patio. However, if they're going to become permanent I'd like to do something with the corner they're in and disguise the pond as it's sitting on the patio and not dug into the ground.

I've had a couple of days of classes at the Glitterpot - my total relaxation days away from home. It's about the only way I can get any crafting done. On top of that the South East imag-e-nationers had their Christmas Party Craft Day. Hosted by Pippa, it saw 21 (I think) of us meet up for a day of banter and crafting followed with a meal to round the day off. Some had driven nearly 3 hours to join us and had the same journey home in horrendous, torrential rain, not arriving back home until nearly 11pm. A long, long day for them. Another couple came up from Cardiff but stayed overnight with Pippa so their day wasn't quite as tiring - *grin* A good time was had by all, even if it was a little 'cosy' - *LOL*

We started with a challenge, followed with an SU make & take by Joanne of Mainly Flowers (and a bit of 'shopping') and finished with a few projects given by Pippa and a quiz. Throughout the day were nibbles and cake and I had a first! My menu selection for the evening meal was red snapper fish. It's the first time I've ever had a stuffing ball with fish! I actually had the full roast turkey dinner (minus the pig on horseback and the yorkshire pud) with the meat substituted for the fish. Bizarre! They could have at least left the pig on horseback and the yorkshire as they gave me the stuffing ball and, because I whinged (in fun, of course), somebody ordered me a yorkshire pud - ☺. The meal was not the best I've ever had but the company was great and we had a real laugh - perhaps because of the meal (and my duff party hat!) and not in spite of it - *hehe*. All my crafty making results are over on 'Bits' but here's a few pics from the rogues gallery ...

click on any pic to be taken to an album for larger stills or a better slideshow

Now it's preparation for Christmas but as I'm very much 'bah-humbug' that's not a lot - *LOL* Haven't had any more than a 12inch pre-decorated Christmas tree and Christmas cards for the last 3 years but this year might be different .... *wink*!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx