
Tuesday 27 September 2011


We're all ready to go ....
Picked up shirt from M&S - too small, so it goes back when we're home. Had a lovely facial and had to take a trip to local garden centre to get the fish a slow release food block.  The fishy place in our village has closed it's doors.  Don't know when that happened but think the fishy place at the garden centre may have taken their business.  Ironical really 'cos they used to be the fishy place at the garden centre but then the florist wanted bigger floor area and they were pushed out. Now there's another fishy business taken floor space ... and sent the other one under by the seem of things.

Last of the shoebox cards but not the projects 'cos I've one I've finished but not photographed yet :0)
Chris's kit.  This one came just at the right time.  Meet on the Saturday, youngest's anniversary on the Monday.  Guess which card I gave 'em - *lol*  I loved it.

The following is not a shoebox card but one I made all on my own, out of my own head.  Jennie has moved away from the area last week (she lived in Southwater, near Horsham). She hosted several meets at her house and also arranged the Christmas meets for the southern ladies. She's now moved to the Midlands and I'm sure she'll be doing the same in that area once she's settled in.  The following card is the card I made to wish her and her hubby well in their new home. The stamp is a Stamps Away one from Clever Cut although I can't find it on their site (or any of their single stamps for that matter. The greeting is Rachel Anne Miller from Stampendous and the flowers are E-Line ones from my stash. Kept it pretty much monochromatic - coffee and cream, with a touch of gold. Bling is also from my stash. Corners of plaques were punched with Woodware reverse corner punch

Now the blog will be quiet for the next couple of weeks while I'm off sunning myself and playing 'mother of the groom'. Hopefully there will be plenty to share by way of pics on my return :0)

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Monday 26 September 2011

Phew! ...

... done! Can't believe I managed to stay on track. Thought, for a while, that it wouldn't happen. Bonus though - got both of our clothes in one case and still got weight to spare. Smaller case is taking shoes, sponge bags and all other incidentals and still plenty of weight to spare.  May just throw in a couple more tops :0)  

Now I can relax tomorrow, which is what I intended. Facial tomorrow afternoon and will be good to go and have that without worrying about anything. Mind you, I feel as though I've run a marathon today so it's probably just as well I can relax tomorrow *LOL*

Another couple of shoebox cards ...
Cally's kit.  This one was based on a couple of cards we made at the Glitterpot earlier in the year. Then we made a birthday card and one that I'm using for son's wedding card. This time it Cally did it as a Christmas card - and very successfully I think. Will be making more like this myself as I've found my pack of coloured tissue so a variety of coloured flowers can be made *grin*

Elaine gave us a stamped image which we could colour, or not. She also included a second stamped image so we could decoupage if we wanted. I didn't. Cute one, this and I liked the tiny alphabet stamp set used to stamp the To Ewe. I've looked on t'internet for it since but haven't been able to find it :0(

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Sunday 25 September 2011

Ha! I'm on a ...

... roll!  Another day that's gone to plan - after a visit from the littlie granddaughter's and their Dad. 

Suitcases to hand, meds together, all batteries charged ... and my Kindle. Paul has put out what he needs to have pressed before packing and I've done my list of what I'm taking. Just hope it all goes to plan tomorrow! Paul is out early to collect his new specs and while he's gone I shall be ironing what needs ironing and then it's down to packing.  I'm hoping to get it all packed, or the bulk of it, tomorrow. It's been a while since I packed for 2 of us *LOL* Most of my packing of recent times has been for me only. Don't want to be stressing about it on Tuesday although ..... I've a shirt to collect from M&S on Tuesday.  Yep, we ordered one to be collected from the local branch. 

Now for another couple of shoebox cards ...
Toni's *grin* Now this one I really did mess up!  So much so that I was gonna have to bring it home and find some different card to mount the coffee mug onto but Greta came to the rescue. She phoned home to get her OH to raid her cardstock and get him to drop some up. It duly arrived, a choice of 2 shades of cream and I started again ... from scratch! The card you see here is not the card I started off with, with the exception of the plain brown card, however everything else is exactly as intended :0)

Trace's offering - a giant 8 x 8 inch card. Never made one as big before but it showed that, with the right embellishments, it can be very successful. Not sure I'll make many, if any, of this size off my own bat but I like it, none-the-less. Wish I'd thought about chopping out the middle of the plain sparkly backing card for use on something else but I didn't. Seems such a waste to have such beautiful card hidden behind that pretty snowflake backing paper *grin*

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Saturday 24 September 2011

Oh yes! ...

... a day that has gone to plan! Now that doesn't happen often. In fact it's extremely rare *grin*  My plan for today ... make/get/find cards for the wedding, eldest granddaughter's birthday (she's 15 while we're away) and other occasions I shall miss 'cos won't be in country and ... 'tis all done. On top of that I've got passport and insurance docs together, along with flight documents and currency. One other job had to be done and one I didn't want to do but first .... another couple of shoebox cards.

Nic's offering. Nic is Greta's daughter-in-law and, although she couldn't make the meet she still wanted to take part in the shoebox card swap and this is the one she gave. This is another I messed up from the original design but, in this instance, unless you saw the sample and read the instructions you wouldn't know *grin*  I really like this one - well, I like them all but some a little more than others and this is one of them *lol* The reindeer image is an SU stamp.

This one's my offering, or at least the sample I did. It's a Kanban Wobbler, the new Christmas ones and such an improvement although, apart from putting it together there's nothing to do. ALL pieces are now included in the kits, including the envelope. They are foiled and glittered as required and all die cut. Everybody had their choice of design as they were all different. The only problem I have with them is getting the head to wobble. No matter what I do it just doesn't happen successfully so this one had a static head and became a rocker - *LOL*

The other job I had to do? Pack up the 4 packs of FlexMarkers I took delivery of on Tuesday. They're going back from whence they came. I'm so disappointed with them. After I'd ordered them I started reading 'stuff' on forums about problems people were having with them. It seems that they need 'priming' for the colour to come through to the brush tip, particularly with the lighter colours. I went and looked at the Flexmarker site and, in the FAQs it confirms this. OK, prime when received. Only takes a few minutes and only needs doing once. Oh, if only! 

Most people seem to be having probs with 4 or 5 of these pens. I bought 4 sets, 24 pens and after approximately 8 hours of priming I've given up on them. I have 15 pens I don't find at all acceptable and only about 5 that are perfectly OK. The others I'd accept ... just, but with reservations. The problem? I managed to get colour coming through the brush tip on all of them - eventually (I should say that there is no problem with the chisel tip and this is used as the control colour) however, the colour is either completely different to the colour from the chisel tip or is anything from one to several shades lighter. Not only that but where I've spent so long scribbling in circles the brush tip has lost the fine line ability that should be possible with them. These pens have had more use trying to 'prime' them in the past few days than all of my ProMarkers put together over the last 2 years and they're just not right.

Can't comment on what they're like to colour anything with - just wish I could - but the brush tip feels lovely going round in circles for about 8 hours. Just a pity about the RSI it gives you while doing it *LOL* Anyway, they're now all packed up with a covering note and I've included a swatch to show the retailer what the heck I'm talking about. I have another swatch if Letraset deign to contact me - but I forgot to do one for my records so hoping a scan will work as they're now all packed ready to send.

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Friday 23 September 2011

Called into ...

... Dad this morning. We were supposed to have a meeting with a Lay Assessor over the care he receives.  Independant assessors that report back to the Council with their findings as to the quality of care that is given by the various care agencies. The lady phoned me this morning to cancel the appointment as her hubby was ill and she had to be with him - he'd suffered a mini stroke last week, apparently. As Dad was expecting me ... and her ... I went anyway and glad I did. I checked with the office that he'd got enough cash available for his shopping while I was away and they told me that he'd been referred back to the Occupational Therapist as the carers were really concerned about his lack of mobility - as am I since it's got decidedly worse since his last fall. In fact, he's not attempting to move at all on his own any more and the visits he's been having from the physio haven't helped. He doesn't put the work in when nobody is there. Anyway, OT is calling on Thursday so I can't be there to know what's happening.  

I phoned the physio when I got home. I'd not been able to make the last appointment he'd had with Dad but he also hadn't reported back to me so thought, with the news I'd had, that I ought to see what was happening from his point of view. Seems he's been more involved than the carers. I got the impression it's him that's instigated the meeting with the OT. I'm thinking it will be hoists fitted in lounge and bedroom as the carers are having problems getting Dad to stand, let alone getting him to walk anywhere. There was an incident this past few days where 2 of them couldn't get him standing. I'm really thinking he's not in the right place for the level of care he obviously needs now and I'm thinking they are of the same opinion. Will have to see what the outcome is after this visit with the OT. It's a worry that's for sure.

Anyways, not much I can do at the moment, if there is at all, so no point worrying.

Here's another couple of the shoebox cards ...
Jan's kit - Sizzix flower die ... I know 'cos I've got that one and had it years :0). I think it's possibly a discontinued Sizzix die now (was originally Ellison) except ... it's available via Stampin' Up.  There are also punched blossoms of some sort with a Craftwork Cards greeting.

Kim's .... now you wouldn't think that you could mess this one up would you? Ha! Well, I can! Spot the deliberate mistake. I decided that I wanted the stripes going horizontal so that's how I put the backing paper on to the base card then thought, should have checked the size and trimmed as now I've not got even borders.  Then Kim tells me that she'd cut it to exactly the right size .... if I'd used the backing paper the way she'd intended - vertically! Ho hum - it's a design feature ... not! Got to find some way of overcoming the imbalance, which I'm sure I will eventually. Love Rudolph though and I've got all those punches, or similar enough, to make him again ... and again ... and again ..... :0)

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Thursday 22 September 2011

Another busy ...

... day and one leaving me feeling very tired.  Only shopping (oh, how I dislike shopping) but at least we have enough food to see us through until we leave and for a couple of days when home.  An online shop will be first job when back :0)  Tried to get Paul a white, self striped shirt for the wedding.  He's done his usual of leaving it all to the last minute.  Got him a boring plain white shirt last week which fits him but a self-striped one I'd also bought didn't and shop didn't have next size.  Trip to M&S called for but ..... unless he wanted to pay an arm and a leg for something that will probably not see the light of day again it was a total no-no.  They'd got shirts we were interested in on-line but they weren't in store!  No time now to order one and get it here so it's the plain, boring old white shirt for him.  He's had the trousers a couple of months or more.  No suit, it's not called for. Beach-ish wedding, casual and smart.  Why he didn't sort out the shirt at the same time I've no idea and no amount of reminders has jockeyed him along.  He's bought new wheels for his wheelchair and a new cushion cover (which can't be seen once bum is in situ!) but a shirt to complete his 'outfit'?  Nah!  Men, eh?

Currency is now in our sticky mitts so at least we can pay for those little 'extras' that might come along .. like a few trips out for me, if not for him oh, and a few visits to the Spa methinks.  He says he's going to be using the gym.  Hmmmm!

Have to admit, I've had '40 winks' since we've been home - *LOL* Now, that's a sign of getting old :0(

Last weekend I thought I'd got the chance of a BOGOF on a photobook so put together a small 'wedding' album of Matt and Anie's wedding in Canterbury and and the ceremony Bali.  Came together quite quickly for a change but I guess it was more the fact there weren't so many photos I wanted to use.  I just wanted a small book to supplement the large one of the whole trip.  Anyways, book complete I go through the order process thinking I'll order one for me and one for Jackie as a surprise and what happens?  The BOGOF was on L books (A4-ish) and I'd made a medium sized one.  Didn't want any bigger so I left it, thinking that another offer would come along fitting the size I wanted.  Well, today an offer arrived.  Didn't give a BOGOF unfortunately but did give £10 off so I've ordered it.  I use Albelli for the small books (must try them for a larger one at some point) and you can't 'share' your book unless you've ordered, not like you can share Photobox ones, ordered or not.  They've just sent me the link to the book so I can share .... 

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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Busy day ...

... chiropodist visit for me (fishy pedicure last week didn't negate the need for that one - *lol*), optician for hubby with lunch out for us both - yum!  Bit of shopping for the holiday and home.  Why do I feel so tired????

Another couple of the shoebox cards ....
Debs pack .... cute! Didn't quite get this one right but I know what I've done wrong so, if I ever make it again I can correct it.  As it is it won't go into an envelope properly as it should do so it would need a box made.

 Greta's offering.  Another cutie and ideal for a male.  Unfortunately Greta couldn't remember any details of the decoupage paper and several of us had an animal one that we really liked.

Some more tomorrow but not before we have another busy day :0)

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Tuesday 20 September 2011

Need to start ...

... covering September before it's over.  Don't reckon that's gonna happen, not when we're off a week tomorrow and with what I've got to do in that time.  Can't find the mojo to do anything at the mo.  Feeling very lethargic, so I can see it being all a last minute panic next Tuesday - *LOL*  Anyways, I have some pics of shoebox cards from the Guildford meet in August so may as well start posting them.

First up .... the pack Cathy gave us.  Shame I was a bit heavy handed with the greeting stamp but otherwise I like this one.  Probably a good one for a man?

2nd one was given by Dawn.  Doesn't show well but the dress is glittered.  Didn't think much of this one until that glitter was added and then the whole card came to life and I love it!  Wish I could find the die for this 'cos I'd buy it ... or even somebody selling the die cuts.  The body and the dress are separate .... if anyone knows where it can be found .............?????

