
Friday 21 January 2011

First of 2011 ...

... post, that is ... and a Happy New Year to everyone!  Hope you all had a great Christmas.

I've just done my 'good morning' post on the forum I belong to .... Crafters Reunited ... and realised that it was a snippet that I could have posted on here. I post every morning on the forum and they're all posts that could just as easily be made on here, rather than posting nothing here at all so, from today I'm going to do exactly that. It may encourage me to embellish the blog a bit more so some days there's likely to be more than others. Today's post goes like this ....

"Good morning from a cold south coast. Not sure if Jack's been around or not 'cos not looked as I was taken with the moon this morning. Thought of getting camera out but didn't! Too early to say what the weather is likely to be for rest of day but it's dry, if nothing else! Hubby had his CT scan yesterday afternoon and today he's off to hossie for the 2nd op on his left thumb joint. Hopefully this one will put the problems right and give him some grip as well as reducing the pain he has. Think I'll be back on cooking duties - those that have to be done and not those I've been doing because I wanted to :0(

Damnation! Just realised it'll involve the washing up as well ....

I'm off to Jennie's for a playday with her, Debs and Elaine and I'm picking Cally up on the way. Having an evening with youngest son, dil and the littlies (well, until they go to bed). Looking forward to that.

Year book is progressing but have ideas to improve it. Unfortunately it'll mean starting again *grin*"

There endeth the morning post but I've just realised that even that needs a bit of embellishment to explain what the heck I'm on about *LOL* See, it may start me blogging again and if I do I've a lot to catch up on!
Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx