
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Another day out but ...

... first - yesterday and the trip to the hearing place with Dad.  It's home visits from now on!  I just can't cope with the resistance he puts up to get him moving, even just from the car into a wheelchair.  The receptionist was worried about me - not him, he was fine - but I was really struggling for breath after the tussle to get him from car into wheelchair and pushing him the few yards needed.  I left him in a 'feeling sorry for himself' frame of mind but, if I'm honest, I didn't care.  Well, I guess I did but I'd had enough.  He'd greeted me in the usual way when I arrived - with a non-existent problem and then, on return to the flat it was all self pity about the state of his life.  Tried to explain that it didn't need to be the way it is.  He's got everything he could want, and more, on his doorstep but he chooses not to take advantage of it.  Seems there was an outing to a farm today and there's another to Ashdown Forest (although it's full now) but he doesn't read the newsletters he's given to know what's on because he won't join in.  There's a variety of things he could do on a regular basis but he chooses not to.  Hard to feel sorry for him sometimes when he won't use what's on offer!

Anyway, back to the other day out, 9th May .... To Gili Air.  The smallest of a group of 3 islands to the north of Lombok. The trip was predominantly to go diving - for those that wanted.  Some of us didn't want, or couldn't, so we were down for a glass bottom boat ride.

Woke up that morning still not feeling brilliant but, as it was going to be a chill day on a sandy beach and we were getting to see more of Lombok, I went along.

Gili Islands in the background

Leaving Lombok shores - with a little help - *bless*

L-R: Ben (best man), Matt (groom), Agus (dive master)

My plan, glass bottom boat, sunbed in the shade, Kindle, dip in and out of sea as required .... sorted!  Didn't work that way.  Ruby needed to be looked after so that Mum could go diving and I somehow managed to get the job.  Think I must have volunteered, although I don't recall doing so and there were only 3 adults not diving.  Anyway ... glass bottom boat ride.  Views of both Gili Air and Lombok from the sea, beautiful coral, colourful fish and a turtle - brilliant!

Divers on their way out.

Base Camp - *LOL*

Had a dip in the sea - with Ruby.  Divers came back, lunch, a dip on my own.  One of the divers didn't go back for the afternoon session.  I took Ruby on a 'round the island' pony and trap ride. Really enjoyable.


 Tourist trap (decorated *lol*)

When we got back Ruby's care was taken over by the non-diving diver. Kindle never came out of bag but I managed to fit in a leg and foot massage right on the beach.  The divers arrived back as massage was finishing and we were off back to the hotel.  Not the 'chilling' day I'd hoped for but then I hadn't planned on having to entertain a 4 year old, but it was a beautiful setting, none-the-less.

Agus invited us to dinner that evening.  His wife is Japanese and she served a traditional wedding dinner (or I was told it was) in celebration of Matt and Anie's marriage. 

 The rice tower was cut and served as a wedding cake would be, by the bride and groom. 

Unfortunately I was becoming sicker and I couldn't enjoy the evening as I was feeling really ill by now.  All I wanted to do was get back to the hotel, have an early night and prepare for what we'd learnt was to be our last full day on Lombok.  Jackie and I planned to go on an afternoon trip on our own - or with another couple of the group - to the Monkey Forest.  We thought we had another night but our 6 nights in Lombok had become 5 and we were to have an extra night back in Bali.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Some beautiful pics in this lot Pam and I love the ones of you and Jackie (in the boat)? Sorry you've had the expected struggle with your dad. I know the battle of wills only too well on times. The one thing my dad does is mix wellat his day centre and he does go out on trips and away for weekends...His next one is 24th June - 26th June...:)...RESULT!

  2. Great pics Pam but I do wonder .... where was Ruby's Mum ?? Hardly seems fair that you ended up looking after her. Mind you I do seem to find that parents think that is what "spare" (in the nicest possible way) people are there for !!!!! I know I have been there and got the T shirt :)
    Still - being in that lovely setting must have compensated for many many things :)


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx