
Tuesday 15 June 2010

Target met ...

... well, near as! It's taken an age, especially as it's been interrupted and nothing's been done for the past 4 weeks but ........... I've finally got my little corner in the study cleared and organised so I can craft in there! Not a big space and it's a temporary measure but it's somewhere I've not had before. It's temporary because I've got a whole room upstairs that is still a work in progress although the work stopped months (could be 18) ago as 'life' has got in the way and also, a returning child who has left again but not taken all his belongings with him! I'm sure this room will come to fruition at some point but it's nearly 5 years ago since I started on it - ooops! Although my little corner isn't totally organised in the way I'd really like, it will happen as I start to use it - I'm just so pleased to have some clear desk space and some storage! Now it's a proper tidy and clean time and the study will be back in full commission and I can turn my attention to packing up the lounge ready for decorating! But ... not until I've had my week away in the sun - *lol*
OK, more catchup! ...
A few days after my meet up with Greta and Kim I started to feel ill.  Couldn't say exactly how I felt but it certainly wasn't well.  Then we had notification from my second home - the imag-e-nation craft forum - that it was closing at the end of May.  There were many that were truly disappointed with that news, no less me.  Many of us have become friends through this forum and not just cyber friendships.  Over the years there have been meetings arranged and we've become friends in 'real' life.  Some of us have holidayed together. my 3 weeks in Tanzania earlier this year was with a friend I made through this forum.  The week in Spain is with friends I've made through this forum.  The long weekend at Appleby Magna last year - and being repeated in September, but for a day longer - is with friends made through this forum.  The first 'national' meet was back in 2006 in Manchester and was the start of my wanderings.  It was the first time I'd driven such a long distance and the first time I'd driven on a motorway - and a story to tell about silly satnav - or should that be silly Pam?  Now try stopping me!

We've had loads of fun on the forum with all sorts of topics covered from axe murderers to fluggy goats (don't ask!).  We've had lots of sadness as well when we've lost close and loved ones or been going through bad times of one sort or another.  There's always been massive support and comfort offered.  There's also been a few upsets along the way but isn't that normal with lots of people and different personalities?  No different to any family really but most people are adult enough to accept that we are all different, will not always agree, clear the air and move on. Unfortunately, some aren't!  Anyway, we were told this forum would close at the end of the month but might not disappear completely until 6th June at the latest.  To date, it's still there but it's barely being used because ......... we've a new forum!  One of the members, Senorita Lynn (yep, one of our Spanish dwelling ladies who some of us are visiting next week - well, we've hired a villa actually - lol!) started a new forum,  Crafters Reunited and .... we've moved over and continuing as if nothing has happened!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. missed your postings glad to see your up and running again well maybe not running but here lol hugs Pam x


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Pam xxx