
Tuesday 30 September 2008

Yep! ....

... my plan worked! Rebook my balloon flight, which pretty much guarantees that it'll be wet, windy or both (which is why I've become the Wednesday weather girl - just ask me when my next booked flight is and that guarantees bad weather) then make the most of the good weather before it turns. Got my poo dug and plants in over the last 2 days and nature has watered them in today - lol!! Yep, you got it ..... Balloon flight was rebooked for tomorrow morning (changed tack this time) and .................. it's cancelled for the 6th time!!

Blockbusters arrived to sort out Dad's blocked loo today. Just as well I'd managed to unblock it yesterday otherwise he'd have been in real trouble - lol! They've cleared a fair bit of limescale so hopefully it will be OK from now on. It had better be!

Seems his knitwear is suddenly starting to conspire against him. We've discarded a cardigan that he was wearing quite happily a few weeks ago but which is now 'collapsing' and we changed it for a pullover. He managed that fine yesterday but today that's 'falling down'. He's suddenly started getting really confused over how to put them on. Still, he'll be even more confused tomorrow because he's got to go out! He's not comfortable outside the home but he's got to go to the chiropodist so he won't know where he is when we get there and he won't know where he is when I get him home - not until he's indoors again. Trouble is, he then spends the rest of the day in another world until he's settled down. He's fine if he can stay in the car. It's when he has to get out and walk around that the problems arise.

Good thing .... I've found a painless way of giving Ollie his pills - until he gets wise! I wrapped them in a bit of a cheese slice which he took without quibble and it didn't touch the sides - lol!! At least it saves the twice daily wrestling match and nipped fingers ..........

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 29 September 2008

It's been ...

... nearly a week but seems longer, since I last posted. There's a lot gone on over those days, some to record, some best forgotten. Some good, some bad and a lot of tears - too many! I seem to be extremely emotional at the moment and I get angry with myself for not having better control. Seems the older I get the more emotional I become.

Good bit ..... I had a visit from my little grand-daughters and they gave me a bouquet of flowers, each flower selected by the older one because they went to a 'proper' florist. Her Dad said she loved it .... bless her! The bouquet is gorgeous. Spray carnations, small chrysanthemums, freesias, gypsophila and maidenhair fern. All pinks and lilacs because they're her favourite colours. A bit of not too good news. It seems that baby Zac may be deaf in one ear. More tests to come as it may just be an infection. We will know ... in time.

Bad bit ..... Dad and Ollie.
For various reasons - things that have happened over a few weeks - I had to take Ollie to vet on Friday with full expectation of not bringing him home again. Seems, although he shouldn't be here, he does really have cancer and it is spreading to other organs hence a huge weight loss he's had over the past couple of months. He was on a diet because he was very overweight but I doubled his food intake because he was losing so much and very quickly. Unfortunately the weight loss hasn't stopped. Now vet won't give him his annual booster due October, or give me the sedatives he has, ready for Guy Fawkes night. He says to collect them nearer the time, if needed :0( I've now got 2 lots of pills to give him so guess that replaces the 'creaming bum' - I've now got to wrestle a blooming dog twice a day and 3 times every other day!

Even worse is Dad. He's really not coping on his own when I'm not there. I think he spends most of his time asleep - but not all - and it's those times I'm concerned about. He's having trouble with normal day to day things like dressing in the morning and switching lights off amongst the lesser of the problems. I can hear myself talking to him and directing him like a mother does with a child and I don't want to be his mother. I'm his daughter and want to be his daughter. Having my hands down a blocked loo twice in a week has just about done it for me as well as a couple of things that could be entitled 'too much information' - LOL!! I'm also disappointed with the new cleaner. Her idea of cleaning isn't mine and I'm finding dirt remaining that should be gone after she's cleaned - no matter where. Think she'll be gone soon. I'll give her another week but if there's no change next week .....

I've spoken to him about "extra care housing" that our council has. It's like sheltered housing but with a bit more to it - a sort of half-way house to living totally on his own and being in a care home. Don't think he's too keen but it's a compromise and will take some of the worry from me and I can get back to being a daughter instead of his housekeeper, mother, cook, nurse and general dogsbody. Main problem here will be ..... vacancies!!

There's been other bits going on in the family as well but that comes under the bit - best forgotten - and definitely not things that I want to see repeated - EVER!!!

Good bit ..... I've finally got my shrub bed planted up so I've dug poo and spread bark - lol!! It's taken me 2 days to do it but I feel that I've actually achieved something, inbetween the Dad problems - lol!! Particularly feel as though I've achieved because I didn't think I'd actually be able to do it due to my health issues. I was determined to try before I shouted for help though. Would have taken a healthy and fit person no more than 2 to 3 hours to deal with it all but it took me so long because of working for 30 minutes and resting for an hour - lol! - just to dig the poo in. OK, it's manure or, to be really polite - soil conditioner! Eldest grand-daughter named it 'poo' and it's stuck - lol! So, 6 bags of poo followed by membrane spread with 6 bags of bark all done yesterday and the plants added today. May have lost 3 of the hebes but hoping, now they're in ground, that they may revive.

The weather has been glorious the past few days - well, since last Thursday really - but it's set to change and I can absolutely guarantee - without having to be told by a weather forecaster - that if it doesn't change overnight tonight it will tomorrow! Guess we could have called the past few days our late summer.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Cor blimey!! ...

... twice!

The first one - my BALLOON FLIGHT!! OK, I know I'm shouting but - it was cancelled ...... AGAIN! ... because of high winds and heavy showers and guess what the weather's like right now? Yep, calm and sunny - gggrrrrr - probably not calm enough though - hehe!! I've rebooked it for a 6th time - yep, that was SIXTH - but this time I've changed tack and have booked a sunrise one instead of a sunset. Don't reckon it'll make any difference but hey, law of averages says it's got to happen sometime. Just no more hot, balmy summer's evenings left this year - :0( Do I get any sympathy? Well, here's what eldest sent me when I told him - "Sorry but I am laughing. It's just the whole episode of this flight could read like a comedy sketch. Would have been better off getting a load of party balloons, a wash basket and a helium cylinder - LOL" Sympathy? Bah!!

The second one - my Crafty Bits blog! I've had loadsa hits over the last couple of days and mainly from the US of A and Canada. I was starting to get really spooked by the amount I was getting and Feedjit was showing they were coming from some really odd sounding sites. Went through to get more detail and I've discovered that a link has been put on some (note, some not one) of the Yahoo Groups. Now I've sort of solved the mystery the spooks have been replaced with a warm glow - lol!! I've also gained a few subscribers (no comments though - boohoo!) to the Bits blog as well. They may pop over here at some point - lol!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 22 September 2008

Not sure ...

... how to describe today!

The day started as normal. Popped into hairdresser to make an appointment, picked up hubby's 'script from the chemist, collected Dad's pension, bought the daily's and arrived at Dad's as usual. Cleaner/home help due for her 2nd visit and, so that I could be there while Dad gets used to her coming, I'd got jobs to do as well. Got him to try on trousers bought on Saturday then had morning tea, dropped eye and lotioned toes as usual (creaming bum finished a couple of weeks or so ago) and read the local daily paper while we waited ... and waited ... and waited. Gave up waiting, cut Dad's hair, weighed up a couple of week's meals for Ollie, collected washing together and, just as I was about to leave, she arrived! Only an hour late - doh! Seems she hadn't got the car so decided to walk from her last job. Now that is less than 5 minutes away by car, no more than a 20/25 minute walk but whatever, I would have expected her to ring to warn us she may be late - or is that being unreasonable? It meant I could only really stay long enough to let her know what needed doing before I came back home, a not particularly happy bunny and wondering if she really wants the job!

Back home and a bit of the dreaded 'h' word and catch up on forum. Thought it about time I checked if Glitterpot had their new class list up and - hooooooray - there it was. Half hour later I'd booked 3 days of classes starting a week Saturday and all with Jane Gill. Although not all Floral Punch Craft, one of the FPC classes is making the flower on the right - nerine aka Guernsey lily. Some really good things to look forward to! Lunch and back to Dad's for the afternoon visit. Found cleaner had actually done her hours, which was good and, although there were places missed we're giving her the benefit of the doubt for now. Will always give enough rope but when the end is reached that's it - LOLOLOL!!

