
Thursday 2 June 2011

No need for as much ...

... of a warning on this one, unless you don't like creepies!  10th May and how did I spend it?  SICK!  Stayed in room, reading and sleeping.  It finally got me! Decided on a lay in and hoped to feel better for the trip to Monkey Forest but, it wasn't to be.  Jackie made an executive decision. I was too ill. Other couple were still dithering. Jackie decided to cancel it completely.  Really, really disappointed.  Not just for me but for Jackie too however, afternoon came and I felt no better.  Had to concede decision was right although I would have forced myself to go.  Time to reflect and I counted up.  9th day and we'd had 1 day of sight-seeing, 2 days of beach, 1 day of wedding and 4 killing time/travelling or 'resting' in hotel or villa.  Not quite what expected and days 9 and 10 were yet more days in hotel, killing time and travelling (oh, how I wished I wasn't ill).  

Anyway, day 9.  No breakfast, had lunch on my own - well, in the company of a rather large, although colourful, local wasp! - and back to room until dinner time.


The day pretty much passed in a haze.  When I was awake I read until I dropped off again.  I was sooo grateful for the aircon in the room and for my Kindle :0)
Later I witnessed the best sunset of the holiday to date.  

Not really hungry but, last night and 'not to be missed' seafood platter on menu.  Very large and shareable so I went along and shared.  I wasn't hungry.  Barely ate any and none of the accompanying side dishes.  My 'sharing' partner gained though.  They ate what I didn't *lol*.  Early night again for me, hoping to feel better for journey next day.

11th May and 'moving' day.  From the itinerary given before we left UK we were expecting this to be our last day and back to Bali on the 12th but the Lombok visit had been reduced by a night.  Stayed in room again for most of the morning although I did have a light breakfast and watched a member of staff harvesting some fresh coconuts from a tree in the grounds. An ingredient for lunch as it turned out.

Sometime during the morning I noticed, through the room door, local fishermen near the shore.  Out came camera and I zoomed in.  No idea what they were fishing/diving for but they were very busy for around ½ an hour.

Jackie came back at one point, having been sunbathing, rather upset.  She told me there'd been words (think screaming, banshee and other descriptive adjectives were used) with one of the family but I'd not heard or seen anything of it.

Anie had arranged a special 'festive' Lombok meal for lunch.  Although I sat with everyone for lunch,  I couldn't eat any.  

We left straight after lunch for our flight to Bali, in the worst transport we'd had since we'd been there.  2 vehicles used and the 'oldies' were allocated the worst of the 2 only we didn't realise it initially *grin*  Even if I'd been feeling well this would have made me feel ill.  Guess the transport itself was OK but the fact it's aircon wasn't working properly meant we were sitting in a bake house and Jackie and I were sitting right at the back, in the 'extra seat' area that kids normally use.  We did stop at one point and I got to sit in the front but from the aircon point of view it wasn't any better!  Certainly a relief when we got out ... and, in temperatures exceeding 30ºc that hadn't been known before - lol!  First stop in airport .... the aircon machines :0)

Flight back to Bali was slightly delayed but arrived at hotel - Karma Jimbaran, where Matt is manager - had take-away pizza and a glass of wine and Jackie and I decided on an 'early' night, especially as I was still not 100%. There had been an undercurrent, which we'd tried to ignore, since the problem at the airport on the way to Lombok but, what happened because of a decision we made that night, was unforgivable and the final straw!

Yesterday .... spent all day doing paperwork!  Still, there was a lot to catch up on as not done any since before the holiday.  Had bills to sort out for us and Dad and another holiday to get a handle on as time is coming up to the payment date on that one.  I also managed to get my Self Assessment tax return done and that's a first!  Normally I don't do it until January, a couple of weeks before deadline.  Decided I'd do it this year when I'd received all the P60s so that's what I've done and ... they owe me money again.  Not much, but owt is better than nowt.  Don't know when they'll realise that I no longer need to do SA tax returns.  Haven't had my eBay business account for about 4 years now so can't be classed as self-employed any more, even though it was never more than a hobby.  I made so much loss that they paid me back all my tax every year because of SA.  Now I'm not doing it I actually pay tax - lol!  Having said that, all the tax I've paid is via PAYE and I've overpaid so people's, check your own tax payments 'cos you never know ..... Today?  Not sure other than I've a hair and brow appointment to go to :0)
Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures Peejay! Hope you are feeling better!


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Pam xxx