
Friday 8 April 2011

3 years ago today ...

... we lost Mum.  Sometimes it seems like yesterday, other times it seems such a long time ago.  Every time I go to Dad's I think of her.  I take the same route to Dad's that I took that last night when I was rung to say she hadn't long left.  I remember driving down the road, with the hospital building in sight, asking her to hang on.  She didn't.  She must have passed as I was parking the car.  I drive that same road and have that same view every week.  I remember that last few minutes as if they were yesterday.  I remember that it was the first time I was going to have a night off from sitting by her bedside.  I'd only left her an hour before the phone call came.  I think it was purposeful. I think she knew and she decided to spare me.  Did she?  I don't know but I don't think so.  I'd been there for her over all the years.  I was the one she called on in her hours of need.  I was also the one she didn't want to be a nuisance to but managed to be more of one in trying not to be.  I was the one that ultimately made the decision for the DNR on her notes although it would have been useless even if tried.  I wanted to be there for her at the very end and I wasn't. There are happy memories too, from times gone by, and I think of them and they make me smile.  Time does make it easier.

On a lighter note - I managed to get around to trying on my clothes purchases made at the beginning of the week and ........ yay!  I have clothes suitable for the wedding in Bali.  In fact, I have a small choice now so all is good and I can concentrate on the rest of the wardrobe to take - and make sure the hand luggage comes within size allowed.  3 weeks tomorrow and we'll be on the plane - just an hour away from landing in Doha and a 2 hour wait for our next plane - assuming, and hoping, there is no delay from this end :0)

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. It's the other way round, for me.....lost my lovely Dad, very suddenly, last July, but have to drive past the cemetery every day, on the way to see Mam. Still raw, but at least I was with him when it happened. Hope you start having easier days, soon....chin up, sweetie!


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Pam xxx