Then the day got weird again! Having afternoon cuppa & chat with Dad, telling him about my craft classes and what would happen re meals (local chippy comes in handy at such times - lol!) when he says he'll pay for them - the classes, that is! A few weeks ago it was a big 'thanks Dad, that's very thoughtful but ....' when he asked me to get myself some flowers. Tried to refuse today but he started to get upset so I accepted - gratefully! Then suddenly, for no reason, Mum was in my head again and I couldn't stop the tears. This time it was a flashback to a specific point in hospital and one I'd much prefer to forget! Fortunately Dad didn't see 'cos I went to cook his dinner but - where did that come from? Can't blame the wine like I did in Manchester - 'cos it were mid-afternoon and I haven't had a drop since Saturday! This seems to be happening more often and after all this time it shouldn't be but, how weird was that?

I've other thoughts going through my head at the moment. Unwanted thoughts but there, none-the-less, and all down to Baroness Warnock! She's made some very controversial statements recently and, although I can understand why they have upset people, I guess I can see where she's coming from. I don't agree with her but my later life is not turning out the way I'd planned or hoped for! Just wish she'd kept her thoughts to herself ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Logged out ...

... and checked it out and the Picasa slideshow albums can be accessed even if unlisted - but only the relevant album. Just a click away is a choice of the slideshow in a larger format or a normal album view so, if a clearer view is needed it can be had.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 21 September 2008

Well, I didn't ...

... get that early night last night after all. There was a very interesting debate/discussion started on the imag-e-nation forum about blogs and their relationship to the forum and I got rather absorbed by it. I enjoy that type of thread as it's interesting to find out what other people think. Don't reckon it will change the way things haved moved on but it doesn't make it any less interesting. Unfortunately, because I didn't get an early night, I've wasted a complete day today - lol!

I've been sorting out some photo's taken of baby Zac this week and I've put a few together in another slideshow. Soooo much easier to upload when several photo's are involved - lol!! I'm not sure if anyone can actually access the album the photo's are in to see larger images because I've kept it 'unlisted'.

Although this is a happy time I can't help feeling moments of sadness. Mum would have adored this little one and she was really looking forward to his birth. She had planned to buy his cot and was planning for his 'presents' that she'd given all the great grandchildren. She did buy his cot - she just never knew it. She will be giving him his presents as she had been planning - she just doesn't know it. Or does she? She didn't believe in an afterlife but I keep finding strange, well odd, things that some people could take as a message. Should I do the same? Not sure but it's definitely odd so perhaps I should. Perhaps she's found something that she hadn't believed in and is trying to let us know. Nobody truly does 'cos nobody comes back to tell us......

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 20 September 2008

I'm k-nac-ke-red!!

Left house at 9am this morning and didn't really hit base again until just after 5pm. Been on the go the whole time and now relaxing with a glass of vino and will be having an early night if I don't nod off before I get there - lol!!

Called into Dad as normal but earlier. Didn't stop as I normally do 'cos had a delivery to make in Worthing...... Years ago - and I mean years (probably about 20) - Mum bought a knitting machine. She used it to make a few little baby pullovers for Romanian orphanages and never used it again, despite having bought loads of accessories and it costing her over £1000!! Eventually I took over ownership and guess how many times I used it? A big, fat, ZERO!! It's been moved from one room to another and back again and taking up space. As I'd decided to start a clear out when I'd finished going through Dad's place after Mum died, said knitting machine just had to go. Decided to put it on Freecycle to get rid quick but eldest says "Mum, why not try it on eBay first or in the local free ad paper" Gave it a go with prices of £50 up and no takers so back to Freecycle until wise eldest says "Mum, if yer goin' ter give it away you may as well list it for 99p and see what happens". Listed it and ................ it sold for £50 inclusive of me delivering it - which I did this morning and I've now got a bit of space back - LOL!!

