
Sunday 31 May 2009

Playing catch up ...

... with 'diary' posts! Here's a good bit - *wooo hooo*

Eldest son came up with an idea to help clear the unwanted stuff from Dad's old home. The stuff not suitable to take to the Dogs Trust, small electricals, gardening stuff and general junk as far as we were concerned. He suggested I tried to get rid via Freecycle. Well, from my experience of Freecycle I didn't hold out much hope but, nothing ventured, nothing gained so, on Friday I posted on the local Freecycle site - not individual items on offer but an Open House. I gave a 2 hour time slot with the address and put on a list of some of the items available but by no means all. The list?

DVD player
Single electric blanket
Cylinder hoover with tools
Steam iron
Garden tools
Landscaping membrane
Cleaning mops
Dustpan & brushes (yep, plural)
Decorating stuff
Table and a couple of fold up chairs ...
Luggage trolleys
Rotary clothes dryer
Clothes pegs
etc. etc. etc.

Everything duly spread out in a restricted area and, not expecting anyone to turn up, I sat and waited. Dead on the dot of 2pm came the first visitors and so they came! Within ½ an hour there was hardly anything left. I was totally gobsmacked! There was a long 'corridor' type area that was filled all the way down it's length with stuff. There were 2 work surfaces spread with bits and and there was stuff under the work surfaces. The table mentioned in the list was also opened and spread with bits.

I wish I'd taken photographs of the original amount on offer but I didn't however, here's what was left just 30 minutes after the 'start' time (rubbish photos - took them on phone to send to youngest son who helped lay it all out ...)

The last of the visitors called at 3:30pm and the following is what was left at the end of the 2 hour slot (better photos, taken on camera *hehe*). Successful? You bet - and so much less to take to the tip. In fact, there's very little that will be going to the tip although there is another car load for the Dogs Trust .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 30 May 2009

Just how many ...

... tears can a person cry in one day? It's been an awful day.

I didn't call on Dad yesterday, thinking it would help him settle in better if I stayed away for a while but, I called quite early this morning to drop off his daily papers - I haven't managed to sort out a delivery yet. How I wish I hadn't! I've never seen anyone deteriorate so quickly. He has no idea where he is or what he's supposed to be doing. He was completely confused, could barely walk and virtually incoherrent. If I were to hear that he's been found face down on the floor I wouldn't be at all surprised.

This morning he wasn't fully dressed and couldn't put his shirt on, let alone find one. I then found out that he hasn't taken any of his pain-killers since he moved, despite being reminded to and showing him where they are (in the same place as they were before he moved) .... it's no wonder he's in so much pain he can barely walk. I tried to explain to him that he needs to take his medication but I don't think he's listening. Because he can, normally, self-medicate the carers haven't been dealing with that side of things - only his eyedrops. Fortunately a carer came in while I was there and I expressed my concerns about how much he's gone downhill (obviously they have no idea what he was like before he moved) so it's now been noted that he has to be reminded about his pain-killers - at least for the time being while he's settling in. Trouble is the pain-killers are 'as required' There's no set time for him to take them so he may not need them on their visit times. He's blaming everyone for not giving them to him or reminding him to take them but he never had anyone remind him, or give them to him, before - he just took them when he needed them. I get the impression that he thinks he's now in residential care where everything would be done for him (which is what he really wants rather than do anything for himself). I've tried to explain, again, that he has to do the same things for himself that he did before. That the carers are only taking over what I did for him ... and nothing else ... but I'm sure he's not listening.

He has just 3 rooms in his flat but he gets lost however, I think I've figured out why. He's the original 'crooked man'. He can't stand up straight. His posture is a figure 'S' and he shuffles his feet when he walks because he can't pick them up. His back and knees are permanently bent and his feet are splayed and, because of this posture, he's always looking at the floor when he walks. It suddenly hit me - he's navigated around his old home by the flooring ... probably for years. Each room had different flooring so he knew exactly where he was by what was on the floor. He never had to look ahead of himself to see where he was going and he's not doing so now and the problem? All the flooring in the flat is the same throughout, with the exception of the kitchen area (although that's the same colour) and the bathroom. I know he finds it difficult to hold his head up to look ahead but it hasn't occurred to him to even try to so that he can see where he's actually going. I need to think of a way of guiding him around the flat allowing for his posture ...

I've never seen my Dad as he was this morning and every time I think of it I am wracked with guilt that he is going through this because of me and the tears start again - for him and for me. I'm not calling now until Wednesday so I will see how he is then but, my brother is hoping to visit him tomorrow. Perhaps he'll have a different story to send me .... I'm so hoping he does!

There was a good part of the day today .... it'll follow in another post 'cos I've photo's to upload from camera first.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 28 May 2009

'T's' now ...

... crossed! Poor Dad was really confused this morning and it was really upsetting for me to see him like it. He's having trouble understanding that, although the four walls that surround him and who is looking after him are different, nothing else is. I saw another of his carers this morning and he actually saw how Dad was. He wanted to know if he was always like it - which he isn't - and I explained that I thought it was the move as Dad doesn't take any sort of change easily, let alone such a major when. I feel so guilty for what he's going through at the moment as I guess I sort of forced the move on him - although if he'd really objected he could have stayed where he was - but we, including him, all realise that, ultimately it's the best thing for him and me. Just wish we didn't have to go through all this first. Still, he's off for a week of respite on the 8th so hopefully that will come at the right time for him and give him a breather. He knows respite now and is comfortable with that and I have my Crafter's House Party weekend while he's away ..... bring-it-on!

We've tried to keep everything as near as possible to the way he had things previously, including the layout of his furniture and how he has the contents of it. Unfortunately there wasn't the room at the foot of the bed for his wardrobes so they're by the side of it. He told me this morning he couldn't find them but ... he has to walk past them to get to his bed! He now knows where they are and also that the contents are in exactly the same layout that he knows. The same with his wall unit which houses a plethora of stuff. He's admitted he can't get his head around the fact that nothing has changed except where he lives. That his routine for medication and the like is the same. I had left the information handbook about the flat next to him to look through but he hasn't. Me and my eldest spent a couple of hours with him today and crossed the t's and I've told him I'll call back in a few days but haven't stipulated when so he won't be sitting expecting me at any specific time. It may help him settle if I stay away for a while so that he gets used to finding things for himself and gets used to having others care for him and getting to know his carers.

I spent the afternoon at the old house as there's still stuff to do before the keys go back and there was a fridge and freezer to go. Freezer went this evening so that was good as I only advertised it last night. Lounge, master bedroom, landing and loo are all clear and cleaned. Just 2 bedrooms, stairs, kitchen and outbuilding to clear and clean and the keys can go back ....

Have to say I'm suffering with my leg and now my back where I've been trying to protect my leg but, I'm also feeling physically tired in a good way!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 27 May 2009

He's moved ...

... but not quite settled yet! Moving day was yesterday and, by the time he was left around 5pm he had a new home! Soooo grateful to my sons and the eldest grand-daughters for their help. It wouldn't have happened as it did without them. We, me and Dad, still wouldn't be halfway there and today it was the 'i' dotting, tomorrow will be the 't' crossing and it will all be done. Didn't anticipate I'd feel as emotional as I did - and still do to a certain extent - but guess it's my childhood finally passing. The house he's left has been the one constant in my life since I was 3. It's where I grew up and where I married my first husband from. It's been the basis of a lot of memories - good and bad - serious and amusing. It's now an empty shell but it's 'home' and guess it always will be. Dad spent the morning with the littlies while his home was emptied and moved to it's new location, joining us when there was space for him to sit and take in all that was going on. Eldest grand-daughter said she can't remember when she last saw him smile but he did a lot of it yesterday. Shame he spoilt it today when I was there on my own with him! He sent the morning carer away 3 times before I arrived, telling them he didn't need them and after that nothing seemed to be good enough. I suppose his emotions are on a roller coaster at the moment but I need to stop calling daily as soon as so, I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the last day I need to.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 22 May 2009

Productive day ...

... at Dad's yesterday! Had to be at his for 7am as his new fridge/freezer was being delivered between 7 and 11am. It arrived 9:30ish, brother arrived around 10. Wardrobes taken apart, clothes packed in boxes (apart from his needs between now and move), bedding packed and airing cupboard packed. Bro's car was filled with rubbish for tip, more stuff for Dogs Trust (it's on his way home) and bits and pieces he decided he would find useful. 3 hours after arriving he left. Guess I should be lucky I've had 3 hours of help from him but he has offered a bit more after Dad's moved to help clear what's left ...... !!

Balloon company rang to offer me a flight on Saturday as they had a spare place. I'd love to have said 'yes' but don't think I could climb into the basket at the moment, let alone stand for the duration of the flight. Told them that there's a chance I'd have to cancel completely but can't say for sure until I know what the problem is with my leg. They told me that I could probably pass the flight over to somebody else so it's not wasted but ......... I want to do it - not somebody else! (although rather than have the money wasted I would give it to somebody else).

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 20 May 2009

It seems ...

... to be working. The swap of microwaves. I spent last week showing him how to work this one and this week he's doing it himself. I'm there but I stay out of the kitchen until I hear the microwave working then I go and check he's got the timing right etc. First day doing it himself it was about 15 minutes before I heard the microwave work but it's got gradually faster each day between him getting to the kitchen and turning it on. I'm not stopping him as I think he needs to do things for himself but I finally managed to speak to the Care Co-ordinator at his new home today and he's having carers go in twice a day - morning and afternoon - to drop eyes, lotion feet and make sure he takes his meds and also to get his meals for him. They will also be doing his laundry and his shopping so ............. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee!! Or I will be when I know it's all up and running smoothly. I'm hoping that his morning visit will include taking him to he shop for his daily papers until he gets used to going and can go on his own. I've told him I'll call in weekly and make sure everything is OK. Help get his shopping list together and the like and, once I'm properly mobile again, will take him out on nice days.

I had loadsa blood taken this morning but bonus was - it was got on the first try! Can't remember the last time that happened. Usually takes 4 or more goes before I give it up - if I do at all! Nurse reckons that there's not much they're not testing for so should, hopefully, have a better idea of what's going on with me. Went out last night with friends for a meal and I had a starter as my main course with a bowl of salad and didn't eat all of that. Just have no appetite at teh moment. Reckon it's the painkillers taken it away .... Mind you, I was in pain, even with them and having to walk a fair way didn't help. Guess I shouldn't have gone really but needed petrol (strangely I have no problem driving) and to see a friend ....

Busy day at Dad's tomorrow. Need to take full advantage of brother being there and get the last of his bits ready to go - apart from the stuff that can't be done until the very last. New fridge/freezer should be delivered as well.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 16 May 2009

Oh boy, oh boy ...

... talk about spaced out! The stronger pain killers are just that - killers!! I managed to get 6 into me on Thursday and they certainly took the pain away although it didn't improve my walking. Took 2 when I got up yesterday morning and within ½ an hour my legs were all tingly and my head in cloud-cuckoo-land. I couldn't trust myself to drive so had to get hubby to take me to Dad's which was a very quick visit - drop newspapers off, drop eye and run (figuratively speaking!) *LOL* - didn't even bother lotioning feet! Back home to try to get myself together for the afternoon as had to take Dad for his hearing aid check-up and, having had the appointment for that changed half a dozen times I didn't want it changed again. Didn't take any more of the pain killers until I'd got back from the afternoon running around. Have decided that perhaps a dose of 2 is a wee bit too much for me so I've dropped it down to one, infrequently and, if I'm honest, I still feel a tiny bit spaced out but at least I'm functioning which is more than I was yesterday morning!! I certainly wouldn't have trusted myself with anything important yesterday. Why people would want to take them through choice though (apparently they can be addictive) is beyond me. The feeling is awful and the sooner I don't need them the better I shall like it!.

The last of the big bulky stuff sold has been collected this morning. The only things left that will need to go, but after Dad's moved, is the fridge and freezer. I may be lucky and be able to sell them this afternoon. There's a guy coming to buy a set of ladders, who should have come this morning, and I mentioned I was waiting for an appliance to be picked up. Apparently he's moving in June and 'has nothing'. Wanted to know if there was a washing machine - *doh!* Told him everything like that had gone but after he'd rung off I realised there was still the fridge & freezer. Methinks I shall be talking to him this afternoon 'cos if he don't need until June and we don't want to get rid yet ........ assuming he needs one or other or both! Could be that fate is stepping in.

I've had a few nice bits in the post this week. I've bought a ScorPal and the Fiskars Threading Water (Scalloped Lace) punch. Today I received the Sugar Nellie Daisy stamp and I also bought the Daisy & Dolly stamp. Although I'm not at all keen on these stamps where the subject has no face (really weird and spooky to my mind) I gave in and bought one stamp that I don't dislike .... Gorjuss Sitting. Of all the faceless images I think the Gorjuss ones are just about passable. Whether it's because they're really modern or not I have no idea but they are certainly a lot better than the Magnolia ones, although Giggling Tilda is OK ...... 'cos she's got her hand in front of where her mouth should be *LOL* Need the time to play now but will take them all with me to the Crafters House Party 'cos reckon I should get some there ..... can't wait! I'm getting really excited about it now that everything is in place. I'm so looking forward to meeting up with good friends, especially those from the north of the country who I rarely get a chance to see.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday 14 May 2009

A step nearer ...

... to finding out what the problem is with my leg/hip. Had a doctors appointment at 11am this morning and arrived back home around 12:30pm having had a prescription for even stronger painkillers filled and ...... an X-ray done! Now got to wait a couple of weeks for the result of that but, in meantime, I've got blood tests booked for Wednesday morning. Just hoping that the new meds will work to keep me going for now but reading the possible side effects I could just be totally out of it for the next few weeks - *LOL* I'd certainly like to have a decent nights sleep!

Methinks I need to find a few photo's or piccies that I can play with in PSP 'cos don't reckon I'll be up for doing too much even if pain dulls. If I find some then there's a chance that there could be some more freebies appearing on Crafty Bits.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Going, going, ...

GONE - awaiting collection!

GONE - and taken ... including all the records!

... and the leg? I rang the local NHS Rehabilitation Centre - oddly, where Grandad's leg originally came from and ..... despite it being so old, with him having died in 1977, they have said I can drop it back to them. As I pass the place when I go to the doctor (which I will be doing again tomorrow) that's not too much of a problem at all. Have no idea why it was never returned when Grandad died. They did a collection service then so Mum & Dad could have got it collected quite quickly and easily. The collection service is no longer available but they tell me that Grandad's records may be - in paper version if not on database - and I'm to put his name in with the leg. If the leg can't be reused as-is it can be taken apart and all the separate components will be sent to a Third World country for reuse. It seems that it doesn't matter how old the limb is the parts can still be used.

My visit to the doc tomorrow - my leg ..... still! It's at the stage that I can barely walk with the pain and I'm taking pretty heavy duty painkillers now. The meds that helped the first time round didn't the second time. They're now finished and I've been taking some meds I had that were prescribed me for the early stages of a frozen shoulder a couple of years ago. They make me sleepy and make me feel sick sometimes and even they aren't helping too much with the pain. Reckon I now need some more extensive tests ..... Seeing another doc tomorrow but it's one of the regular docs, not a locum, which is who I've seen the last 2 times.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 11 May 2009

It's the final ...

... countdown - to our Crafter's House Party. Just a month to go now. Payment has been made, therapists booked, programme - of sorts - in place and shopping list in final stages. It's hard to believe that it's been nearly 18 months since the idea was mooted and mulled over, and 15 months since the venue booked and the seeds of an idea started to blossom. What started as a weekend retreat for a couple of friends from opposite ends of the country has grown a little so that it's now a retreat for a few friends from opposite ends of the country (and out of, as well - lol!!) We've a day of pampering to look forward to, for those that want it and in luxurious surroundings. Well, it looks pretty luxurious from the website - Upper Rectory Farm Cottages! We're all crafters - hence Crafter's House Party - and there might be a bit of crafting done but then again ... hence Crafter's and not Crafting! Guess a lot depends on the weather but I reckon, if it's good, there's likely to be a bit of walking - or even cycling - taking place. Not by me, I hasten to add 'cos don't think health will allow unless it's totally flat (although leg certainly wouldn't let me at the moment), but I can sit outside and enjoy the weather .... Best thing - it's an escape with like-minded people whether we craft or not - *lol* Reckon there'll be a lot of the world put to rights *hehe*

I managed to get Dad into respite for the 4 days we'll be away so, even though he will have moved by then, I don't have to worry about him and it was a worry initially. When this was originally booked I had no idea what was round the corner and how much our life, as a family, would change over that period. Mum was still with us with no clue that she wouldn't be just 2 months later and eldest's marriage was still intact - sort of! Just goes to show ...

Had a bit of teeth pulling to do today. Trying to find out who would be responsible for taking the stair lift out of Dad's house so we could comply with the T&C's of ending his tenancy. Social Services didn't want to know - ask Major Adaptions at the Council! Contacted Major Adaptions - nothing to do with us, ask his local Housing Office. Spoke to local Housing Office - that would have been arranged via his OT, you need to speak to Social Services! There you have it, the ever increasing circle - *LOL* Stopped the conversation there and explained that's where I'd started this circle. Anyway, finally found somebody who knew exactly what she was talking about (the only one I've spoken to who knew about his new home and that it was obtained by Social Services referral) and the stair lift can stay put. Trouble is, it was put in on top of stair carpet which means I can't take up that carpet to comply with the T&C's - *doh!* They're going to send somebody out to have a look round and tell me if anything can stay put (apart from the carpet that's anchored by the stair lift). Normally everything has to go, including floor coverings but it seems such a waste when the carpet is in good condition. Dated, for sure but, it would do somebody a turn for a while.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 10 May 2009

Poor Dad ...

... I feel quite sorry for him but it has to be done! His home is disappearing around him. This afternoon the 5 wardrobes went and this evening his TV/HiFi unit has gone. He's got one bedroom that is now empty (apart from the stuff that's no longer wanted), one that is collecting packed boxes for the move and the one he's using. He's also now got a big hole where the TV/Hifi unit was 'cos that went just under an hour ago. Mind you it looked odd from earlier in the week 'cos all his records disappeared to a new home on Wednesday - around 300 of 'em! His cooker and washing machine found new homes last week and his dining table will be going soon as well. It's been bid up on eBay *LOL* It sounds awful but he should be so much cosier in his new one bedroom flat. He likes the 'compactness' of respite - everything in one room really so he doesn't have to walk too far. His mobility is really bad and he can't climb stairs so the fact he will be on one level is a bonus and there'll be no stair lift to have dealt with if it breaks down. He's stuffed if that were to happen where he is 'cos his toilet facilities are upstairs. It won't be an issue in the flat so I know he will be better off. I just feel awful with his possessions disappearing in front of his eyes but, as long as he's got his TV he's happy.

Whether the microwave problem has been solved we won't know for a few days. Swapped his with youngest son's today as he had a manual and wanted a digital. Got to wait now to see if Dad can understand turning the dial to the correct number - as long as it's not past 10 minutes because the oven jumps from 10 to 20 minutes with no real guide between. He could divide the time in 2 and do it in 2 hits if it does but not sure he'll understand that. Oh well, time will tell .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Views of the ...

... South Downs looking south/south west from Ditchling Road towards Brighton. This is one of the views on my way home from the Glitterpot from one of the highest points just outside Brighton. Just about a 2 minute drive from here southwards and you hit Brighton and, depending on traffic, in 5-10 minutes I'm home!

I stopped at this particular spot to take photos 'cos, on my way out on Thursday morning I noticed a sheep with triplets quite close to the boundary fence. I thought I might be lucky and she'd still be within view but in the 3+ hours before I returned they'd all decided to move further down the field so there weren't any sheep near the boundary fence *LOL* They were more like dots on the landscape ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 9 May 2009

Stamped Decoupage.

Gaynor White's class on Thursday saw us making a card using a stamp from the Daisy & Dandelion range. This particular set is exclusive to The Glitterpot and is called 'The Birthday Collection'. It's good in that there is one stamp of each of the characters over the range as well as a few appropriate sentiments so, if you don't want to buy a set of each character this set is probably the one for you. It is a larger set to all the others in the range, hence the slightly larger price tag.

This class was the first I'd done with Gaynor and, although I knew what her speciality was, the class wasn't quite what I was expecting but ... I thoroughly enjoyed it. I knew it would involve decoupaging images stamped onto patterned paper and I assumed that we would be doing the stamping but I was wrong. All the images needed were already stamped onto the paper in black ink and heat embossed with clear embossing powder. Our input into this card was cutting out the images in the ever-decreasing layers, shaping and putting the layers together using silicone glue for a 3D effect. Gaynor is well known for the 'little' pieces that have to be cut to give the 'fine' detail and little pieces we surely cut although she did tell us it wasn't the smallest she'd done!! The decoupage was then all put together to make the card which was trimmed with ric-rac, the centre of the flowers highlighted with Sakura pen, all the pink bits on the bear were crystal glazed and tiny googly eyes added. To give shape and definition watercolours were added to the bear once the card was put together. There were 8 layers cut in all and I have to say, it's probably just as well we didn't stamp and emboss our own images as it took us the full time of the class just to cut the pieces and make the card .....


'E's doin' ...

... me 'ead in!! Dad, that is. He decided he wanted to learn how to use the microwave 'cos "your Mum would never show me!". Now, knowing Dad and knowing Mum I could make a pretty good guess as to why she wouldn't show him, prefering to do it herself. I can just see her saying 'no, it's OK, it'll be quicker for me to do it!' and ..... she had a point *LOLOL*

I've spent all week showing Dad how to use the microwave. We've made sure he's had a suitable meal for each day (not a lot of choice at the mo anyway 'cos his cooker went to a new home last week) and I've been getting him doing them himself - or not! Firstly he has trouble seeing the instructions on the packaging and he also has trouble seeing the numbers etc on the microwave itself but his main problem is grasping the concept of minutes and seconds - *bless* It's a digital microwave so the seconds need to be input as well and that is where the main problem lies. I can't make him understand that he's got to add 00 to the whole number or 30 to the whole number for ½ a minute. He has done his own meal everyday but only because I've been with him and ended up telling him exactly what to do. There's very little he's actually remembered for himself.

He's having a day off tomorrow and I'm going to show him an alternative way on Monday. Thought it may be easier to use 'Quick Start' as I thought it was just doubling the number - which he can do if it doesn't involve doubling a number with a ½ in it - and then pressing the Start button that number of times however, I've looked at the instruction book and ............... it's not that easy! I'm not confident, with what I've found, that he will manage the alternative method as he's got to do a little sum. Still, we'll give it a go but I've warned him that if he doesn't understand or remember this then he's gonna have to give up the idea of using the microwave himself! Also asked him if he now understood why Mum wouldn't show him. She'd have lost patience with him - and she knew it. He said he did understand and said he was trying. Can't disagree with that one (in more ways than he meant *LOL*) I'm hoping that, if he joins in with the social side at his new home, we will see an vast improvement in him from the memory side - he's spent so many years not using his brain that he finds new things really hard ..... and 'old' things as well, come to that!

Ballon flight - 3rd booking this year - yesterday. Didn't happen! Too windy and have to say it was blowing a hooley! Am I ever gonna do this blooming flight? I reckon I must have the record for the most number of times somebody has booked and hasn't flown .............. *doh*

I've just downloaded some piccies from my camera - of the card I made at the Glitterpot in Gaynors class on Thursday and of a bit of countryside I drive through on my way there and back. Need to find another suitable place to stop next time I go 'cos I passed a llama farm - never realised it was there - and would love to get a piccie of the llama herd(?). I'll upload some of the piccies some time soon ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

UPDATE - Sunday evening 10th May: Thanks for the input everyone. Checked Argos yesterday - and Comet and Tesco etc etc - and the one that would be within his budget in Argos (the cheapest *LOL*) isn't in stock anywhere in our area but - we've swapped the microwave with youngest son's. They wanted a digital and had a manual so this afternoon we swapped. Let the fun begin tomorrow - *lol*

Friday 8 May 2009

You're way ...

... too clever! Spot on Sue - it's a prosthetic leg - or Grandad's wooden leg as we used to say when me and my brother were kids! Shows how times change, not just with the style of the leg but because not one person in the family - least of all him - considered he was disabled. Today he'd be considered severely disabled and possibly on benefits, which he didn't get at all back then! He worked all his life up to his retirement, as a gas fitter and, apart from a limp when his leg was locked to walk, nobody would have guessed he had a 'wooden leg'.

Grandad lost his leg in the late 1940s and I used to think he lost it in the war (he's the Grandad of the WWI and the one whose Pip, Squeak and Wilfred medals I have) but he actually had phlebitis at some point and it would have killed him without the amputation. It was full leg amputation and I can remember being fascinated by his stump. Odd thing is, Grandad died back in 1977, aged 84. Why Mum & Dad never returned the leg to the Limb & Rehab centre, which is only about 3 miles away, I have no idea but it was obviously confined to the loft instead. Perhaps they thought it 'might come in useful sometime' - *LOLOL* I have no idea what to do with it now. Guess I need to talk to the Limb & Rehab centre!!

I've been playing in PSP and other editng progs again and there are some more 'freebies' available now ...

I was supposed to have had a day of classes at the Glitterpot yesterday but the afternoon class was cancelled because there wasn't enough support. Morning one went ahead though and it was very enjoyable. Not totally what I expected but I found it quite relaxing. It was with Gaynor White whose speciality is stamping images onto patterned paper and decoupaging them - to the minutest detail!! Card made, which will be photographed and posted in due course.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 7 May 2009

FREEBIE - Sepia version - Car Toppers

I've been playing again and here are sepia versions of the car toppers. Different effects as well. Hope they're of use. I will be playing with other subjects in due course.

Please note:
These sheets and the original photograph, are copyright to me. You are free to use these in any way you wish for personal use and you may sell anything you make using them but please, do not share them in any way whatsoever but link to my blog for others to download for themselves. Please do not claim them as your own or sell the sheets in any form.


Click on any image for full size and either print or save to your PC for printing in your usual way.


Answers on a ...

... postcard please. It's amazing some of the things you find in people's lofts! Mum had told me ages ago that their loft was empty apart from a couple of small black ash units that youngest son had stored up there years ago - definitely more than 10 years ago! Knowing that the whole house, including loft, had to be cleared and thinking that one of these units may suit Dad's TV in his new home, youngest son ventured into the loft on Sunday. Turned out that there was a little bit more than the units up there. Not much more, admittedly, but it wasn't quite as empty as I'd been led to believe. There was a couple of rolled offcuts of carpet, all wrapped up nicely in an old flannelette sheet (ideal for the arthritic dogs at the Dogs Trust - the carpet, that is), a Baby Burco wash boiler - all sparkly and looking like new - and ....... well, try and guess what this is.

It was in a very large brown paper bag which was then inside a very large linen bag made from a sheet. Youngest thought it might have been a vacuum cleaner. I didn't unwrap it until Monday but by then I had a pretty good idea of what it was! Answers on a postcard (just for fun) - OK in the comments - and I'll reveal the answer in due course.
Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Babysitting duties ...

... Monday evening. Youngest took his wife to see Pink at the O2 in London and I got to to babysit ..... all 3 of the littlies! Middle littlie, Amy, greeted me with "you're babysitting us aren't you Nana Pam?". I told her she'd got to lay down so I could sit on her but she didn't think it was a very good idea - *LOL* Biggest littlie, Emma, thought that idea was highly amusing and I got the usual "who are you?" look from tiddly littlie, Zac - *hehe*

Girlie littlie's were tired, despite strongly denying that they were but, there weren't any problems with them going to bed when it came time for that.

Zac, not yet 8 months old, doesn't like to stay down now he can crawl. "If I can crawl -I can stand!" Mind you, "I can't quite balance well enough to sit properly yet but won't let that stop me getting on my feet!" - *doh!*

... and Mummy and Daddy had a lovely time!

Thanks for dropping by .....