
Saturday 30 April 2011

Just 5 hours ...

... to take off!  2 weeks shut down.   Watch countdown here ððð

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Friday 29 April 2011

... and another ...

... very different wedding!  Prince William and Catherine Middleton tied the knot with all the pomp and circumstance/pageantry demanded of a future King of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, although a lot less 'pomp' than in previous royal weddings and definitely not so pompous *LOL*  I did see the important bits ... his arrival, with Harry, at the Abbey.  Both sets of parents, Queenie and of course, Kate's arrival and that dress!  Stunning in it's simplicity and elegance and no less than I would have expected of her.  Less is so much definitely more - *LOL*  I watched them take their vows and the rest - well, boring, to say the least, and I got on with the other jobs I had to do :0)  Back to watch them process and make the trip back to Buck House and that was me lot!  Shall probably see it all in bits on the many, many repeats we'll now be inundated with at every opportunity for a while.  So glad I'm off to Bali tomorrow to experience another type of wedding.

All jobs now done apart from visiting the Post Office to send some mail early tomorrow morning.  All batteries charged, all charging cables packed. Discs of Wednesday's photos burned and packed.  Freezers sorted out for Paul's convenience. Luggage weighed and I've loads of spare weight should I find anything to bring home. Reckon there could be even more as I'm pretty sure I'll still be bringing stuff home unused - *lol* Jackie's checked us in online - not sure on procedure after that 'cos I've never checked in online before.  Rest of day is my own so I can have a relaxing evening ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 28 April 2011

Busy, busy ...

... few days.  Tuesday morning meeting with OT at Dad's turned into a real mammoth session.  Not just me, Dad and OT.  OT arrives with a Social Worker in tow.  Then head carer arrives followed closely by the Care Manager.  If they wanted to try to get any sense out of, or into, Dad, having all of them in his face put an end to those hopes!  I arrived first so I could forewarn him that there was a meeting.  Couldn't forewarn him as to the number 'cos it took me by surprise :0(  He was rather upset when I arrived anyhow, as he felt that the morning carer had pretty much forced him to use the commode chair - as a wheelchair, not a commode - that morning but what had upset him more was that the bathroom furniture had been moved and not returned to position which meant that if he'd needed to use the bathroom he couldn't have done so on his own.  Seems the reason he'd been encouraged to use the chair was that his mobility has been bad for a few days.  He'd also used it the day before, willingly, but had forgotten.  Anyways, upshot of the meeting was that he would give the chair a go, he didn't need to use it if he felt he could walk but it was for the benefit of him and the carers.  Basically ... status quo.  Now, there's a surprise!  The only other thing to come out of it was that they're gonna refer him for physiotherapy ... possibly.  Explained he'd refuse to go anywhere for it after a while so they're looking into home visit physio.  We'll have to see on that one but ... there's gonna be another meeting when I'm back from holiday and that leads nicely on to ..........

Matt, Anie and Bali *grin*.  Yesterday I travelled down to Jackie's as I'd been invited to join the family for the 'legal registration' of Matt & Anie's marriage.  The Civil Ceremony was held here in the UK, at Canterbury Register Office and the formal blessing is to be in Bali on May 3rd.  It was a very beautiful, relaxed, low key ceremony.  

Photographs were taken in Canterbury's Westgate gardens.  No professional photographer.  Just guests with our point and shoots but there are some lovely photographs appearing on Facebook - LOL*

Following the photos we all gathered at a little Mexican restaurant, Cafe des Amis, where we partook of nachos, crab cakes, tortillas, stews, sorbet, chocolate cake et al ... mainly from the early evening bargain menu (and it was a bargain when a single sorbet couldn't be finished by 2 people sharing!)  Again, relaxed and completely informal.  

(That couple getting married tomorrow aren't the only ones that can have mugs to commemorate the occasion - *LOL*)

On finishing there we headed back to the 'local' pub - but not before most of us went and changed into our tat to keep warm.  Weather, although sunny, had turned windy and cold ... very cold!  Late night was had by some of us *grin* although not one drop of alcohol passed my lips as I ended up being the 'wedding car' driver,  transporting the bride (who fell asleep on the way) and groom's Mum (that'd be Jackie then *grin*) to the venue and then the bride and groom (and Mum) back to the pub at the end of the meal (bride fell asleep on that journey as well - bless!).  Wish I'd known I was going to be doing that though 'cos I'd have had the car washed and cleared the inside out.  The back of my car is rarely used so tends to get things thrown on the floor, never to be cleared away, so poor Matt sat amongst the cans of de-icer, sun shades and whatever other tutt had been thrown there.  As I said, a very relaxed and low key event and extremely enjoyable *grin*.

I arrived home early this afternoon and now have a full day to finish 'stuff', charging electricals and the last bit of packing before the trip to the airport to meet the group going to Bali ...... I will be having at least a 2 week break from blogging but hopefully will be prepared with plenty of stories on my return *hehe*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 25 April 2011

Woo Hooo ...

... packing done!  I'm right on track :0)  Just last minute bits for Friday/Saturday morning so I can now start to relax a bit.

Had a lovely afternoon reading Thomas the Tank Engine to little Zac while his sisters went to do a dance exhibition at the Theatre Royal in Brighton.  Apparently there was a talent show being held there but their dance school opened the second half of the show.  They weren't taking part in the talent show as such but just formed some of the general entertainment.  Little Zac is fixated with Thomas at the moment but you can only read one book so many times before you start to nod off *LOL*  Fortunately a hunt found a few more so I was able to ring the changes.  Got a lovely hug from him when I left though so guess it was all worth it - especially when Mum and Dad were 'awwwing'  at his actions.  I'm guessing they're not that normal with anyone other than themselves and the girls :0) (He loves his Nana Pam!)

Now I just need to get Dad sorted out, a trip to the tip with garden rubbish, top-up the car with petrol, visit the PO and chemist and have the shopping delivered and put away and then time's my own ........

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 24 April 2011

I'm impressed ...

...  with myself.  I seem to be on track :0)  I made sure I got up early this morning and I had all the 'h' word work done in the lounge before Paul got out of the pit.  Don't yer love a plan coming together?  I've sorted all the clothes for packing and half is packed, the other half need to see an iron before they're packed.  Tomorrow should see the packing done with just last minute bits to throw in Friday night/Saturday morning :0)  Think I'll aim for early up tomorrow as well so the ironing is done before it gets too hot.  Check list is nearly all checked now, including the MP3 loading and testing.  It's working well *grin*

I'm liking this more organised way of life.  I'm hoping I keep it going when I'm back from the holiday.  I always used to be organised, in years past, but the needs of Mum & Dad seemed to overtake. My own home took a back seat and I let things slide.  It's taken a while - a very long while - but I seem to be getting back to the way things used to be.  Not as easily now, admittedly, as I find it really hard to do the most basic of tasks but if I can keep on top of things through the week then I should be able to find more time for my crafting .... hopefully! I used to run a tidy ship when I was working - can't really understand why it's not been since I 'retired'.  Anyhow, I shall be doing the best I can to keep it up - *LOL*

I'm also impressed with ... Blogger spam filter.  I'm loving it's effectiveness.  I reckon it stops 99.9% of spam which means less comment moderating needed.  People, if you moderate your comments - don't!  Take a chance and see what happens.  OK, I've got some moderation ... checking any anonymous comments on posts over a couple of weeks old, although I'm considering even dropping that.  I've taken off word verification (not that I had it for long anyway) and I certainly don't like having to approve comments before they can be seen and I don't like commenting on blogs where you can't see your comment until it's approved (not that I'm a good commenter - ooops!).  So much work for the blog owner and completely unnecessary now.  People, get your life back and take off all moderation.  You can always put it back again if you're not as impressed as me :0)

I'm not so impressed with the new Design feature.  Well, that's not quite true.  I am impressed with it although I can't get it to do what it's supposed to in some instances but what I'm not impressed with is an aesthetic thing.  Way, way back in times of yore, as part of my Business Studies course, I had to learn basic typing/secretarial skills.  I was taught that there should always be a double space following a full stop at the end of a sentence.  Since taking up computers and picking up the typing skills learnt way back when, it is automatic for me to 'double space' after a full stop.  Until the new Design feature came in that wasn't an issue.  Now it is and for why?  If the end of a sentence comes at the end of a line then the double spacing can cause an indent at the beginning of the next line.  Never used to happen so why does it now?  Using 'justify' sorts out raggedy right hand margins but it doesn't sort out raggedy left hand margins.  I don't like raggedy and use 'justify' all the time.  I've tried remembering to not double space.  It don't happen *grin*  It's too automatic for me after all these years.  I've tried to ignore the indents that shouldn't be there but it winds me up - I will persevere on that one.  I've edited to take out all the double spacing but that wastes time ... and shouldn't be necessary.  Please Mr Blogger - let us have that bit as it used to be so those of us 'old school' can use our double spacing and still keep the good look of our posts :0)

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 23 April 2011

Getting excited ...

... now!  This time next week we should be landing, or near to landing, in Doha at the end of the first flight on our journey to Bali. 

It's been another busy day today -
Kitchen cleaned ü
Hallway cleaned ü
Washing done ü
All of the above, the bathroom and lounge (when it's done) are now down to Paul to keep on top of until I'm back  :0)

Bill payments up to date ü
Mail prepared to send at end of week ü
Notebook and pen ready for recording happenings *wink, wink, grin* ü
MP3 player loaded and checked ... nearly. May add more but it's not checked yet!

To do list is drastically shorter than it was but it's not as short as I'd hoped it would be by this time.  Think I need to get up early and do the more strenuous stuff while it's reasonably cool.  It's been so hot here of late and it's uncomfortable trying to do anything in the afternoon that needs a bit of energy.  The weather isn't helping my lung problem much either but I'm probably better off here by the coast than in the city/town centres right now, although I've had to rely on my 'emergency' inhalers today and that is quite unusual.

Tomorrow I'm planning on doing the lounge then it's all systems go on the packing ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

St George's Day

St George - Patron saint of England.  
Back in 2008 I posted on this day and commented that the English don't really celebrate the day as others celebrate their saints days but that we should mark it and, perhaps, one day, we will celebrate as others do.  What's happened since then?  Nowt!  Even I've ignored it since then.
People .... 23rd April .... St George's Day!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 22 April 2011

And a wedding ...

... card!  Yep, mojo came back enough for me to put together a wedding card.  Just hope it's liked as I'm not sure about it myself.  I guess the focal point is the decoupage.  TBZ embossed and gilded and layered using Pinflair Glue Gel.  Oh how I dislike that stuff.  Give me good ol' silicone any day!  

The border punching was done using the totally idiot proof, Woodware Crafty Edger.  I'm loving this border system.  It really makes it so easy to match the pattern.  There can be no mismatching/double punching with it as there can be with all the other border punches I've tried and yes, that would be the Martha Stewarts and EK Success ones.  Pretty as those designs are some are a real nightmare to match and they can be a complete fiddle to get in position and held secure while you punch.  With this Woodware system there is absolutely no margin of error at all - it just works!  Wish they'd hurry up and bring out more designs ... and the corner punches I've been assured will be coming as well. ;0)  If they bring out a big enough range and the corner punches, then I shall quite happily get rid of all my MS punches.  Storage is a lot easier as it's a cassette system and the cassettes stack. Even better than the flat EK Success punches as they're smaller *grin*.  Guess it's got the potential to have everything that the others haven't got - providing they come through with the designs.  Digressing again but I'm sooooo impressed with this system.  It's not often I like something this much.

Anyway, I kept some of the punched waste shapes and used them as 'confetti' to take the plainness off of the white surround.  Greeting was an SU stamp but I borrowed it so not sure which set it belongs to.  Ruffled ribbon again (I love the effect ruffling the ribbon gives) and a few pearls.

I've been wondering where all the followers & subscribers I had on Crafty Bits are.  I had 126 followers and 91 Feedblitz subscribers.  I've come to the conclusion that they followed and subscribed but really didn't 'cos if they did they'd have moved over when blogs merged ..... wouldn't they? Daft thing is Bits still has 126 followers, even though there's nothing on the blog now so I'm guessing, without checking, that it also still has 91 subscribers - *lol*!  What I was sad to see go was the country count on my Neoworx counter.  It's building up again here - and quickly - but Bits had hits from 133 countries.  I'm happy with the way things are and I've not regretted doing what I did so guess that's the main thing.  I've felt more inclined to blog and hopefully, for those that do follow, with more variety it's a bit more interesting as well.  My life isn't all crafting.  If truth be known there's not much crafting involved at all, although I'd like there to be but who knows .... one day - *hehe*

Paul's pre-op assessment was OK so everything is go for him to have the screw out on the 6th May.  Hopefully he'll be able to start using the hand more and there'll be a better judgement on any residual pain 'cos at the moment not too sure if it's all down to the screw or not :0{

Today?  Some of that 'h' word.  Well, had to finally do some, didn't I?  I also started sorting out my holiday packing.  Nothings packed but it's coming together.  I've also done, or prepped, a fair bit of paperwork so I'm feeling quite organised but I'm sure that won't last *LOL*

It's still hot and sunny and looks as though the Easter weekend is going to stay that way.  Very unusual weather for a Bank Holiday weekend in the UK.  It usually rains - *lol*
Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 21 April 2011

Another beautiful day ...

... weatherwise.  It can't last much longer - or can it?  I'd planned to do some of the dreaded 'h' word today while Paul was at his pre-op assessment but he sat out front of house waiting for the transport to arrive and I went out to keep him company for a while.  The 'while' ended up being a weeding and tidy up session in the garden but instead of me commenting on how it 'needs doing' every time I go out there, it's now done!

Trimmed the lilac and brought some indoors.  Hard to believe that this bush was cut back to the ground just 4 to 5 years ago.  Seems to have done it the power of good.

Transport arrived, I finished the tidy up and then decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies.  Cheated though :0)  Last shopping order had a couple of packet mixes in and one was .... chocolate chip cookies. Haven't used a packet mix in years (mind you, until very recently I've not baked in years *grin*).  Probably not much quicker than doing them from scratch and certainly no cheaper but I was curious.  They made a lovely dessert with some vanilla ice cream this evening .....

Suitcases are out of the top of the wardrobe but dimensions for hand luggage are smaller than last year (different airline) and mine's too big :0(  I put it right with the purchase of another, smaller, overnight/weekend case with dimensions that Ryanair accepts so reckon every other airline out there will have no problems - *lol*  Now I need to sort out what I'm taking to Bali and start my packing.  I want it done by Tuesday evening, all bar the last minute bits :0)

Now ..... I'm gonna show you what we did in Jane's FPC class last Friday.  Was it Friday?  Time passes so quickly nowadays and it goes quicker the older I get.  I do have some very morbid thoughts sometimes.  Can't help it but they creep in.  I've become very aware of my own mortality.  It started when I reached 50 but has got worse as I've gone more years past that.  Mostly I don't think about it but just sometimes those thoughts creep in, especially recently and I can only put that down to losing our friend Barbara so suddenly and at such a comparatively young age.  Anyway, morbid thoughts to one side and back on track with post!

Friday, yep, checked calendar and it was Friday, spent the day at the Glitterpot in the company of some lovely ladies and Jane Gill making poppies and a form of clematis (I thought Montana variety but what do I know?)  The poppy came from Leone Em's latest book.  I swear that lady likes to find theeee most difficult way of doing things - *lol*! Anyway, I love the flower but there's something not quite right about it as a poppy to my mind.  I think that the 2 back petals should be much larger and practically meet one another and the 2 slightly smaller ones lay on top.  I kept trying to pull the petals together more but they wouldn't go and, since having it home I've Googled poppies and the pics I've found seem to bear that out.  If I ever make the flower again I may well play with the 'design'.  Whatever, I still like what we did and the finished card ....


All the flowers started as white 80gsm copy paper and then coloured.  The poppies were coloured with diluted acrylic paint and the clematis? Well, would you believe it, I can't remember! Yet another senior moment. I remember an ink pad and a toning pen for the stamens but can't remember how we coloured the petals but guess the ink pad was involved somewhere along the line else why have it? Poppies took all morning to make and half the afternoon to put card together. Clematis took no time hence didn't quite gel in the memory but you get the idea.  If you don't like to colour you could always use a coloured paper ... for both the flowers - *lol*!

Update:  I've remembered!  We used a dauber and dabbed the colour on. Sheesh!  P'raps I'm not so daft after all *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Boy, it's hot, hot ...

... HOT!!!  Yesterday was hot but it's been even hotter today - or seemed it was to me.  Eldest son and his partner's youngest came today and, while he was here, he put together a lovely toy for me.  It's been residing, in it's box, in the shed for over a year but it's now usable - and use it I certainly will!

Kieran and Chloe, the eldest grandchildren arrived as well, so we had quite a family gathering.  Kieran brought his girlfriend and her little boy.  Scary and, not wanting to go there but, he could potentially be a step GREAT grandchild!  As I say, I do NOT want to go there - not yet, anyway :0{  I'm not old enough to be a great grandparent - pleeeeease!  Didn't think to get camera out while they were all here. Stupid 'cos photo opportunities with any of them are few and far between and now I regret not putting brain into gear and getting camera out as there might not be another opportunity for months.  Getting too many senior moments recently with brain not working until it's too late :0(

Final bit of shopping for holiday done and dusted.  Tried on another dress I'd seen last week and, although I loved the colour and it was pure silk, the fit was atrocious.  Bagged under the arms and over the bust.  Empire line dress but a smaller size wouldn't have fitted under the bust.  Really disappointed but it's saved me £100 *grin*

Here's the last project from Greta's playday and it was my offering.  This one was very much a fly by the pants project.  I'd bought ordered (Paul paid for it as part of my Christmas present) the die at a very, very good price but had never used it.  I cut all the elements needed and it was a 'follow the directions' make for us all for the first time.  Think we all discovered where we could improve if ever made again but strangely, although I took the die with me, nobody rushed to cut the parts needed to make another - *LOL*  The die used is a Sizzix Bigz XL called Pop Up Snowman (I think).  I used it with my CuttleBug using extended plates but they aren't totally necessary as you have to be quite selective with cutting the pieces.  There are some elements that you need more than one of but there's only one on the die.  I don't actually dislike it and may make more, especially now I know where it could be improved.  I finished the card at home on Sunday ...

 I entered this one into the forum's April inspirational challenge as well ... to include a button.

Thanks for dropping by ....

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Another project ...

... from Greta's playday.  This time it's Kim's contribution.  She got us making a card with punch art fishes and ain't they cute?  We had a choice as to how we finished this card.  We could have torn paper to create a wave effect or a stamp from Stampin' Up's Curvy Verses.  I chose the stamp but felt it needed a bit more to give a wave effect so decided to ruffle some pale blue ribbon that Greta had. The fish were made with a variety of SU punches, ornament, heart, blossom and bird wing - and also a couple of googly eyes *lol*. 

Loved the card when put together but felt it lacked something so Sunday I got out my chalks and chalked pale blue around the edges of the card.  I then went a little further and added some chalk to both fish to give a bit more depth to them.  Very discreet and barely noticeable but it has made a difference.  I also added a button with some twine tied and frayed to suggest coral, seaweed or even a creature ... it's up to you - *LOL*.  Because I added the button I'm entering it into the forum's April inspirational challenge.  I think the card would make a lovely anniversary or engagement card.

Dad day today.  He'd 'lost' an hearing aid.  Shouted at me, before I'd even shut the front door *sigh*  Told me he'd dropped it this morning and couldn't find it.  Showed me where he dropped it so it was pretty obvious it was in his chair somewhere - and it was :0)  Then we started on the TV again.  How to switch it on and off.  Becoming a regular weekly 'go through' this is but he seems to manage well enough throughout the week.  Tells me he's lost a lot 'up here', pointing to his head.  I had to pay a visit to the office today to leave them some more money for his shopping and general expenses.  Hopefully I've left enough to cover 'til I'm back from my holiday.  They tell me they've referred him back to the OTs again as the morning carers are concerned about his mobility and he won't use the wheeled commode chair.  Not sure what referring him back to the OT will produce, especially as he only saw the last one a couple of weeks ago.  Do they think that a different one can force him to use something he flatly refuses to use?  Told the office that it's a waste of time as there's not really anything more can be done re his mobility.  He wants to walk when in the flat and, if we're honest, it's what he should be doing all the while he can.  Last OT told him it was fine to walk if he could, so he does! Only one more visit to go before I'm off to Bali.  Is it wrong to be relieved to be having a break from these visits?  

Anyway, time's fast running away and there's lots to do before the END OF NEXT WEEK .... eeeeek!  Now I'm feeling I've left everything to the last minute but, if truth be told, I really only have my packing to do.  Just seems as though I've loads to do but that could be because we're full of Bank Holidays now, what with Easter, the much hyped (and waste of money) royal wedding, there's not much normal time left to do things like shopping so that I know Paul can eat while I'm away and some of that dreaded 'h' word so that he doesn't have to worry too much.  True, he's having the screw out of his hand while I'm away and, hopefully, things will be easier for him but we've got to allow for the fact that it may still be a while before it is.  Mind you, last year he had a great big plaster up his arm - and managed - while I was in Tanzania so not sure why I'm worrying so much this year.  I'm only away for a couple of weeks instead of 3 as well.  Be home before I've got used to being away *hehe*  Grand-daughter reminded me yesterday how quickly it will all be over.  She's off to Spain for a couple of weeks the day after I get home and she Facebooked that 4 weeks and 1 day and she would be in Spain - which means that I shall have been back home a day! :0(

Weather - the hottest day of the year today and hotter than some of the Med hotspots!  Gotta love this weather but it's about 10ºC above average.  How long can it last?

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 18 April 2011

Here's one project ...

... from our crafty day at Greta's last Thursday but which one will I show first?  I think I'll start with Greta's contribution.  She decided we'd make a memory wire bracelet.  We had a choice of colour-ways and I chose green and bronze, thinking it would go with one of the tops I bought for my up and coming holiday only to remember, when nearly done, that the top isn't green and bronze at all but hey, I've a dress it will probably go with.  I loved making this and I can see me making more.  Just need to find somewhere to buy the beads but I've not gone searching yet :0)

Had my massage today and back is a wee bit easier.  The masseuse stretched the base of my back instead of pummelling it and it does seem to have had some effect.  This massage turned out to be a really good deal.  It was a full back massage (legs, feet and all the way up), a full head massage and a facial.  I bought it on a Groupon deal and, before I left the salon, I bought a voucher to repeat the experience at the price I bought the Groupon voucher for.  This time I've 6 months to take it up in instead of the 3 via Groupon.  When I'm back from holiday hubby and I will be using another voucher we bought for a 2 course dinner at quite an expensive (normally) Italian restaurant at the Marina.  We've eaten there before but paid full price.  Food was delicious so we're looking forward to that, especially if it's a nice evening and we can sit outside and eat alfresco.  I'd certainly recommend people sign up for the daily emails.  You never know what deals are going to come up that could be of interest.

I've been loading up my Kindle with books. Had a fair few anyway but Amazon have a Spring Spectacular with selected titles up to 75% off. Couldn't have come at a better time 'cos now I've got loads of choice, if I get time to read while away. If not while away, on the long, long flights - *LOL* Need to load the MP3 with some toons now.

Weather is still amazing!  I'm so hoping that this isn't our summer come early.  We're having higher than average temperatures for this time of the year and mainly into the low 20s (centigrade).  It's beautiful.  The only thing spoiling it is the smell of BBQs wafting around but that's only 'cos we've not got ours out yet - *lol*  By the time we get ours out the weather is likely to have turned :0(

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