
Thursday 10 February 2011

That didn't work ...

... work either!  I was up early.  Hubby wasn't!  Just as I was ready to go do the domesticated type stuff so he decides to go and sit right where I wanted to be .... in the study/crafty area ... to read his 'newspaper'.  Reason?  He no longer has a physical paper but reads it online and where's his 'newspaper'?  On the internet via his PC in the study!  Big wheelchair, small study, no room for me to move around to do the domesticated type stuff in there.  By the time I'd waited for him to finish, best part of the day had gone and I no longer had the mojo to go do it.  Did do some paper clearing that had been building up so guess something's been done but if I'd realised he was going to be so long reading his paper then I'd have started something else.  Don't yer just luv 'em?  Told him that tomorrow he can wait to read his paper until I've done a certain amount.  He says he'll make the bacon sandwiches - *lol!*

Weather, since Tuesday has been horrible.  Wet, miserable, misty and very depressing.  Forecast isn't for much better for a while either.  Although days like Tuesday tell us that Spring is on it's way I guess we've got to remember that we're still actually in Winter.

I've booked a few workshops at the Glitterpot for March and April so that's something to look forward to, even if the new venue for the store isn't!  The middle of a town's industrial estate doesn't quite have the same ambience of the farm, in the middle of the country but, the tutors are the same, the workshop attendees are the same - as are the goodies in the shop.  The workshop has more room although we're still crammed round the same tables so rather defeats the object in some ways but there is more 'moving around' room. No more sitting on the patio for lunch on nice days but there's a room with sofas in - although not enough seats if workshop is full and we all want to eat as soon as we break for lunch - *lol!*

I've been playing with a scrapbooking program I've recently acquired.  I've started working on making up pages for the year book I want to do for last year.  Got to say, I'm doing my own thing as I don't have time to play properly.  I'm making my own backgrounds from photos and them just playing with laying out photos and text.  Nothing fancy, no embellishments but not quite so austere as the African photobook although I love that one and the fact that there are no distractions from it's content.  However, my plan, once these pages are done and I can find some 'quality' time, is to find out exactly how this digital scrapbooking stuff actually works - *grin*!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing, seriously. Your rambles are so funny (: Wurstyy x


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Pam xxx