
Tuesday 22 March 2011

More from last ...

... Wednesday but not before I vent!  I'm so cross with myself.  Stupidly so really 'cos it's not something I have much control over.  It took me nearly all day yesterday, on and off, to clear, sort and clean 2 pretty normal sized kitchen cupboards.  Why am I annoyed?  Because it's a job that used to take no more than an hour!  Heaven knows how long it's gonna take to do the rest of the kitchen but I have to do it in stages.  Anyway, insides done now it's on to the outsides ....

On the plus side, I've been getting feedback on my stamp storage *grin*  Not asked for but offered .... in a way.  If  "you're PeeJay, aren't you?  You've cost me loads of money" counts?  Seems some of the ladies that I see at the Glitterpot have been reading my blog.  One bought some of the multi-media cases (is having to buy more as well) and organised her stamps and had so much space left from doing so that she went out and bought another desk *LOL*   Another lady came and said something similar but she hadn't been and bought a desk ... just 100 of the multi-media cases, has gained space and can now find her stamps easily.  So glad that I've managed to help some people and it's good to get feedback.  Got to say though, the idea wasn't entirely mine.  I'm sure I've seen it on my 'travels' somewhere but I've put my own slant on it.

Anyway, on to another couple of projects from the day with Debs ....

Forever Friends
Decoupage enlarged and printed from a CD and mats cut with Nesties Grand Labels on a Grand Calibur.

Necklace (worn in a previous post)
Made using Metallic Mesh Ribbon.  Really strange stuff.  It's quite wide when you get it but you have to run it through your fingers several times to stretch it and from there you can start to play with it.  Not only can you use it for jewellery but you can also make bows, butterflies, flowers and all sorts with it, just by pulling, shaping, stretching and ... if you don't like what you've done just run it back through your fingers and start again.

It's Dad visit day today.  Wonder if he's any better with his hearing aids this week.  I do hope so otherwise this could become a major problem if he doesn't get back into using them as he's done for years.  I'm taking him some of my baking this week.  He's had my soup when I've made it (note to self -  make more!) so thought I'd take him some cake.  He's got a very sweet tooth so I'm sure it will be welcomed more than the soup was - *LOL*  Was also wondering when my brother is likely to visit him again.  He's not been near since a week before Christmas.  Sooo difficult to call regularly when you live all of 20 miles away!  I despair of him sometimes.  I shall be asking him to call while I'm away but pointing out that it's really not necessary if he's not going to call until the day before I come home - like he did last year!

We've been having some glorious weather of late and I truly think that Spring is well on it's way ... well, it should be as it was officially the first day of Spring yesterday - lol!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx