
Friday 27 May 2011

It's a guy thing ...

 ... over here it would be more the women.  The preparations for the wedding day ... 3rd May 2011

 WARNING - photo heavy again :0) ... click for larger image.

In Indonesia, or at least, Bali, it seems it's the men that do what is (very wrongly in my opinion) considered 'women's work' here in the UK.  It is men that do the housekeeping, cleaning the rooms, tidying up and general domestics - at least in hospitality - as well as the cooking.  It was even men setting up the wedding venue.  The only female we saw the whole day, apart from waitresses and the manicurists, was the wedding planner. 

Breakfast entertainment.

Even some of the locals decided to protect themselves from the sun!

Large plants = shade.

Nearly done!
View from master suite towards the bale.


Table with black chairs in background was the kiddies table.  They ate separately, and earlier, from the adults.

This made me giggle.  Discarded shoes from the morning, all lined up tidily by the staff, and that's how they stayed all day :0)

Lighting being delivered for the dining area which became the dance floor, quartet stage and disco, in the evening.

... and being installed.

Ladies, and gents, in waiting.  
Gents in waiting for Matt, the groom, so they could disappear out to lunch at Echo Beach to return in time to get themselves ready.

Ladies waiting for the hair and make-up artistes to arrive ..... they were late!
All in lounge area in front of the master suite

Ladies being prepared - well, Jackie, me, Stacy (J's youngest daughter) and grand-daughter Ruby, having her toenails painted with sparkles - bless!
I had a wonderful manicure and pedicure which took nearly 2 hours.  Nobody else had time to have the full set so guess I was lucky but I had a shortened make-up session.  Think I got the best deal - *LOL*

Apart from the manicurists all the hair and make-up artistes were male - and yes, it took us a while but ... this is a male.  
He did my hair and make-up as well.  
So not me, with false eyelashes ... the works (first time ever for those) but he was so nice although couldn't speak English so a lot of sign language went on - bless!  Our little he/she.  Would love his figure - although not the flat chest!  Saw him a couple of days later in town with his hair down and ,I've got to say, he is very attractive.

Jackie (mother of groom), having toenails painted but make-up and hair complete apart from flowery finishing touch.

That's it for today.  The main event (or one of them) will follow.

I'm still having problems getting my butt moving to get things done.  I honestly can't understand why I'm still feeling so lethargic.  Paul thinks I may be 'low' but there's no reason now why I should be.  Voice keeps breaking, which I'm putting down to the last remnants of my cold, but I actually feel fine apart from the tiredness.  It can't still be jet lag after this length of time.  I refuse to believe that.  I had all good intentions of doing some domestic work yesterday and did I?  Nope!  Lappy has started playing up and it crashed, refusing to open up properly the night before so I did spend some time playing with it to get it working again.  Seems to have worked for now but it's become prone to switching itself off.  Think it may need a service and clean as it gives the impression of switching off due to overheating when I'm uploading or downloading bits.  Best get it looked at properly methinks, before I really risk losing the 1000s of files I've got on it.  I do back up but haven't done so for a while.  Need a new external or to collect the one my youngest has got of mine :0)  New one sounds good - 1tb or more *grin*

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Fab pics again Pam. How lovely to be pampered like that.

  2. Fantastic pics Pam, all that pampering too ..........lucky you. Love the tables and chairs pic, looks
    gorgeous. It certainly looks a beautiful place for a wedding.

    Jackiep xx

  3. Lovely pics again Pam and I have to say the setting looked just perfect for a wedding. I suppose it's what every bride dreams of. I'd have loved the manicure/pedicure myself rather than the make-up. Hope you get your energy levels back soon, I know that feeling. Maybe you need a break to get over your holiday...Oh that's right, you've got one coming up pretty

    Trace xxx

  4. So many lovely pics again tfs:O) Viv xx


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Pam xxx