Others will follow *wink*

Just as an aside ... this chap was finding the pond plants very much to his taste the other day ...

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Monday 19 September 2011

Still can't ...

... seem to settle back to blogging but I have been sorting through my photos so here's a few taken through August. I'll try to go chronologically except for the cards made at the meet we had in Guildford.  They'll follow ;0)

8th August - Eldest's shed was dismantled.  It arrived not long after he moved in when his marriage broke down but it never disappeared when he did, having found a new partner.  It housed a lot of his bits and bobs, as does my shed.  My shed now houses more of his bits and bobs 'cos he moved what he had left in his shed into mine so that he could dismantle his!  He's getting married again in a couple of weeks but it looks as though, although he's been gone for 18 months or so now, his bits and bobs remain ... and not just in the shed!  There's a fair bit in the room he occupied as well.  His 'kids' came to help (term used loosely) and Paul supervised while I took piccies (well, somebody had to *lol*)

9th August - regular meet with old workmates at Frankie and Benny's at Brighton Marina and yes, this is the view-ish!  This was taken just before the entrance to F&Bs and, if you sit outside, is the view that you can take in.

Leaving F&Bs and the view from the boardwalk of the 'entertainment' area of the marina to the car park (on right).  The line of lights in the far distance is the Palace (Brighton) Pier which is now on the market as the Noble organisation want to offload it.  Hopefully, whoever buys it will restore it to it's rightful name, and which all Brightonians still call it .... the Palace Pier.

14th August (and what would have been my 40th - Ruby - wedding anniversary had I still been married to my first husband) - Kieran, eldest grandson, came to put some more roofing felt on shed roof for me.  He bought his partner and her 4 year old son, Reegan, with him (guess that's my future step-great-grandson - oops!).  Kieran is to make me a great-grandmother in January with a daughter they plan to call Tulisa.

15th August (not my normal Dad morning but had a tooth extracted the following day)  - coming home from Dad's I passed through Ovingdean village, as usual, only today there were sheep in the field next to St Wulfran's church.  Normally it's empty or has a few cows in.  It was a hot, sunny day and what took my eye and made me smile, was how a lot of the sheep had congregated under the spread and shade of the horse-chestnut tree.  I had to stop and take some pics then I noticed magpies piggy backing on some of the sheep.  Unfortunately I also noticed one of the sheep was dead.  It had somehow managed to get itself tangled in some of the wire boundary fence and had strangled itself.  I went to find the farmer to tell him but couldn't find the farmhouse let alone the farmer!  Google didn't even produce a valid phone number when I got home so I'm hoping it wasn't long before the poor sheep was found as flies were starting to congregate on the body while I was there.

20th August and a crafty meet, held at Guildford and beautifully arranged by Greta.  Lots of laughs and plenty of shoebox cards (pics will follow).  Great day was had by all and then some of us finished it off with a meal at the local F&Bs before wending our way to our respective homes *grin*  Can't wait for the next one .... :0)

Back row l-r: Jan, Debs, Elaine, Dawn
2nd row l-r: Jennie, Cathy, Chris
3rd row l-r: Greta, Cally, Trace, moi
Bottom row l-r: Toni, Margaret, Kim


22nd August was youngest's 13th wedding anniversary so I had a sitting on babies - well, I guess it's more child-minding now - stint while he took our daughter-in-law out for the evening.  Easy job as the 2 youngest were in bed by 6:30pm and the eldest was allowed to stay up until 8pm but she's no bother at all.  Well, none of them are but it's easy when you're just a listening post most of the time - *LOL*

To round August off - early morning on the 30th, got a phone call from Sue, my sister-in-law to tell me that Tania, my niece, had given birth to her 3rd son the evening before so I've got another great-nephew.  Meet George William ...

Shoebox card pics will follow and catch up with September goings on - not there's been much except I won a Just Inklined Wacky Wheels digi in a blog hop.  Don't normally enter them or blog candy's, or very rarely, but this time I gave it a go .... and won!  I won the Morris Minor Traveller.  There's history of that car in my life.  Ah, memories :0)
Now we're on countdown to our trip to Cyprus. Travel docs have arrived and transport to airport booked.  Currency to get (not that there's much needed) and packing to do and we're off :0)

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Jak's Blog Candy

Interested in a Scrapbooking program?  Jak is giving away, to some lucky person, a copy of Serif Craft Artist Platinum Edition.  You have to be in it to win it so pop over to her blog here and put your name down - only, not too many of you 'cos I want it - *LOL*

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