
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Another project ...

... from Greta's playday.  This time it's Kim's contribution.  She got us making a card with punch art fishes and ain't they cute?  We had a choice as to how we finished this card.  We could have torn paper to create a wave effect or a stamp from Stampin' Up's Curvy Verses.  I chose the stamp but felt it needed a bit more to give a wave effect so decided to ruffle some pale blue ribbon that Greta had. The fish were made with a variety of SU punches, ornament, heart, blossom and bird wing - and also a couple of googly eyes *lol*. 

Loved the card when put together but felt it lacked something so Sunday I got out my chalks and chalked pale blue around the edges of the card.  I then went a little further and added some chalk to both fish to give a bit more depth to them.  Very discreet and barely noticeable but it has made a difference.  I also added a button with some twine tied and frayed to suggest coral, seaweed or even a creature ... it's up to you - *LOL*.  Because I added the button I'm entering it into the forum's April inspirational challenge.  I think the card would make a lovely anniversary or engagement card.

Dad day today.  He'd 'lost' an hearing aid.  Shouted at me, before I'd even shut the front door *sigh*  Told me he'd dropped it this morning and couldn't find it.  Showed me where he dropped it so it was pretty obvious it was in his chair somewhere - and it was :0)  Then we started on the TV again.  How to switch it on and off.  Becoming a regular weekly 'go through' this is but he seems to manage well enough throughout the week.  Tells me he's lost a lot 'up here', pointing to his head.  I had to pay a visit to the office today to leave them some more money for his shopping and general expenses.  Hopefully I've left enough to cover 'til I'm back from my holiday.  They tell me they've referred him back to the OTs again as the morning carers are concerned about his mobility and he won't use the wheeled commode chair.  Not sure what referring him back to the OT will produce, especially as he only saw the last one a couple of weeks ago.  Do they think that a different one can force him to use something he flatly refuses to use?  Told the office that it's a waste of time as there's not really anything more can be done re his mobility.  He wants to walk when in the flat and, if we're honest, it's what he should be doing all the while he can.  Last OT told him it was fine to walk if he could, so he does! Only one more visit to go before I'm off to Bali.  Is it wrong to be relieved to be having a break from these visits?  

Anyway, time's fast running away and there's lots to do before the END OF NEXT WEEK .... eeeeek!  Now I'm feeling I've left everything to the last minute but, if truth be told, I really only have my packing to do.  Just seems as though I've loads to do but that could be because we're full of Bank Holidays now, what with Easter, the much hyped (and waste of money) royal wedding, there's not much normal time left to do things like shopping so that I know Paul can eat while I'm away and some of that dreaded 'h' word so that he doesn't have to worry too much.  True, he's having the screw out of his hand while I'm away and, hopefully, things will be easier for him but we've got to allow for the fact that it may still be a while before it is.  Mind you, last year he had a great big plaster up his arm - and managed - while I was in Tanzania so not sure why I'm worrying so much this year.  I'm only away for a couple of weeks instead of 3 as well.  Be home before I've got used to being away *hehe*  Grand-daughter reminded me yesterday how quickly it will all be over.  She's off to Spain for a couple of weeks the day after I get home and she Facebooked that 4 weeks and 1 day and she would be in Spain - which means that I shall have been back home a day! :0(

Weather - the hottest day of the year today and hotter than some of the Med hotspots!  Gotta love this weather but it's about 10ºC above average.  How long can it last?

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. I love your card, the fish are so cute.....great idea using the ribbon.
    As for your I don`t think it is wrong to be relieved to want a break from visiting. It can be very trying for family when visiting elderly relatives who are becoming confused and keep on about the same thing all the time.
    I am sure you feel drained when you leave and feel glad the visit is over, even though he is your Dad.
    You go and enjoy your holiday and recharge your batteries, hope you have a wonderful time, look forward to seeing all the photos. Hope all goes well with the screw removal for Paul too.

    JackieP xx


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Pam xxx