
Saturday 22 January 2011

A Saturday ...

... good morning from a bright, but very cold south coast! Sun is shining but there's a bitterly cold wind. Had a lovely day yesterday playing at Jennie's and then followed with a fish and chip supper with youngest and his family. He even chauffeured me so I was able to partake of a few glasses of wine! Think I had as many last night as I had over the whole Christmas/New Year period - lol! Hubby had his op and now has his left hand/arm in plaster for the next 5 weeks so guess we're on the 9 month recovery programme he was on after the op last year. It's an age to know if something has worked or not, although he will get some indication before that.

Today I'm planning on sorting a bit more of my crafty corner out but only after I've put a beautiful bunch of flowers into a nice vase and photographed them. The girls yesterday presented me with them for my birthday (next weekend). A lovely and much appreciated surprise. Thank you, Jennie, Cally, Elaine, Debs and Kim who, even though she couldn't make it, contributed.

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx