
Wednesday 14 April 2010

And it's homeward bound ...

... phew!

6th March - A marathon of a holiday but a totally wonderful experience! Brilliant company, loads of laughs and beautiful people ... in the main. We did mix with people I wouldn't give you tuppence for if I were to meet them in 'normal' life. Those who thought they were above everybody else and really needed to learn some manners but then there were some really nice, decent people and completely down to earth. Normal people who didn't allow their wealth to affect them.

When we left Beho Beho, Jackie and I were paid a compliment I will never forget. I was told that we were a breath of fresh air. That we came without expectations and had shown our enjoyment and appreciation of everything that we'd seen and done. That we'd treated the staff as equals and, as such, had got the best out of them and that we would be welcome back, at any time, with open arms! Just got to save a lot then - *lol* That's the problem with high-end holidays ... they ain't cheap (unless you know somebody who knows a man ...  mind you, still not cheap ... just cheaper *hehe*)

Anyways ... early up.  Due to leave Fundu at around 8:30am. Breakfast with Matt and Anie and a few monkeys who came to wave us off. Just as well nobody else breakfasting. Monkey playing in roof - decided to deposit ... onto a table below him! How we laughed but sure some guests would have complained - as if management had control over the wildlife *LOL*

Gathered in reception to a farewell committee. William (barman), Liz (restaurant manager), Casey, Rusty (fishing skipper), Martie and, of course, Matt and Anie ... On way to jetty bar I noticed a couple of the new Masai hovering. Matt and Anie had arranged for them to be there. I noticed them, Jackie didn't, so just as well I took photos - *LOL*.

Normally departing guests are escorted by Matt, or a senior member of staff, to end of jetty to board little boat that takes them to Mkoani. Martie suggested, as tide high enough, boat should come to us and it was called to come to jetty bar steps.  Boarded and off we set ... with everybody waving us off. Have to say, a few tears were shed that morning!

Morning flight from Pemba, expected to arrive in Dar, via Zanzibar, around mid-day.  Arrived Pemba airport only to be charged $50 excess baggage.  Explained hadn't paid it coming but was easier handing it over.  Arrived in Zanzibar and greeted with a $50 refund - ???  Explain that one!  Government dignitaries following us around on our travels?  This time flight held back to allow the Vice-President to fly out....  No further delays and less than half hour later we landed at Dar Domestic and transferred to Dar International by a very, very nice man who took us right through the very small airport so we wouldn't get lost ... or was that to earn the tip he was given -*lol!!* 

Flight to Dubai not until 5:20pm - time to eat and shop a little (a very little - not many shops -*lol*!) after we'd waited for check-in to open!  Think somebody was moving country by the loaded trolleys.  Family of 4, about 13 trolleys of luggage - cases, boxes and anything else you could name.  Male left female and the 2 children to deal with it while he spent all his time on phone ... typical!  Jackie joked, hoped they weren't near us on plane .... how about seat in front *LOL*?  Have to say though, our worries were unfounded and we hardly knew they were there ... which is more can be said of Jackie who decided that she'd try reading my airline mag, over my shoulder, instead of getting hers out!

Excellent flights throughout (good one Emirates!) and no real delays.  Landed at Gatwick on time but into the cold.  Bit of a shock arriving back to -4c when we'd been basking in 40c and especially as we were still wearing our flipflops. Quick change and wrap up required before we left airport - bbbbrrrrrrrrrr *lol*

Wonderful holiday and so grateful to be given the opportunity of having it ... bring on the next one! Oh, that'll be June then - *hehe*!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. i found it easier to read from afar ! lol.... omg... I so want to be back there. !!! Thank you so m uch for all your photos, story telling, laughs and.... most of all your company on hols. It was a fabby holiday.... one to be remembered... and yeah.. we ARE a breath of fresh air ! lOL (well someone thinks so !) lol xx


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Pam xxx