
Thursday 29 July 2010

Birthday Card!

A birthday card and not a Kenny K image in sight *LOL!*

This was made for youngest son's birthday. He reached middle age today. He's now 35 *hehe*! I've used, for the very first time, one of my own background papers & toppers made from my own photograph .... see here. I've recently printed off a selection of my sheets and now know where I can improve them when I get round to doing more. Anyway, here's the card.

Cream, hammered, deckle edge card blank
Sepia car topper and backing paper - here
Gold mirri card (screw heads made using punched circles and embossed)
Craft Too General Greeting embossing folder for greeting

I've been 'decanting' unmounted stamps into CD & multimedia cases (DVD cases without the inserts) today. Takes up so much less room but it means - shock, horror - I've had to take them out of their packets! Mostly I've managed to get 2 stamp sets into a CD case and varying amounts of unmounted, on EaziMount, in the multimedia case depending on how big they are. Magnolias generally go 8 to a case. I'm labelling them as I go as well and with the multimedia I've made a template (just adapted one of my insert templates) and I'm dragging piccies of the stamps onto it, captioning them with their individual name, putting a title on the spine, printing off and inserting it just as if it were a DVD inside. Only problem is, I'm now surrounded by the smell of acrylic stamps! Why do they have to smell so much?  I've also got sore fingers from releasing the ones that stick like stuff to a blanket to the acetate that they're mounted on in their packs!  Not finished yet as loads more to do - the odd ones that aren't in sets, or at least, not large sets.


Monday 26 July 2010

Kenny K's Krafty Girlz Challenge #3

OK, so this is getting on the side of boring! I really must make, or at least post, something other than Kenny K challenges *LOL*. It's not as though I haven't done anything else but just not photographed it. Anyway, this is likely to be the last for a little while as it's the last one I've got ready coloured up.

Kenny K's Krafty Girlz challenge this week was another sketch - by Donna this time - and once again I've used some of the DCWV DP that I bought at Doncaster last weekend. Image was coloured about 3 weeks or so ago. For some reason my camera has decided to photograph purple/mauve as a shade of blue - which it's not at all. The mauves/purples all have a much pnkier tone to them than the photo shows and the jeans are a definite dark blue and nothing like the colour in shown here. Oh well, have to use imagination 'cos photographed it around 50 times now and still can't get the colour right and I'm fed up! Made a change this time - coloured with my Prismacolors and Zest It. Just love this medium but did go round with a grey Promarker to make image 'pop' as our US friends would say .... *grin* Made her jump 'out of the box' using oval nesties and sponged a pale lilac ink whilst plain nestie still in situ.

White hammered card blank (got loads of blanks I've decided to use up ...)
DCWV Mat Stack - Neutrals ... again
DCWV DP - Posies Glitter print, Petite purple roses
Silver mirri card
Oval nesties, scalloped and plain and corner punches
Inks (for sponging) and gems from stash
Flowers - Papermania Fabric Flowers, silk Purples/lilacs
Kenny K image - Uptown Angel, coloured with Prismacolors blended with Zest It.


Sunday 25 July 2010

All's quiet ...

... at the moment! No further calls from Dad's place so I'm assuming that he's not had any more falls since Tuesday. I've We've another meeting with the Social Worker tomorrow to see if he will agree to a key safe being used so his front door can be kept locked. Seems one can't be used without his permission, if he's capable of giving it, now that Social Services are involved in his care. Were they not involved it's a different matter. Seems the fact he won't lock his front door so that any Tom, Dick or Harry can enter his flat isn't a good enough reason to fit one and use it. Now who's concerned about his safety???? I tried explaining a key safe to him when I saw him. Key, fine. Safe, fine. Put 2 together and he hadn't a clue. Found a picture with description in a shopping catalogue. He could see the writing but not the picture .... ??? Still had no idea what a key safe was so it could be interesting tomorrow but I have a feeling that the meeting will digress to a discussion about his general care and capabilities.

The past couple of days I've spent working in my little crafty corner. I keep 'mislaying' things. I know I've got stuff and in some cases have only used it a few minutes earlier but this 'tidy' business isn't good at all *LOL*. I put things away and then can't find where I've put them! Think I need to start a labelling system 'cos I'm getting mighty fed up of hunting for things I've only just used .... or perhaps untidy is the way to go! I've ordered some more bits to help with - I was going to say storage but it's more - organisation, so perhaps that will help when it arrives. I've even managed to use the area to make a couple of cards and have to say, although not a big area, it's so much better than working on the floor (especially with my knees) and my lap! Gonna spend a bit more time there today then need to start sorting out this blog!

I've so much to catch up with again and, apart from the Spanish holiday, it's only July's happenings!
Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 24 July 2010

Kenny K's Krafty Girlz Challenge #2

Well, if nothing else Kenny K's images have me colouring! I did this image while in Doncaster last weekend (report on that to follow) then, when I got back home, found that Kenny K's second challenge was a sketch. Sketches I can sort of do but real life has got in the way and I didn't think I'd be able to find the time to enter however .... last perhaps, but here it is! What's even more of a surprise, it got me using one of my purchases from last weekend ... the DP! When I saw it I just knew that it would suit these girlz - *lol* 

I still made a mistake on the card though.  Can't seem to make a card without one *sad face* Anyways, I had to go back to make it less obvious so hopefully nobody will notice.  The camera hasn't picked up the colours as they really are, which is unfortunate as they are much more distinctive than they seem and the hat is most definitely more red and the blues are actually quite a dark mauve.  The whole card is much more vibrant and psychedelic than piccie shows. Perhaps light is not good for photography ... *grin*

Cream hammered card blank.
DCWV mat stack - Neutrals (love the range of colours in these)
Paper - DCWV Girls Square with Glitter (Nana's Kids Print range)
E-Line gems
Ribbon from stash
EK Success Edger Punch - Morocco Lace
QuicKutz Cookie Cutter - Nesting Label (cut, embossed and sponged with ink)
Image - Kenny K's All That coloured with Promarkers.
Ink for 'distressing/edging' from stash


Thursday 22 July 2010

Just when ...

... I thought I was near to catching up, things come along and stop me posting again! So much for this being my 'diary'. Diary's are supposed to be something kept up on a daily basis and this just ain't happening - *LOL* Must try harder. Perhaps I need to put some set time aside every day but I just seem to be sitting waiting for phone calls at the moment.

  Dad's not having a good time right now and the chances of him having to move again is becoming a decided option. He seems to have deteriorated so much over the last few weeks, not helped by the fact he keeps falling. The falls have shattered his confidence and he's becoming increasingly reliant on people helping him to move around. Unfortunately where he is now is not set up to give that type of care so full residential may be the only option left. He's undergoing blood tests to rule out vitamin deficiency and thyroid problems and, if they're ruled out, he's going to be referred to the Adult Mental Health team. It is so obvious now that he's suffering from dementia - has been obvious for years to me - but now it's at the stage where, to get the help he really needs, it has to be officially diagnosed and put on his medical records.

Anyway, I've now got to a 'catch up' scenario again .... Spain, stories and a weekend visit to a craft show in Doncaster. Ho-hum ... one day I'll get back to blogging on a regular basis. Just not sure when it'll be!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 11 July 2010

Kenny K's Krafty Girlz Challenge

Call over to Kenny K's Challenge Blog for their very first challenge ... PASTEL. I'd purchased Kenny's digi images when they first came out and had coloured a couple of them. When I saw what the challenge was I thought - I can do that! I'd already got an image coloured in a way I thought would fit so here is yet another reason why I don't make many cards off my own bat *LOL*. 

Hopefully it's pastel enough for the challenge.  One of my first attempts at colouring with Promarkers.  Must practise more - *LOL*

White hammered card blank
DCWV mat stack - Neutrals
Papermania Colossal paper pack - Pastel
Nesties, petite ovals - large and small, plain and scalloped.
Martha Stewart Lever Deep Edge Punch - Garden Trellis
Prima E-line flowers (I think)
Gems from stash.
Craftwork cards Card Candy
Image ... Kenny's Download Diva coloured with Promarkers.  No idea what colours used.


It's still ...

... hot, hot, hot but not quite so hot as it has been. Still got wall to wall sunshine even though the day started overcast due to sea mist. Sea mist soon burnt off and it's been glorious ever since. I've done a little more in the corner of the study that I'm making into a crafting corner but the making of that is all to be covered in the remaining 'catch-up' for June - *lol*

Had an odd phone call from one of Dad's carers about an hour ago. He's had another fall and she phoned me because he asked her to. Seems they had to call the ambulance and they now want to refer him to the 'fall team' (whatever that is) because of the way they had to get him up and how he walked to his chair without his zimmer. Now I'm asking myself why would he be walking to his chair without his zimmer and the only answer I can come up with is that he wasn't using the blooming thing in the first place - hence the fall! If nobody is there with him then he can't be made to use it so referring him to a 'fall team' is a bit pointless. He knows exactly what he's supposed to do and if he chooses not to do it there is nothing anyone else can do. Thing is, Dad walks funny and has done for years. His knees are shot but he refused knee replacement surgery when it was offered to him about 15 years ago and his ankles are turned so much he walks like a penguin, with his toes stuck out to the side. He shuffles as he can't lift his feet so he catches them occasionally and that's why he falls. He's even been known to fall using his zimmer. I've considered talking to him about the possibility of the knee replacement again but not sure they'd be prepared to do it at his age and that's assuming I could get him to agree. It would mean hospital and therein lies the tale and his phobia of hospitals! 

I've digressed again ... call was odd because Dad asked the carer to give me a message.  He said that he 'wasn't going to do that again with me if this is what is going to happen'.  Now, I've not seen him since Wednesday and not for 2 weeks before that so, I have no idea what it is that he isn't going to do with me again.  Carer didn't know what he meant either but she said she'd phone me back if she found out.  If she doesn't I'll have to try to find out on Tuesday when I see him but it's likely to be like pulling teeth assuming he can remember!

Mid June and my clematis, which I do absolutely nothing with at all, was in full bloom and, as with my lilac bush it seems that the weather since it last bloomed has suited it down to the ground. It was full of flowers and they were huge.  Now it's full of seed heads but it was so pretty while it lasted ....

and the last bit of 'catch up' before the jolly to Spain with good mates ... my crafting corner.  It wasn't fully finished and it's still to be organised but this is how it was on 15th June.  Working space has been covered since due to still trying to organise it (this is just the work area) and I'm also adding another small shelving unit.  Just got to decide where I want to put it!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 10 July 2010

More pics ...

... from my touristy bit yesterday. Today they're all dedicated to the Royal Pavilion and wouldn't yer know it? There were photo opportunities that I missed and I can see where I could have done better with these ones. Problem with the sun being so bright and not being able to see the LCD screen properly so taking photos is a very much hit and miss affair! Oh well, will have to try to find some time to go again .... and perhaps wander a wee bit more down to the seafront as well. 'Tis only a couple of streets away from the Pavilion so guess I could park up and take it easy!

Anyway, here's just a small selection of those I took yesterday, including my tea and rock bun *LOL* Was surprised at the lacking of pigeons in the cafe area. Last time I was there, which was eons ago admittedly, they were all round your feet after the crumbs. It was difficult to pick your way through them but they were conspicuous by their absence yesterday.

Stunning building and grounds/gardens and it's where our youngest son, Wayne, married ... in the Red Drawing Room.

