
Monday 16 May 2016

The Wheel ...

... is no more *sad*  I went past it on Sunday and all that was left was the base A frame.

Hubby is still in hospital with no clue as to when he's coming out ... to wherever.  Not sure if the radiotherapy had any effect and it's too soon to say if it's reduced the cancer in his spine.  Few weeks needed, apparently.

I'm packed and ready for the off - a whole 10 days in Florida.  Never been to the US so it will be an experience.  Looking forward to the crafty workshop that's been arranged at the My Favorite Things store in Eustis  *happy face* ... and the Magic Kingdom, the Character BBQ and whichever other park we end up at.  Camera batteries are charged, tablet is charged, phone will be charged ... just me to charge and we're away - ROFL!

Youngest son will be looking after himself and the house ... and possibly his Dad, if he comes home.

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Tuesday 10 May 2016

The month of ...

... May hasn't started well *sad*  Hubby's pain came back with a vengeance.  So much so, and with memories rising, we ended up in A&E for an xray on his hip with a suspected hip fracture.  Pretty much the last thing that could be causing the pain other than one we'd rather not think about.  As it turned out there was no hip fracture but, because of his pain, and a chat they'd had with somebody else, the medics decided to admit him for further investigation.  That investigation has found the cause of the pain, at last.  Unfortunately it's the only thing left it could be.  The cancer has spread.  It's now in his spine and pressing on the nerves coming out of the base ... hence his pain.  He's been in hospital a week.  They've managed to make him more comfortable and he's to have a session of radiotherapy.  They're hoping that will help the pain but he can only have one session.  He's already had 5 sessions over the years.  If this doesn't work, with assistance from pain relief I don't know the next step.  We've been told there are other ways of dealing and we know that chemo could come into the mix at some point but we've always kept that as a last resort. Not a good start to the month, to be honest but another 'blip' we've to overcome - and overcome it we will. 

Last Friday I took a bus ride to the hospital as he wanted me there early and parking's a nightmare during the day.  When I left I strolled ('cos that's all I can do) back via the seafront and decided to take a ride on the Brighton Wheel for the last time.  I went on it soon after it opened, at sunset, on the day I went to register Dad's death.  This time it was just 2 days until it closed and disappeared forever but it was day time and a flight I've been meaning to do since the sunset one.  It was a beautiful day for the stroll and the flight.
View east on the stroll ...
... and west from the same spot.  Palace Pier, West Pier ruins (just visible), the Wheel and the pole of the i360 - opening this summer
From the 'flight' viewed west.
Domed roof of the Royal Pavilion - amongst many others
Looking at this photo I realised that I started my working life, and ended it, with jobs within one street of one another.
The 'last job' building, Amex European HQ, is due to be demolished very soon.
All staff have moved into the brand, spanking new building behind it
Nothing really changes. Views west.
View east
Long distance views east past Rottingdean onwards to Saltdean, Telscombe & Peacehaven.
Westwards along the coast towards Worthing
BBQ time on the beach in front of the Palace Pier.
... and home.  A view from the bus, approaching the area I live, just outside of the town.
Peace and quiet *grin*
Missed exercise class last week - that time was spent in A&E. Shouldn't have been able to make it this week because of a timing clash with Vickie's monthly workshop. Unfortunately Vickie's had to cancel all workshops until further notice *sad* but it meant I could go to exercise class this week. It was good. Inbetween everything else I'm trying to make sure everything is up to date at home and get hubby sorted and things in place as I'm off on holiday next week.  I've had to make a list.  With so much going on I'm bound to forget something if it's not listed.  Mind you, I'm not sure it's all listed but at least I'm trying *LOL*

Not sure if I'll have anything to record for the next few days.  There may be a break now for a few weeks. 
There may just be a few vlogs posted on Clair's site and/or YouTube channel that could be worth looking at during that time .....

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Monday 9 May 2016

What a way ...

... to finish a month and start another.  April into May and a weekend of crafting.  Not just any old weekend of crafting.  A weekend with John Bloodworth, The Gentleman Crafter, and friends as he starts his All Counties Craft Challenge in Maisy, his home and workshop for the next year.  John has given up his home and .... well, pop over to his blog and read all about it.  Donate to his cause, book a workshop either as a group or individually, or join one of his that are cropping up around the country.

