
Monday 19 November 2012

Word verification ...

.... one, spammers Nil!  I decided to take word verification off yesterday as I'd had no spam at all, in any way, shape or form, since putting it on.  Today?  It starts coming back in and within a 5 minute period I'd got 3 spam messages in my inbox trying to post in my comments.  I know Blogger's spam filter stops them before they get to the comments but it really is a pain having them fill my inbox.  Think that the word verification will stay, at least until I start blogging in earnest again. :0(

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Thanks so much for identifying the flower in the photo I posted.
    I don't get a lot of spam, but I think I'd rather delete it from my inbox than to possibly hinder folks from commenting...just my opinion. I try to do the verifications, but after 3 tries I give up.

  2. Hiya! I hopped over here from Sarn's blog (Stamping for Pleasure) then read what you'd written about the dreaded SPAM. I was suffering really badly too, it got plain stooopid recently and have now changed my settings not to allow anonymous comments. Bingo, not one teensy bit of spam even being caught by Blogger and quarantined - zilch! Don't need word verification or to moderate comments - phew! You're right, they do often target particular postings (for no reason I can fathom from the content) and it was driving me nuts.

    My guess is that you know how to do it but if you decide to try that route and aren't sure just drop me an email and I'll ping the little how-to back - three other friends have done the same.

    Di xx

    Pixies Crafty Workshop


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Pam xxx