North Gate - entrance from road

As much of the Pavilion that I could get in with my camera lens. 
It's a wide angle lens but not quite wide angled enough to get it all in one shot.  There is still a fair bit missing but hopefully the missing bits (very ornate colonnades at either end) are covered in other photos but it's the most I've ever managed to get into one shot *grin*

North Gate - exit side

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 9 July 2010

We're having a heatwave ...

... a Tropical heatwave *lol* and I'm getting waaaaay behind with my blogging and now it's going to be coming out all date muddled! Still got to deal with the Spanish trip, yesterday it was Emma's sports day and Wednesday was taken up with Dad business. Not sure I've caught up with my catch up from when I was ill but, I'll catch up with all goings on laters as not in blogging frame of mind at mo - too hot methinks! Temps are climbing up to 30+c and they're now giving out health warnings on the weather forecasts. At least we're getting a summer this year and it's the sort of weather that starts making you think of aircon in the home and a pool in the garden - then common sense comes into play 'cos the UK is not normally known for this type of heat - *LOL* We'll continue with our ceiling fans and all the other fans we have clipped around the place.  They've been working OK up to now and have served us well over the years.

Today I had to take car to have it's aircon regassed. It's not been working and with the temperatures we've been having lately I need the aircon! Can't even get the car interior cool using traditional fan and windows open. Anyway, turns out that there was no gas in aircon at all. They think there might be a leak so they've put a dye in and if it stops working I've to take car back. Haven't had it gassed for a couple of years so it could just be that but they say it's rare for all the gas to have disappeared.

While car was being dealt with I had a couple of hours to kill and, knowing I was taking car into town, I took camera. Haven't been into town in years (still not been into shopping area, mind). I was ideally situated to do a bit of tourist stuff. I know. It's my home town but how many of us do anything 'touristy' in our own location? Can't walk far or fast, especially in heat, so couldn't cover much area but decided to take a slow stroll to the Royal Pavilion and have a cuppa and a rock bun in the Pavilion Cafe in the grounds/gardens. To get there I had to pass St Peter's Church and went through Victoria Gardens. St Peter's Church was the parish church of Brighton once upon a time and is the church my Mum & Dad got married in back in 1948 and it was the church I was christened in in 1951.  So sad to see the main entrances barricaded off now due to falling masonary.  The Church says it can't afford to maintain it but it's now been taken over by another church and the plan is to bring it back to it's former glory. 
More info ... Wikpedia
................... The Argus (local newspaper)

I loved that you could see a stained glass window on the opposite side of the building in the pic under.

It's a huge church .. this is the view from it's rear - and not it's best side!  Should have taken one from the other side but didn't have brain in gear so didn't even think about doing so.  Reckon it was the heat and trying to breathe might have had something to do with it - *LOL*

Victoria Gardens Fountain. 
It displays in several different ways.  Here's just a couple

Queen Victoria statue.
The other end of Victoria Gardens and why the green space is named as such.  I think the fountain is just visible at the back.  Not sure what the stone plaque says and, to be honest, it was only looking at the photos I even noticed that there might be something written on it.  Not much of a tourist, am I ... *hehe*

More on my little tourist trail will follow *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 8 July 2010

Girlie's turn ...

... today!  But first ... the weather has been wonderful for weeks now.  OK, we might have had a couple of overcast days but we're actually having a summer this year.  After the wind and rain of the previous few summers it's delightful but .... it is also too hot on occasion.  OK, so never happy but today was Ems school's sports day and it has been glorious.  Photos will follow *grin*  In the meantime .. taken on June 6th, same as those of Zac in previous post ...

Amy, as the Little Mermaid ...

Emma in her Cats dance costume ...

Ems and Amy being loving(?) sisters *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Dress-up ...

... but should we be worried? Reckon it's time for some boys dress-up clothes but then the girls dresses might still be the items of choice *LOL*

Just wish he'd stand still long enough to get a proper picture but he doesn't believe in standing still. Piccies were taken June 6th on a visit I made to see the littlies as I was recovering from the pleurisy bout.

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