Cally and I booked into the Surrey All Counties Craft Challenge workshops.  Yep, multiple.  We could have done just one, two or three but we went the whole hog and did the full weekend, staying at the venue as well.  Good decision as it turned out.  It didn't seem particularly cheap but as the weekend progessed we felt we had really good value for money.  Would we do it again?  You betchya .... we're waiting to see when he gets near-ish to us again (hopefully another where we can do a craft and stay weekend *grin*) and Clair has emailed him to see what the chances are of getting him to do a day with our group.

Here's a few(?) ... could be more, a lot more - lol! .... photos from the weekend

A small workshop - just 6.  Plenty of room and very friendly
The 6 of us, our finished projects and how they started out.
My completed projects from John's workshop.
Our hotel room ....
... and the view from our window.
Hotel front and Maisy - John's home for the next year.
Hotel rear (John enjoying a coffee and a smoke).  Our room was right in the centre at the very top.

Donna & Sheena
Workshop under way.  20 today - cosy *wink*
Who'd have thought a £1 shop, white plastic owl could end up looking so lush!
Paint fusion to transform a plain black Hobbycraft special offer scrapbook.
Finished projects - one success, one fail but can be covered *wink*  Enjoyed it though.

JULIE HICKEY (Craftwork Cards) WORKSHOP - 1st MAY
Julie & John
Workshop under way.  Just 8 today.  Plenty of space again *grin*
Another £1 shop find ...
... and transformed!
A Craftwork Cards kit ...
... and the end result.
Plenty of tea, coffee and cakes over the whole weekend and the food was superb.  Hot and cold buffet Friday and Saturday for lunch and delish desserts.  Sunday we chose lunch from a menu.  I had the best fish & chips I'd had in a long while!
A wip and a muffin
Fish & chips, or more technically - Tempura plaice with Asian salad ... and fries (not in pic)
Cally's Sunday lunchtime choice
Glazed tarte au citron and berries.  This was Julie's.  I forgot to photograph mine. Mine didn't have the berries on top *sad*
A wonderful weekend to finish April and start May ... if only I'd have stayed away!

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Saturday 7 May 2016

Well, it ...

... happens. Life gets in the way sometimes and then I'm back onto catch up mode. Think I might just not bother with any more 2015 else I'll be permanently 'catching up'. Already getting behind with 2016 *oops!* Part way through May and haven't finished April yet *sad*

Last post was finishing April 2015. This one will finish April 2016 ... or will it??? Been a mixed couple of weeks bringing April to a close

There was another of Clair's fortnightly workshops but I've still to finish that card although I don't think I will. It was a magic slider card but I messed up the card blank and the slider bit wasn't the best. Having said that I would make one again for kids ... they'd love it

Hubby had an assessment for his 2nd cataract op and had it the following day so he can now see long distance without the need for specs. From that point of view he's a happy bunny. The day after his op I went off with bro and sis-in-law to see my nephew in his last show as a student at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts .... Legally Blonde. We arrived early to drop him off for warm up and we went off for a coffee to kill time.  

Tottenham high street on a Thursday teatime, sitting outside minding our own business. Suddenly police on bikes, whistles blowing, pointing to anyone moving, no matter where they were ... middle of road or not ... didn't matter. STAND STILL!  Then all hell broke loose - big 4x4s, outriders, very long limos, very scary security guys. That'll be Obama in town then! Couldn't see through the smoked glass but guessing he was in one of the very long limos with Mrs. No photos - happened too quick!  

Anyway, back to theatre to find all the male cast members outside. While they were warming up somebody entered their dressing room and stole their wallets, phones, ipads and other personal things. A total of £6k worth of stuff - gone! Police advised, nothing to be touched, it's a crime scene. Meant the guys couldn't perform in costume. As it happened, for those of us that had not seen it before it made no difference. It was an excellent show and a totally talented and professional group of students to put the show on when they were obviously concerned about what had happened just 20 minutes before showtime.

A couple of days later we met Bella. She is a cutie and has a lovely temperament. We'll happily look after her any time they need a dog sitter *smile*  

Crafty stuff this month, other than card workshops ... a little knitted ellie.  Too tiny, too fiddly. Little grandson claimed it. Won't be making another - *LOL!*

On top of all this eldest grandson, whose marriage broke down over Christmas, discovered that his estranged wife planned moving away a long distance and taking his daughter (our great-granddaughter) with her and restricting his access to her.  He contacted a solicitor and, within a week he'd got what he wanted and more ... the only outcome that could have beaten it would have been full custody. A piece of paper can make a lot of difference and that piece of paper is called ...... a marriage licence!

That's pretty much it for April ... or not - *LOL*

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