
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Felt weary ...

... today.  No idea why and, although I'd planned on doing things I haven't!  Paul has somehow picked up a bug of some sort.  No sign of it before I went out last night but when I got home he was hacking away and complaining of a bad throat.  This morning he could barely talk and it's fair knocked him out all day.  Now I'm feeling a bit 'spacey' and I'm so hoping that I'm not going down with whatever it is.  Mind you, if I've got to have it I'd rather now and get it over with before the end of the month.

I have a Facebook account and one of my 'likes' is the company I had my year book printed by.  They posted this morning about how to share a photo book on-line. Well, having already done it with the year book I thought I'd tell them that I had another book that was printed before they gave the sharing option and asked if it was possible to be able to share that as well or if it was only available for books printed/purchased since they introduced the option.  They replied straight away and said that if I sent them the order reference they would sort it out for me.  Well, good customer service or what? Within ½ an hour I had an email telling me that I could now share that book. The only fault I have with it - well, a couple really - the on-line version has the photos slightly distorted (tall and skinny) to what they actually are in the book and the photos I have on the lappy. This is also the case with the on-line version of my Year Book. Anyways, thought ... nothing ventured, so I mentioned this to them.  They agree that they are distorted compared to my file in their records so they are passing that over to the techie side to look into.  I can't be the only person that has the same problem.  The other problem was the on screen size not being very large, even full screen.  I asked if that could be enlarged slightly but apparently their software won't allow that but they gave a suggestion to help solve that problem to a degree.  Before you open to full screen, right click and 'zoom in'.  Once zoomed in you can pan around to see more detail and it will be even larger if you then select Full Screen.  I've tried it and it does work but the larger the picture the more pixellated it is however .... it is a solution, if not a perfect one - *lol!*  Not sure if to make this one again in Photobox just to share on-line but in the meantime ......

Back in June 2010 several of us that met via the old imag-e-nation forum, have become friends and meet when we can, took a trip . . . . . to Spain - for a week.  A couple actually live in Spain so they hired a villa in their locality which would accommodate 11 of us and 'Oceans 11' came together.  Sadly, 3 couldn't make it for one reason or another so we became 'Oceans 8'.  5 of us flew from Gatwick and 1 from Newcastle.  Unfortunately the weekend we flew the French air traffic controllers decided on industrial action which had a bad delaying effect on the flights. 2 hours after our flight should have left we were called to board.  All on board, doors shut, plane pulled off stand and then the Captain spoke.  We were delayed but he wanted the plane loaded and ready to go so that if a slot came free he could tell them he was ready.  3 hours later we took off.  Total of a 5 hour delay and 3 of those sitting on the tarmac waiting for a slot to become free.  We were delayed so long we got free refreshments except, by the time we got ours (in middle of plane) we were having to stow ready for landing at Murcia airport - *lol*  Poor Lynn and Nita, who were meeting us at the airport to take us to villa, had prepared a meal and had been keeping updated on progress via t'internet. We ate our meal around 10:30pm and waited for Susan who was due to be some while later than us in any case, due to the original time of her flight. She was also late arriving but her delay had not been quite as long as ours (and not spent on the tarmac *lol*) so she wasn't too far behind us. We all arrived safely, eventually. Later than planned but safe we were and the week that followed was full of fun, a lot of laughter, a bit of crafting and loadsa good memories. Plenty of photos taken and the photobook I couldn't share ... until today ... is my record of that week *grin*

OCEAN'S 8 ~ SPAIN ~ 2010

Just as a point of interest - the first page arial shot showing the coast, is showing Brighton's Palace Pier, Marina and my home 'village' just outside of Brighton.  The black aeriel coming from the plane's wing is pointing exactly at my village ....

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Loved the photo book Pam, it brought back great memories - shall we do it again next year?

  2. Fantastic photo book Pam and as Lynn said brought back some good memories.

  3. Brilliant photos Pam, brings it all back, such a wonderful time with great company.
    Yes please Lynn


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx