
Tuesday 13 April 2010

Fundu Lagoon - Days 12 & 13 ...

4th March - luxury, luxury and more luxury!

Our penultimate day and definitely a day of chillaxing and pampering. Making the most of our new room, breakfast by room service - how spoilt were we? Message sent to say we'd got to be at spa for 1pm. No other clues given. An hour lounging on beach while housekeeping housekept then plunge pool 'til time for spa.  Low tide was getting later and not as low so there were fewer Mama's going out to cockle pick and they were getting a lot later going.  When we first saw them they were already out picking before we had breakfast.  Now it was getting on for lunch time before they started to go!  Not many days left before they wouldn't be going at all.

1pm - heaven had arrived - facial, manicure and pedicure! 2 hours of sheer pamper followed by late lunch and back to plunge pool to read until tide high enough to go for a dip! We had a visitor attempt to enter at the spa. Tap-tap-tap coming from window and there it was. A mangrove kingfisher, perched on back of chair, tapping to come in. So pretty but it wasn't invited *LOL*

Today was rounded off with our final BBQ :0{

5th March - and a day to make the most of!

Our last day - and a lovely one. Unfortunately didn't go quite as we'd hoped and, for me, a bit of an anti-climax, but was still really enjoyable if not quite what was initially expected - *lol*

Morning started well. Jackie went for morning dive off Misali with Filbert (Philbert? not sure of spelling). Note how few our boat trips had been this week - Monday, then nothing, except this one for Jackie! I had breakfast alone in room, planning on really chilling and spending morning in plunge pool once housekeeping had been - except, they were late and Jackie was back before had chance to plunge! In meantime I chilled on beach trying to get close up photos of Mama's on way to cockle pick. Got some lovely close, face fronting shots then ..... went and deleted 'em by mistake *doh*! Wouldn't get the same opportunity again!  Local lads were off  'somewhere' and were full of curiosity - *bless*.

Lunch at pool bar with Matt and Anie (who were both suffering a tummy bug and had been for a few days).

Plan had been for sundowners in room, local Mama doing henna tattoos, Liz dressing to show us her Masai finery followed by a private dinner for us, Matt, Anie and Liz but ... lunchtime it changed. Henna lady and Liz dressing up to come earlier so that we could do the sundowner cruise in Mama Cass, the resort dhow. Still a private dinner but on the beach instead. Trouble was, nobody told henna lady ... or Liz so - Mama Cass left without us :0(

Still, dinner was excellent (although no Liz and Matt and Anie still not well). Lobster (or rather, langoustine), giant prawns, fish kebabs ... all superb!

We finished the evening with farewell drinks and a nightcap at the bar. Jackie threw me out when everyone else had disappeared ... so she could spend 'quality time' with William (purely platonic, of course) *giggle* She wasn't keen on walking along beach, on own, in dark but ... I could *hehe*!

Had to prepare for early start next day ... homeward bound!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. oi... it so was platonic... SADLY !!! and I scared of dark !! and crabs and beasties.. and such like and anyways, he a gentleman ! lol x have thoroughly enjoyed re living and reading your blog Pam, thank you so much hun, for EVERYTHING.. ROLL ON BALI !!!


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Pam xxx