
Wednesday 16 February 2011

Not doing ...

... very well, despite all the good intentions!  6 days since I last blogged.  Guess there's not been a lot going on in those 6 days worth recording :o(

There's been 2 birthdays ... or there would have been 2 but as it is there was only one.  Daughter-in-law had hers on Sunday and I was called in for baby-sitting duties so that youngest son could take her out for the evening.  It's so easy babysitting the littlies in the evenings as they have really sensible (read 'early') bedtimes compared with a lot nowadays.  I arrived at 6pm to the sight of little 5 year old Amy's rear end at the top of the stairs on her way to bed. Little Zac (2 years old) had already been in his bed for half an hour and was well on his way to the land of nod. Em's, being the grand old age of 9 (those were the days!) had an hour to go before she had to be in bed. Mummy & Daddy left at 6:30 and Ems and I settled to watch a bit of 'Dancing on Ice'.  Naughty Nana Pam decided, as she was being so good, that she could stay up for an extra half an hour. Turned out to be just as well 'cos silly Sky box decided to play up and we lost nearly a whole 10 minutes trying to get TV up and running again.  Neither of us had much of an idea as to what had gone wrong but she had more than I did as I don't have it at home.  Anyways, between us we got it sorted out.  Once she'd gone to bed I didn't hear another peep from any of 'em!

The birthday that wasn't?  Mum's!  She would have been 82 on the 11th.  Can't believe it's nearly 3 years since she passed.

Weather has been a bit mixed but mainly damp, dull, wet and miserable.  There has been one reasonable day since I last blogged and I was going to go for another walk but eldest grandson paid a visit with his girlfriend.  It's a rare occurence nowadays ... getting older and developing a life as an adult (scarey!) ... so any chance to spend a bit of time with him is welcome.

Yesterday I collected, and delivered, Dad's hearing aid - fully repaired and working.  Wonder how long it'll be before it's back in to be repaired.  Hopefully it won't need to go in again for a good while but ... not gonna hold me breath - *lol*

The rest of the time, when I've not been doing the horrible housewifely stuff?  I made a couple of cards at the weekend - one for a birthday today (future step-granddaughter's) and one for the grumpy old man, whose birthday is next week, which I've entered into a challenge.  I'm also well on the way to completing the year book I started.  It's getting boring now though and it's pretty basic.  Trying to do a whole year with a prog you've only just installed and have no idea what could be done with it, is not the wisest move.  Will be investigating it in more depth to make the next year book a bit more adventurous .... or rather, interesting to look at *grin*

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx