
Wednesday 20 April 2011

Boy, it's hot, hot ...

... HOT!!!  Yesterday was hot but it's been even hotter today - or seemed it was to me.  Eldest son and his partner's youngest came today and, while he was here, he put together a lovely toy for me.  It's been residing, in it's box, in the shed for over a year but it's now usable - and use it I certainly will!

Kieran and Chloe, the eldest grandchildren arrived as well, so we had quite a family gathering.  Kieran brought his girlfriend and her little boy.  Scary and, not wanting to go there but, he could potentially be a step GREAT grandchild!  As I say, I do NOT want to go there - not yet, anyway :0{  I'm not old enough to be a great grandparent - pleeeeease!  Didn't think to get camera out while they were all here. Stupid 'cos photo opportunities with any of them are few and far between and now I regret not putting brain into gear and getting camera out as there might not be another opportunity for months.  Getting too many senior moments recently with brain not working until it's too late :0(

Final bit of shopping for holiday done and dusted.  Tried on another dress I'd seen last week and, although I loved the colour and it was pure silk, the fit was atrocious.  Bagged under the arms and over the bust.  Empire line dress but a smaller size wouldn't have fitted under the bust.  Really disappointed but it's saved me £100 *grin*

Here's the last project from Greta's playday and it was my offering.  This one was very much a fly by the pants project.  I'd bought ordered (Paul paid for it as part of my Christmas present) the die at a very, very good price but had never used it.  I cut all the elements needed and it was a 'follow the directions' make for us all for the first time.  Think we all discovered where we could improve if ever made again but strangely, although I took the die with me, nobody rushed to cut the parts needed to make another - *LOL*  The die used is a Sizzix Bigz XL called Pop Up Snowman (I think).  I used it with my CuttleBug using extended plates but they aren't totally necessary as you have to be quite selective with cutting the pieces.  There are some elements that you need more than one of but there's only one on the die.  I don't actually dislike it and may make more, especially now I know where it could be improved.  I finished the card at home on Sunday ...

 I entered this one into the forum's April inspirational challenge as well ... to include a button.

Thanks for dropping by ....

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Pam xxx