
Monday 14 June 2010

Must be feeling ...

   ... better, or at least improved, 'cos I'm up for doing things ... including updating blog. Need to continue work on my holiday slideshow stuff but priority is sorting my craft bits which came to a halt when I became ill. I'd been making big advances on that as well. That's big compared with what I had been doing - *LOL* Have to say it's not all my craft bits as it's not my 'craft room' I'm working on but a corner of the study as a temporary crafty base. I spent some time working on it on Saturday and I think, what I'd planned on doing, is nearly done. Once done I need to pack up living room as we want to have it decorated this year.
I used to do the decorating but health won't allow me to now so Philip, eldest son, was in line for doing it as he was out of work. He'd given up the job he'd had for 15 years when he moved away as it wasn't cost effective to keep up the travelling on what he earnt. Anyway, my recent illness sort of put an end to that idea ... perhaps ... as he's found himself another job and starts it when I come back from my break in Spain. I don't have time now, to prepare before I go, so may have to pay a stranger to do it. Discussion with son needed because, as his job is only part-time, he may be able to fit it in ...before he starts at college in September on a mechanics course, which will take up the remainder of his spare time. He's pretty much a mechanic anyway but he's self taught so nobody will take him on without official qualification.  Hence going to college - to get qualified! They've allowed him to skip a level.  He was hoping to skip 2 and just do the final level but they won't go along with that.  He's got to do all but the most basic one. Tutor has told him he'll probably be teaching him to suck eggs but it's a necessary evil to get the qualification. He's been advised to just sit, glaze over and 'go with the flow' *grin*
Anyway, now's an ideal time to update blog.   Nowt on TV except boring football (soccer) for a month! World Cup in South Africa so every other TV programme is a football match! Fine if you like footie but not everybody in the UK likes it and those of us that don't aren't really catered for at all with programming. If it's not footie it's F1 (which I don't mind) and of course, round the corner ..... Wimbledon. I used to love watching that but even that has become boring. Showing my age but, give me the 'characters' of years ago. McEnroe, Connors, Nastase etc etc. The era of the player that could play all court tennis and relied more on skill and speed around the court than power but also showed their passion, and frustrations *lol*,  for the game .... and the women didn't feel the need to make those horrendous noises every time they hit the ball! Anyways ...

More catch up ...
On the Wednesday following the weekend of the Deans Festival and the craft show in Worthing, I had a day crafty playing with Greta and Kim, with Greta being the hostess. We made a couple of cards, stamped a few images, had a lovely lunch which included some of Greta's wonderful homemade soup and generally had a lovely day.  Details of makings will, eventually, make it onto the Bits blog! *LOL*

Unfortunately, just that following weekend I started to feel ill and that was the start of what ended up being diagnosed as pleurisy!

The weather had been generally good. It was certainly good enough to give my lilac bush one of it's best shows of bloom I've ever had, especially since it was cut right back to the ground just about 4 years ago.  Now there's not a bloom left on it - well, not like this 'cos they're now all brown and going to seed!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx