
Sunday 29 May 2011

After the night ...

... before!  The morning and the days .... 

Got to say, despite it being 24+ hours from door to door nobody seemed to be suffering jet lag.  The only problem I encountered was losing one of my inhaler devices.  The device for my most long acting inhaler that I only take once a day.  Seems it fell out of my bag on the second part of the journey and I didn't notice until I went to use it just outside Bali airport after we'd arrived.  Anie tried to get me one the first day in Bali but she was told I'd need to go to the hospital to be given one and it would mean seeing a doctor first (for a hefty fee).  Even then, there was no guarantee I would get one as "it was something Europeans used, not Indonesians".  Don't they suffer from COPD?  I think they must but perhaps it's not treated in the same way, if at all.  Anyway, I made the decision to try to manage without, using my other long acting one as normal (with an odd supplementary dose) but making a lot more use of the Ventolin inhaler that I don't usually use much.  I'd taken a spare one of them so I knew I had enough to last me the holiday.  On top of that it meant just taking things a little slower than I do normally, which is just past a full stop as it is *LOL*

Anyway, the day after the wedding, 4th May .... a chill out day.  There were a few, no nearly all, that needed to recover from the night before, me and Jackie being the exceptions as we'd not over-indulged, so it was another 'rest' day.  Pool, reading, just general chilling - a repeat of our first day in the country really.  There were a few things hanging around - apart from hangovers - that perfectly illustrated the day ...

More abandoned shoes - *lol*

Anie musters the troops ...

... including Ruby! ...

 ... who also decided to help cream up Nannie *bless* ...

... so that she could 'da bomb' in the sun. Yes, really!

Some of us have more sense (or do we?)

We rounded Wednesday off with a visit to a local restaurant where we experienced the best ever BBQ spare ribs.  An huge plate load was delivered to each of us with a side serving of chips.  No way was I ever gonna eat everything they put in front of me but .... those ribs were sooooo tender and delicious the lot was devoured.

By this time we'd only seen Bali in the dark, apart from the view from the villa, however that was due to change the next day, 5th May, as it was planned to visit Sanur beach for some 'water sports' and massage.    As the saying goes .... you're never too old (or too young).  Opposite ends of the age scale.  Not sure who were the maddest *grin*

Jackie going pillion, Ruby with Uncle Matt

I got talked into going solo!  As easy as riding a bike, they said.  Can't do that either, still, I'll give it a go.

Half the time used and on my way back.  Didn't feel in proper control and pretty sure I was out of my depth should I come off .... feeling uncomfy ... now Jackie can have a go solo by taking the rest of my time *grin*  Should have held out to go pillion.

Fortunately Jackie didn't have camera.  If she had there would be another picture to add.  Me on my back in the water.  Got off of jet ski fine.  Stood in water on the soft sand, appreciating the coolness.  Wave comes in, moves sand under my feet and I loose my balance.  Result - flat on back!  Look cool Pam, I meant to do that  *LOL*

Jackie taking over.

So let's have a go at para-sailing as well *grin* ... I watched.

Despite what it looks like she landed safely on the beach.

OK.  Take off and landing on the beach.  No water involved.  I can do that :0) - I'll have a go as well, except   ...

... I end up in the water!  It only ever happens to me.  Couldn't pull the cords as directed.  Lost all strength and, no matter how hard I tried they just didn't respond - ooops!

Little Ruby, tandem, with one of the para-sailing guys

Too much excitement but at least I'd given them a go.  Probably should have tried both a few years ago, when I'd been tempted but not brave enough, before I became old, weak and mad - *rofl*  2 more off my bucket list though.  Would I do either again?  You bet I would, but not solo.  I certainly wouldn't para-sail solo again in this type of harness!  Seen set-ups more like seats, which sounds - and looks - much easier and more enjoyable.

Followed the excitement up with a full body massage in a little beach massage parlour - well, 4 of us did - and, it was heaven!

 All in all a fun day that I wouldn't have missed for the world and we actually got to see some of Bali, in daylight, on the journey to and from the beach - bonus!

Finally, I couldn't resist taking these pics.  It's the middle of the night and Jackie has decided that half the giant bed isn't enough.  2 nights running this happened.  Just as well I wasn't sleeping too well anyway - *LOL*

This was the last day based at Villa Infinity.  The following day we were off to Lombok for 6 nights - or so we thought?

Now?  I've given up trying to get butt into gear.  It's a Bank Holiday weekend so I've decided to go with the flow and listen to my body for the next few days.  Weather is rubbish anyway and has been for a few days now.  No rain to speak of (it was the driest April of 350 years and looks as though May is going to be pretty much the same for this part of the country) but it's not sunny or warm and there's been quite high winds for a while now.  I shall have a struggle on Tuesday getting Dad to a hearing check up appointment and then, after that, I'm going to really kick myself into action, no matter how I feel.  I guess there's a bonus to not feeling physically 100% .... I'm getting the blog posts done - *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. What a fabulous day you had and I just love those photos Pam. I might be tempted myself now if ever I have the opportunity to para glide.

  2. Oh Pam what a giggle you both up in the air youve got more gutts than me I stay close to the ground fabulous pics and typical Jackie taking up the bed Hehe

    Toni x

  3. Thanks for sharing your fab holiday events Pam you are braver than me to try both the para gliding and the jet ski. Hubby has COPD so can sympathise losing the inhaler... Hope you are feeling more like your self now.

  4. Fab pics once again Pam...I've done both the Jet Ski and Para Gliding (but when I was younger and braver), so know the thrill, it's great!
    Going to be calling Jackie the bed hogger from now
    Have a good weekend resting up. x

  5. Well one you on the power gliding and jet ski... more guts than me....


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx