
Saturday 28 May 2011

The main event ...

... or the first of them anyway - *LOL*  Not sure the others would have happened without this one but who can say?  Matt and Anie's Balinese wedding blessing - or the day they are classing as their wedding day, despite the Register Office ceremony in Canterbury on 27th April.  Usual warning of the post being photo heavy but then, that's what it's all about :0)  Unfortunately the photos aren't as crisp as I'd have liked.  The bride's father was rather late in arriving and the 4pm ceremony ended up being a 6pm one.  By that time the light was fading however, it wasn't dark enough for the flash (would have been too harsh a light) but not bright enough for good crisp images without flash - well, not being a professional or having a professional camera it wasn't *sad face*

The thing I found strange was that we sat on the 'wrong' side of the bale platform.  In the UK the groom and his family and friends sit on the right facing the bridal couple and the bride's family sit on the left.  Here we were directed to the left, even though we were the groom's party, while he was on the right.  Guess it's just different traditions in different countries but it felt odd to me.

Saxophonist, who played as guests started arriving and all through the ceremony.

The magical venue, made even more so by the lighting ... as dusk fell and later.

Wedding favours were a box of pale green, silk coasters with their names embroidered on the silk covered box lid and a tulle bag of pot-pouri.  The place names were written on leaves in silver pen ....

The food was superb!  The meal was accompanied by live music which just added to the magic.

After the meal people started changing, as did the bride.  The cake was cut by the poolside to firework accompaniment and the aprés wedding party started.

It was a small but very international wedding guest list with Japanese, New Zealanders, Indonesian, Indian, English and I'm sure I noticed more nationalities.  We even had a rendition of the New Zealand Haka from Ade and a rather inebriated Matt and Anie.  Got to say this was a repeat performance as certain people, namely Jackie, missed the first one which was waaaaaaaaay better (but not video'd) however, a few more bevvies had passed between lips by the time the repeat performance happened *lol*

The evening ended with a 'pool party'.  Well, some of them anyway.  Women fully clothed, men down to underpants - oops!

and finally .... me, photographing Ruby and taken by the professional photographer before the ceremony.  There is a 'portrait' one of me as well but it's awful.  Looks as though I'm scowling when I was smiling.  

I just don't take a good photo unless it's the back of my head - *LOL*
(Oh my, more grey there than I thought - oops!)

OK, here's a self portrait, all made up and so not me!

Yesterday?  Not much change.  Paul tells me I look tired.  Perhaps I need to see the doc.  I was really late getting up as well.  Set my alarm for an earlier get up today and gonna force myself to do something.  Well, that's the plan anyway.  It's not as though I've nothing to do!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Pam all the photos are lovely & that food looks delish!! Shame there aren't more pics of you though x

  2. Greta - I've added a couple more - lol!

  3. Fabulous photos Pam. I'm really surprised at the ladies in the pool with their clothes on - I hope it wasn't those lovely wedding outfits that were getting wet?

  4. Lovely pics and the accompanying story makes them all the more enjoyable. Everything looks so peaceful and calm. That pool looked very inviting too. Get to the docs Pam, not like you to be so lethargic. Need you on full form in a few weeks...I'm trying really hard to get the energy levels up too! Was the saxophone music lovely, it's one of my favourite sounds and I've tried to learn how to play it...dismal were the words hubby

  5. Enjoyed reading your accoun d of the wedding day and pics Pam it all looked lovely and everyone looked lovely and happy too quite an experience Im sure.

  6. Oh what a glorious wedding and your photo's are superb Pam! everyone looked so glamourous too , yes you did too :O) Viv xx


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Pam xxx