
Friday 26 October 2012

Word verification ...

... I hate it.  It puts me off of commenting on other blogs and I've refused to use it myself - until now.  I've put it on this blog.  I don't get many comments so it won't affect many people, if any, at the moment but I've been getting so many 'spam' comments (mainly targetted at the same blog post) that I've had to do something.  These comments haven't actually made their way into the comments as they've been caught by Bloggers spam filter, which is very good.  Until this month that filter has been enough but these past 2 to 3 weeks my email inbox has been inundated with comment notifications - and Blogger had isolated over 300 in just over a week.   I then found my email spam folder had over 500 of the blooming things in it so I had to do something.  Initially I decided to moderate all comments on posts over 7 days old.  That still meant that my inbox was being bombarded though so I've made the decision, albeit temporary, hopefully, to use word verification. I'm hoping the spammers will understand that they are not going to win and give up.  Because of the way they 'spam' word verification should stop the comments coming through any which way.  Since I've put it on I've had no spam getting through :0)  Here's hoping it continues not to get through and here's hoping I shall be able to take it off again if when I start blogging properly again ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. I hate the word verification too,but I guess sometimes it is needed.I just wish the spammers could use their life for good.I love your blog.


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx