
Thursday 26 February 2009

The whole ...

... length of the dormer has now got a double row of spikes at the ridge. Hopefully there is nowhere too cosy for the seagulls to nest and they'll go find themselves another roof to use [grinning!]. There's a lovely big, nice new one 2 doors down from us. It was only finished last year and I'm sure it would make them a much nicer home than ours did (although there's no chimney on that roof - lol!)

Wot? No seagulls? Eldest and grandson doing the deed!

Seems as though there was a bit of a contrétemps on the forum again today. It was all done and dusted by the time I saw it but I do wonder why people who, quite rightly insist that they have a right to an opinion, then object when somebody else voices a differing one. Aren't people allowed to have an opinion that differs? I do wonder about people sometimes but I guess it would be a boring old world if we were all the same. One thing that really disappoints me though is the language (bad, crass - whatever you want to call it) that eminates from some people (abbreviated or not) - :0( It's totally unnecessary and shows them in a really bad light - in my opinion - LOLOL!! Have to say I've noticed it on a few blogs and UK ones at that. Makes me ashamed of my nationality and 'chav central' comes to mind when I happen upon some of them. I'm sure it's done with little thought as to how it makes them look to their readers which is a shame, 'cos it means it's probably 'normal' for them.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 22 February 2009

And something ...

... else looms again :O(( We've taken precautions but the first indications are that it hasn't worked! Eldest son has been onto dormer roof and 'spiked' a square meter of the roof, near the ridge and chimney - in other words their previous nesting spot - to stop the seagulls nesting there again this year. This is what we've put on the roof and this morning what did I see? One had hunkered down at the end of the spikes but up against what remains free of the ridge! Just ordered more spikes to go the whole length and a double row. Hopefully, if there's nowhere they can get cosy they will find another roof - LOL! Reckon that allowing them a couple of years lodgings is enough and now that the dormer room is occupied (by eldest) he doesn't want to hear an army of gulls with hobnail boots on strutting around the roof when the little ones(?) hatch! He's already commented on how noisy they are and there's no sign of youngsters yet - LOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 21 February 2009

Floral Punch Craft - Chrysanthemum

Well, would you believe it! Another card made at home - LOL! Thought it was time that I did something with at least one of the big flowers - lol! This is the smaller one of the two made so far.

Base card is a 6 inch square, deckle edged, hammered, ivory card blank. I inked the edges with 2 colours of inks - a goldie brown followed by a dark yellow - so that it toned with the flower. A selection of leaves were punched from varying colours of green papers, aged a little with a few brown shades (not too obvious in photo)..... well, chrysanths are autumnal flowers, aren't they? Finished with a line of crystal gems and a tiny one stuck onto a petal as a highlight.


Friday 20 February 2009

and it ...

... starts again. What starts again? Packing up at Dad's. This time it's the stuff of Mum's - and some - that should have gone last year but didn't. Couldn't stand to see brand new stuff (still with price tags on) and unworn shoes going to the Dogs Trust. It was bad enough seeing 'nearly new' going but to see brand new, unworn go was just too much. Anyway, despite best intentions of doing some eBay selling it hasn't happened so it will all have to go. Unfortunately none of it will fit anyone in the family. There's around a dozen sweaters that would do a turn for whoever they'd fit - just nobody in family. There's M&S Footgloves and more but all too big (she had long feet - lol!). There's the kitchen stuff that will no longer be used and then there's other bits I thought might do well on eBay ........ old phones and the like. Reckon she must have kept every phone they'd ever had - LOL! It's all now going. Nearly a year on and it is feeling better about getting rid but mainly it's because of Dad. If he does end up in residential care - and there's no reason to suppose now, that he won't - then it has to go anyway and, as he doesn't need any of it, there's no point in keeping. Already, this week, I've packed up a large boot load and it's gone. Large boot load 'cos it all went in brother's boot - and he's got a big car - when he visited yesterday and he took it to drop off on his way home. Would have filled my little Peugeot's boot and the back seat! The only real problem I've got is what to do with the electrical stuff 'cos Dogs Trust won't take it .....

Yep, brother is still alive and it only took him 2 months to contact me from the last time we met! Things are improving - a visit just 2 months after the last meeting is a great improvement - according to Dad - LOL!! Actually, he's not wrong and his other comment? Guess it's better than nothing!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 17 February 2009

What a ...

... disappointment! This morning I caught a glimpse of Bargain Hunt on the TV and one of the teams bought a set of WWI medals - the ones known as Pip, Squeak & Wilfred as earned by my paternal Grandad and mentioned in my blog last year. The team bought them from the dealer for £75 but when it came to auction they only fetched £40. OK, they'd obviously been cleaned and had new ribbons (no sign of the original ribbons) but surely they were worth more than that? The auctioneer said that the soldier's story was also important and in this particular case the soldier had started out as a Lance Corporal and ended up a Private - lol!! Perhaps it was that they didn't look 'right' but I've since found a set being sold on eBay for £52.50 and they're definitely not original as they're listed as 'accurate full size replicas'. I didn't expect Grandad's to be worth a lot in monetry value but thought they'd be worth more than £40! Perhaps they just weren't at the right auction. Anyway, it's made my mind up about whether to have his cleaned and ribbons replaced. Not going to as I like them the way they are. If I buy a 'replica' of the TFE medal to give his full complement then I may get new ribbons just to keep with them but not for any other reason. I've now found out which is which of the medals and Pip is the 1914-15 Star, Squeak is the British War Medal and Wilfred is the Victory Medal.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 16 February 2009


... collected Dad from respite today. Before we left we booked him in for more weeks. He's now booked for a week every 2 months but those weeks can be extended and they're also happy to take him for the odd few days if 'something crops up' as long as they've space. When I asked him if he'd enjoyed it he said he had and then he said "I think it opened me up". Not too sure what he meant exactly but it was either that it had opened his eyes to what it was like having other people around or that it had brought him out of himself. He was certainly more chatty. He's always insisted that he was happy with his own company but I think he's now realised that there is something more out there and I have a feeling he was a bit brainwashed before but, we won't go into that - lol! Suffice to say that those who knew Mum would know where I'm coming from!!

Whatever, he really enjoyed it and that's a huge great bonus and it feels like a weight has lifted. Even more so as, he no longer wishes to live 'independently' either where he is or in sheltered housing - extra care or not. He has now told me he'd like to go into a residential care home. In other words he wants what he had last week on a permanent basis. I've explained that what he'll have on that basis would be much better and nicer. What he had last week, although clean and tidy, was pretty basic so anything else will be luxury and he'll be able to have some of his own personal bits with him!

If I'm honest, it's the result that I was hoping for. Selfish, I know, but regular visits and trips out can replace twice daily visits to feed, nurse, shop and housekeep. I can stop being his mother, wife, nurse, housekeeper and financial advisor/accountant and become his daughter again - as well as getting my life back! If I can find a place midway between me and my brother there's a chance that he might even visit him on a more regular basis but ..........

Need to talk to his case-worker now and get the ball rolling. Haven't a clue where to start so need pointing in the right direction, especially as he'll need funding but, watch this space - LOL!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

We had ...

... company yesterday afternoon. Eldest grand-daughter (12 going on 21 - lol!) came to visit 'Daddy' but, as he's now living with us, we got her company as well. Dad was employed sorting out her laptop and while he was doing that she wanted to make one of my 'big' flowers. Despite explaining how time consuming they were she insisted - until she'd cut up some of the daisy shapes I'd already punched a few days ago - hehe! She ended up making 3 simpler flowers from shapes I'd already got punched (instruction care of moi but with inspiration from Jane Gill - of course!) and making a Mothers Day card for her Mum. It's being kept here so she doesn't lose it which gave me the chance to take a photo of it today. Apart from the ribbon, which I tied and stuck where she wanted it, it's all her own work, her colour choices and layout. One day she may make a 'big' flower but - lol!

I managed to make a card for a friend who will be celebrating his 60th birthday on 23rd. He shares the date - but not the age - with hubby. Hubby just wishes he could see 60 again - lol! He's very much a country gent so decided to make the LaPashe Flippin' Men - Walkies for him. It's the first card I've made at home in an age and will probably be the last for a good while as well!
..... and here's hubby's latest toy! His brand new, all singing, all dancing box with a wheel on each corner - hehehe!!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Flippin' Men - Walkies

Rare sighting! The first card I've made in a long time that was made at home without a class being involved. The card is for a friend who's very much a 'country gent'. He's into shooting, fishing and all things country related - and enjoys the odd pint! He's even got fields to the rear of his property which his beautiful black lab enjoys.

LaPashe's "Flippin' Men! - Walkies" seemed just right for the job. The 60th backing paper was one of a selection posted on the imag-e-nation forum by one of it's members (member name Vixen) and at a very opportune moment for me. Thank you Vixen. The card was trimmed with gold peeloffs which is something I don't use very often nowadays, although I own 1000's of them.


Saturday 14 February 2009

Nice new ...

... shower all installed and working. Won't know ourselves again now! Got to find something to cover a couple of screw holes that are now showing and, as bathroom is fully tiled I don't like seeing the holes in the tiles. Think it would look better with mirror screws - can't think of what else to use. Luckily they're high up and above the new shower box but I know they're there - lol!!

We've been having some beautiful sunny, but very cold, days just lately. Went out just before 11am on Thursday and found my car still covered in frost but it was soooooooooo pretty I had to go take some photos of the patterns it had made. They didn't all come out too well but reckon these give some idea.

As it was such a nice day I decided to stop on my way to visit Dad. Just 5 minutes away from my home is Brighton Racecourse and a small car park at the start of the course. This area overlooks the village I live in (technically a suburb of Brighton) and, towards the sea, Rottingdean, Ovingdean, Brighton and as far afield as Shoreham and the subsequent coastline to Worthing. From this spot and a little way on towards Brighton, if it is really clear, the Isle of Wight can be seen. Anyway, the sun was really bright and I thought I'd take a series of shots to put into some panoramic software (when I eventually get my own laptop back - repaired or otherwise ...) One of the photos was looking towards the sea over the top of Roedean School. The sun was reflecting so strongly off of the sea that it put the school more-or-less into silhouette. I think this is a lovely photo. Quite dramatic - even if I do say so myself - LOL!

Today it's been so sunny and springlike (although still cold) that we had the patio door open for a while and enjoyed our newest residents - a pond full of fish that we've acquired. They belong to our eldest and, as he is living back with us for the forseeable future and their house has now been sold, the fish have had to move in as well! Big changes being made but sometimes it has to be done .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 13 February 2009

Where has ...

... my anticipated week of leisurely mornings gone? There was me thinking that, with Dad in respite, I'd have a few mornings without having to worry about being up by a certain time and what's happened? I've been getting up even earlier! Most mornings it's because the postie has rung the bell at some silly o'clock time with a packet too big for letter box or something to be signed for. OK, some of it was for me, most wasn't, but who had to get up to answer door????????? If postie hasn't got me up the hubby has with something to do with the new car (which is now in it's new home outside the house - lol!). Now it seems I've not even got the weekend for a couple of leisurely mornings. Phoned plumber today as we've got a replacement shower to be installed and ............. he's coming tomorrow morning so looks like another early one. Perhaps I'll get a lie-in on Sunday but - I'm not holding my breath - LOLOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 12 February 2009

What a ...

... relief! Paid a visit to Dad today and he's enjoying himself! He says he felt at home nearly straight away. He's not doing anything different really. Mainly staying in his room, reading his newspapers and books and watching TV but the difference is that he's seeing different faces, talking to different people and socialising at mealtimes. He's chosen to have his meals in the lounge rather than his room, which is good. He was really animated and he wouldn't stop talking. It was good to see him like it so I'm now hoping I can arrange for this to be a regular thing - and I can enjoy the rest of my time off - LOL! He didn't mention yesterday so there's every possibility that he had no idea how significant the day was. I hope so anyway.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Day two ...

... and still no phone call so reckon things really are OK with Dad in respite. If there was one day that they would have rung me it would have been today because, today would have been Mum's 80th birthday. I'm hoping that Dad won't have realised what the date was (he doesn't usually have a clue - lol) but I did warn the staff that if he did he may get a bit emotional. I've stayed away because I thought it best to 'ignore' the day. Not necessarily the right word but ......... I'm going to call in tomorrow to see how he's going. I have to say that today hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, bearing in mind that this is Mum's first birthday since she died but I think it's helped that we've never been a family to make a big thing out of birthdays - not even the '0' ones. We've always treated them as 'just another day' so that is what today has been, albeit that Mum - & Dad - have been on my mind a bit more than usual. Spooky though, I've heard from my dear(?) brother this evening. I'd decided to see how long it took him to contact me instead of me contacting him first - as is usual. Last time we saw/heard from him was at the family gathering on 14th December and today is the first contact since then. Why Mum's birthday, 'cos I'm sure he's not aware it is as it's not been mentioned. He lives just about 40 minutes away but it may as well be the other side of the world. Now he wants to visit next week ....... !

I've been busy re-stacking boxes in my so-called craft room so that I could move stuff off of the landing to make better use of that space. I became a bit depressed working in there 'cos I've got soooo much stuff that I just don't know where to start with it all. It would be a lovely room if I could get space to use it but it's more like a walk-in loft (which, technically it is) but it's being used like a loft and I can't see anyway out at the moment. I need to have a good clearout! I've more card than I could ever use in my lifetime - especially pre-scored card blanks - and ready made embellishments that I'll never use (don't think they bear any relationship to proper crafting - sorry!) and can't understand why I ever bought them in the first place! I'm going to have to go through it all and be strict with myself. Decide what I'm going to 'specialise' in and get rid of anything not related to those choices (note, plural already - doh!). It really is just as well I've grand-daughters and a daughter-in-law that are into crafting and I may just do some blog-candy ....... when I get a chance to start going through it. Have to say a big thanks to my good friend Jak for ringing just at the right time and helped me see the wood through the trees - hehe! Just wish we lived closer to one another but, if Dad takes to this Respite and I can get him booked in again on a regular basis, she may just find me on her doorstep one day - lol! Anyway, I hope I helped her as well - on her 3rd day of not smoking! Been there, done that .... 4 years and 8 days ago since I stopped.

One thing that has wound me up over the past few days ....... Freecycle ......... again! Well, not Freecycle per se but the flippin' people that use it. Why, when you're giving stuff away, are there so many time-wasters? I offered my HP Deskjet 5550 and got somebody after it before I'd even received the Digest email. They asked for address and time to collect so I sent them both asking them to let me know if not convenient. In meantime I got email after email coming in from people wanting it so kept them in the queue - just in case! Heard nothing from the first guy so assumed he'd come as arranged. Did he turn up? Did he 'eck as like! I gave him an hour past his time and then sent him an email telling him it was no longer available to him and rang somebody else from the list. Although I hadn't heard from them to make definite arrangements they contacted me this evening and called within half an hour to collect. I've not been completely impressed with those that use Freecycle at all but the next thing that is likely to be offered is a single ottoman bed. Wonder what the take up on that one will be ..... Have to say, I've had more luck getting rid of stuff left outside the front door! I had an old microwave that had started sparking. I'd cut the cable off and put it outside the front door to put into car to take to tip. I'd also put an old, cable cut off, toaster inside it to take that as well. Before I'd had chance to take it to the tip it disappeared. Ok, it had been there a couple of days and it had rained but, it still disappeared and whoever took it had to come onto our property to take it - doh!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 10 February 2009

The first ...

... whole day has passed and no phone call has come so perhaps he's actually enjoying it! Who and what? Dad and respite care!

I took him in yesterday afternoon. He's got a lovely room with its own TV and ensuite facilities. It's basic but clean and tidy and he can sit in his armchair and watch the world go by if he so chooses but there's a couple of lounges and a day centre. He can go to the kitchen to make tea or get the staff running around after him - lol! The staff I met were really nice and they said, although they wouldn't force him, they would encourage him to socialise and would take him to the day centre to see if he'd join in. Hope so 'cos if he does I'll try and get him into one on a weekly basis. Felt funny leaving him there and he's been on my mind the whole time. Not sure I'm getting much benefit from it myself at the moment as I'm worrying about him. Hopefully I'll discover that I had nothing to worry about - lol! I said I'd call to see him on Thursday to make sure he's OK rather than leave him the full week as it's his first time. Hopefully he'll have liked it enough he will want to do it again .........

Thanks for dropping by .....

Stamps and ...

... punches fest! A couple of weeks ago I got a big box from Scrappily Ever After. My order of 43 punches arrived. It was like Christmas. Yesterday I got another big box but this time from the UK and yes, it was craft stuff but ......... some of it was for Christmas! Yep - Christmas presents - LOL. Well, you have to don't you, when you see a bargain and when you have grand-daughters that are into craft and a daughter-in-law that is as well. I have no problem buying pressies for them - lol!! It's everyone else that's the problem. Trouble is my fingers got a bit sticky and I actually ordered 2 of one of the items - and didn't notice until it was too late - when I only wanted one but I'm sure it won't go to waste - hehe! I spent just over £80 but what I got was worth £250 full price and it included the super duper giant, extra large daisy punch (or whatever size it's called but it's BIG!) that was used to make the chrysanthemum's shown on the Crafty Bits blog. Well, I just had to have that punch as I've fallen in love with that flower - lol!!

Today postie has left me another packet. I didn't buy the set of owl stamps on Friday and then regretted not doing so. Hubby liked the cards so much he offered to buy them for me (the stamps, that is - LOL!) as a belated birthday pressie 'cos there was nothing I'd wanted at the relevant time. After he'd twisted my arm really hard (hehe!) I agreed he could so, order was put in and now they're sitting on table next to me.

Now all I need to finish my week off craftwise (I know, it's still early in week!) is my Flippin' Women order from imag-e-nation and some stamp sets ordered from the US and which are on their way!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 9 February 2009

What a busy ...

... week and full of highs and lows.

Low - Decided to try online grocery shopping for the first time. BIG mistake 'cos, a week later and I'm still trying to get probs sorted out from that one! Did the order over the weekend and booked a delivery slot for Tuesday morning. Delivery was cancelled due to the bad weather - derrrrrrrr! I was out physically doing Dad's shopping when mine should have been delivered and eldest was out delivering for the same company - just a different store! Anyway, had to rebook a delivery slot which meant that I had to reorder, which meant that the evouchers I had used originally weren't available to use against the re-order. Several phone calls and emails later and I'm still no nearer getting the credit for the voucher that was accepted first time round and rejected on the reorder. They tell me they've reissued the voucher via an email - WRONG! I'm now waiting for another reply from them. Am I impressed with online grocery shopping? No I'm not but, due to my health issues, I've come to realise that I'm no longer able to do two household's shopping any more - not without it taking a lot of extra time out of my schedule anyway so, needs must. Just hope I can get this problem sorted out and then have it plain sailing.

Low - Should have had another SE meet on Wednesday but that was cancelled because of the weather as well. Although everything was clear and back to normal in my neck of the woods, it wasn't further inland and there were many people still having problems getting out and about. Pity of it is, it's now on a date which isn't suitable for everyone that had originally booked.

High - I decided to see if the Glitterpot had their March class list out and found that there were spaces left for a day of classes with Jane Gill on Friday so rang and booked a place for the day. Not Floral Punch Craft this time but something completely different as it turned out.

High - Had a meeting with somebody from the Resource Centre that is giving me and Dad his week of respite care. It was to ensure that they could meet his needs, find out more about him and his likes and dislikes etc. etc. Dad seemed much more settled about it when the meeting had ended. He started thinking about what he wanted to take and what he might need so, from that point of view, it was all positive. He gave the impression he was excited but nervous and he admitted as much by saying it was 'the unknown'.

Low - While this meeting was going on, eldest had to say goodbye to one of his family pets. Lolli, their young lurcher, has gone to a new home. They'd only had her a year from a pup and she's still a pup really but, because of his marriage breakdown she's had to go. We're hoping that our Chalky, who I've looked after on many an occasion over the years, can be kept but only time will tell on that one. Lolli has gone to a good home though - to somebody we know, so there's every chance that we will still see her occasionally. She will be spoilt ..... and she's going to be very busy - LOL!!

I'm going to end this post on a high! The bad weather at the beginning of the week produced an unexpected, but welcome, result! Had to walk to Dad's on Monday because of the snow and when I got there he was routing around in the freezer and he was actually surprised to see me. He'd realised that there was a chance I wouldn't get to him so was making plans for his food for the day. His store cupboard has tinned stews and the like so I suggested he could have one of them. I gave him a lesson on how to use the hob and we agreed that I wouldn't go back in the afternoon and he would get his own meal. Did I worry? Oh yes, I did worry! Did I need to? Possibly not as he seems to have managed, although I think his specs got more of his eyedrops than his eye might have done but hey - he did something for himself! Decided to try him out again on the Wednesday so called in the morning and let him deal with himself in the afternoon. I've decided that he can look after himself, albeit in a limited way, so reckon I'll get a few more tins of stews/casseroles and perhaps have the odd afternoon off - LOL!! Got to be good for him as well - to have a little bit more independence.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wise Old Owls

The class following the one in previous post and this time all stamping, inks and chalks. I'm a sucker for - and collector of - owls. I will admit that on first sight of the stamp set I wasn't impressed but then I saw the sample cards and ..... how cute are they? Variety of media used to stamp on and a variety of inks. The threesome was stamped on Bazzill and the 'feathers' were made using the Papershapers medium retro flower or the Xcut flower

(Click on images to enlarge)
Stamp set used is Hero Arts Four Stylish Owls


Sunday 8 February 2009

Creating Layers with Mixed Media

A class with Jane Gill and it wasn't Floral Punch Craft! Something very different for me. Very grungey, distressed, vintage - whatever you want to call it but I really enjoyed it. We certainly used a variety of materials and techniques making these cards. We shadow stamped on white card, stitched borders, stamped greetings, flourishes and images, used texture, design paper, pearls, prima flowers, punched shapes and ribbon/ric-rac. I loved the end results ....

Stamp set used - Hero Arts Clear Design - Shadow & Elements
Stitching Templates and Floss - In Stitch'z by Bazzill range
Flocked square - Doodlebug Chenille Flocked Cardstock
Inks - Tim Holtz Distress inks
Textured card (dark red and navy on cards) - Woodware Linen Card. Card with linen material stuck to it's face. Not yet on Glitterpot website.


Wednesday 4 February 2009

Success ...

... at last! Went to support eldest at an archery tournament on Sunday - one he'd been entering for the past 3 years. He's come third and second in both the single and double rounds but that first place has been elusive - until now! He won both the single and double by just one point each! Rounded the weekend off nicely for him and he needs a bit of good stuff at the moment following his marriage break up. He bought himself a 'new' car and collected it on Friday. He sold his old 'classic' Subaru Impreza (Scoobie) and bought himself a newer one ....

..... In showroom

In our drive Friday night .....

Hubby decided to do a bit of housework this morning and here's how he ended up! After 20 years in a wheelchair you'd think he'd know how to stay in it by now. Reckon he just wanted a quicker way of cleaning the hall floor and decided that sliding along on his back would work - LOL! He's just had a phone call from the dealership that's supplying his new car. It's here, in the country so, once it's adapted so he can drive it he'll be able to collect it. The very first brand new car he's had in his 69 (yep, he's 69 in a couple of weeks) years!

Good news - I've booked a day of classes at the Glitterpot on Friday! A replacement for today's cancellation, using vouchers given me for Christmas, with Jane again but this time not flowers but ......... owls are involved - LOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 3 February 2009

It starts ...

... again! A new year and it's February. The month I had to revisit a certain website and make a booking to keep a voucher alive. Just hope nobody has anything planned that requires decent weather for Easter Monday 'cos ................. tadaaaaaa........ I've booked my BALLOON FLIGHT! Going on past record if it doesn't chuck it down it'll be blowing a gale - or at least be too strong a breeze for the balloon to fly. Still, my prediction won't come about 'cos that date wasn't even an option. Can't say as I'm sorry though as that would have been way too spooky - LOLOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....

What ...

... weather!! Heaviest snow we've seen in years and how long has it lasted? Just one day in this area! Started snowing Sunday evening, continued overnight. Yesterday we were snowed in with one major access road blocked and snow showers on and off all day. Today? It's all gone! This morning it was still there but had started melting and this afternoon all that's left is where it was really, really thick or snowmen were built - lol! I managed to get out to do the shopping I couldn't do yesterday and now everything is back to normal ........... nearly. Not going to the Craft Barn tomorrow for our second SE meet as they've cancelled it! Now it's been moved to a date that my mate Cally won't be able to make 'cos she'll be away on a jolly again - :o(

One of the fields, with horses, behind my home which is just the other side of the trees in the background.

View across to the park at the bottom of my road.

Need a haircut?
A couple of owl garden ornaments on my patio terrace - lol!

Seen on my walk home from Dad's yesterday morning.
The rear window said 'I(heart)U'. Ain't that sweet?

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