
Monday 30 May 2011

Moving on ...

... to the next destination - or perhaps not!

6th May -
  • Flight to Lombok, the neighbouring island to Bali - 11:40am.  
  • Transport booked to leave Villa Infinity at 10:30am.  
  • Breakfast at 9am.  Ready by 10am.  Transport arrived.
  • Anie taking photos - don't worry, plenty of time.  
  • Spare luggage already taken to Matt and Anie's home.  Matt meeting us at airport.  
  • Left villa 10:30am.  Traffic very heavy.  Going was slow.  
  • 20 minutes into journey Anie gets message ... Ruby's little case found at villa.  
  • Pulled off road.  Villa staff delivering. 10 minutes they reckoned.  
  • 5 minutes later Anie decides can't wait.  Time getting on.  
  • Soon clear we're not going to make flight.  Would have been difficult even if we'd left villa at 10am!  
  • Arrive at airport around 11:45am.  
  • Anie rushes off to 'sort things out'.  We deal with luggage.  
  • 12:30pm and we're still waiting.  
  • No sign of Anie or Matt and it's hot, sticky, no air and little breeze.  
  • Nowhere to sit other than on luggage trolleys and kerb stones (where we found some breeze) 
  • Nobody was happy.  
  • Anie emerges 
  • Now booked for the 6pm flight.  
  • Loaded trolleys taken to left luggage - afternoon to kill.  
  • Then something unpleasant happened and from that point the holiday took a turn for the worse.
Jackie was singled out for an unwarranted, public, verbal attack! It came from nowhere, for no reason :0(  Worse, it was from someone who should know a lot, lot better!  I think anger/frustration was being taken out ... but on the wrong person.  Disappointing, embarrassing and so sad.
    Lunch was first on the menu and we were taken to a local, up-market(?) warung.  It was then decided that we'd go 'shopping'. Unfortunately we weren't all interested in shopping but time had to be killed and the shopping mall did have a coffee shop and, as Kuta Beach was directly behind it, there were also bars. Times were kept a close eye on and we left at 4pm to get to the airport in plenty of time for our rescheduled flight. This time the journey to the airport took less than ½ an hour (we were a lot closer *lol*). We were checked in and in the departure lounge by 5pm. Just right for a 6pm flight as boarding was going to be at .................. 18:55 ...... huh? I queried it, thinking there had been a mistake, but I was snapped at and 'ordered' to go sit down and 'just rest' until the flight was called. Flight finally called at 19:30, took off around 19:50 and we were in Lombok arrivals hall at 20:15.  

    Arrived at new hotel, the Alang-Alang Boutique Beach Hotel, around 9:30pm, after a 45-ish minute drive in the dark again - *grin*.  Rooms allocated and meal - except it didn't quite happen that way.  Suffice to say the upset continued and, although I ate that night, Jackie didn't.  We retired around midnight (meal not served until after 10:30pm) and hoped that it was just the situation of that day that had caused the upset and that things would improve.

    The following day, 7th May, became yet another 'rest' day so it was spent on sunbeds, bale/baruga, reading and watching the world go by. I went around with my camera :0)  This hotel was right on the beach front. Lovely views and beautiful grounds.


    Our room & terrace

    Bathroom open to the elements.  
    The bathroom door was locked from the room-side when room was left and, when it rained (and it did rain - storms, the lot, but only at night, fortunately) you needed a brolly to use the loo ... the loo seat got wet!
    Unfortunately we also had no hot water.  It was reported several times and each time we were told it was fine.  Then we were told we should open the sink taps as well as the shower one when we wanted a shower.  Of course, now why didn't we think of that one?  The only hot shower that we had, for our entire stay here, was by me - and the occupants in the next room were also having one at the same time *lol* 

    The bar, with outside dining area behind, swimming pool sunbeds behind that, garden ones in front.  To the left of bar is the covered dining room and the far left was the room next to ours.

    Part of the swimming pool (never got to test that)

    Non beach front rooms.

    Part of the gardens.

    Views from a sunbed.

    A beach seller.  Fortunately not too bothered by them because of where the hotel was situated but ... they weren't supposed to be there at all.  Some tried their luck - *LOL*

    Jackie, lounging and reading, on the bale/baruga.

    Some of the others, chilling!

    There was an undercurrent following the previous day but mostly it was pretty enjoyable however, dynamics had changed and a distancing was taking place.

    Anie's family, who live in the main town, Mataram, came and joined us for dinner that evening.  My meal?  2 starters, due to a misunderstanding as to what had been ordered earlier in the day. Not my misunderstanding though.  Should have listened to myself!  Couldn't manage a main course after 2 starters. There were also a few problems that arose before Anie's family arrived but that was more out of thoughtlessness, although the comments that followed certainly weren't :0(  Anyway, something to look forward to ... our very first day of proper sightseeing .... BRING - IT - ON!

    Well, it seems that I'm a loooney!  That's according to Kieran, eldest grandson.  I posted a couple of pics on Facebook yesterday, of me on the jet ski and para-sailing and that was his reaction ... and there was me thinking I was a pretty cool Nana - *ROFL* 

    Thanks for dropping by .....

    1 comment:

    1. Fantastic pics Pam but so sorry to hear of the "mishaps". Hope all os now sorted xx


    I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
    Pam xxx