On way home stopped to do the grocery shopping. I do Dad's when I do mine but I've learnt to do one, stow that in car and then go round again to do t'other! It actually works out quicker doing that than trying to do 2 at the same time and, doesn't play my frozen shoulder up so much when it comes to the bag packing ...... Break between both shops for a McD (oh no!!) and juice and then a juice after 'cos I had to have an onslaught into Marks & Sparks!

Story there as well, 'cos it was to return some bras I bought a few weeks ago. Had a 'proper' fitting for them and - they've all been returned - even the one I'd worn - 'cos they were all too big. They fitted me, said they were perfect and were they? Were they 'eck as like - lol! I measured, by tape, a 40B, they fitted me to a 38C. I've ended up a 36D so not far out then? Derr!! Seems that the right way of getting the band size is to measure as you should then just round it up. None of this, if it's an even number add so much and if it's odd add something else. Just round the blooming number up and start from there!! Get the band size right and then work on the cup size, which you should have a bit of an idea of from your old ones size. Can't say as I am impressed with M&S fitting service and certainly won't be using it again - hehe! I also needed to change some trousers I bought that were TOO BIG for a SMALLER size.... Did you notice - TOO BIG and SMALLER size????? To top it all off, Dad needed some new trousers as well - lol!!

Are yer bored yet??? Yer will be soon - lol!

Felt worn out by time I got home from all this but still had afternoon visit to Dad to do, put 2 lots of shopping away and cook his dinner. Before we could have dinner I had to change the microwave for a new one bought today 'cos old one decided to start making noises a few days ago and we stopped using it. If hadn't changed it, it would have been takeaway 'cos, after all the going's on today there was no way I was cooking and my resident chef has been out all day - lol! Thank heaven for ready meals - they do have their place - lol!!

Now I feel as though I've run a marathon - feet, legs, back and arms ache and have that 'glowing' feeling. Reckon it'll be snooze time very soon.......ZZZZzzzzzz

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 19 September 2008

Back down ...

... to earth with a resounding bang! Several things going on which don't make life easy - lol! Some not able to put on here (sometimes I just wish I hadn't gone 'public') but, just when I'd told Dad everything was finally finished - home help and gardener in place and all finances sorted - the Pension Service decide otherwise! Think I'm going to be joining Jackie in losing the will to live!

I paid back Dad's pension credit overpayment today, he having received the letter last week, only to find he'd had another letter after today's morning visit saying they were clawing it back from his weekly pension - derrrr??? He was given options of ways to repay and a month to do it in so why do they arrange a clawback immediately???? More phone calls made but, of course, they can't do anything until they receive the payment I made. They waste money like it's going out of fashion with the amount of 4 page letters and leaflets they send him - all with exactly the same information on - and then waste even more money like this 'cos they don't follow their own instructions. Don't yer just love 'em??? Wonder how many other peeps they do it with as well. Reckon they could save £1000's if they actually got their act together - and it's all taxpayers money they're wasting.

Still, it's not all bad 'cos Baby Noname now has a name .... Zac .... and I've seen him twice this week. He's definitely a seen and not heard baby, just like his Dad was. The only time he cries is when it's bum changing time - lol!! Seems the hospital gave them the wrong birth weight as well. He wasn't 7lb 7oz, he was 7lb 4oz and has already regained, and passed, his birth weight. More piccies will follow and not such disappointing ones as taken at the hospital. Mum is feeling better, after threat of having to go back in for a transfusion. A way to go but she's getting there.

Oooooooooh yes, my Cuttlebug folders arrived from Hallmark Scrapbook on Friday morning so they were here when I got back from Manchester on Sunday. Woohoo - another day that felt like Christmas. I've now got another 8 A2 folders, the 3 border sets and one of the cut and emboss 3x3's to play with ........ at some point - lol!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Manchester Craft Weekend 2008 Slideshow

A story in pictures - hopefully.
Unfortunately I've only got piccies from the workshop group I was in and from the Saturday evening so there are a few faces missing :o(( Shame on the other group - LOLOL!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Manchester Craft Weekend

12th to 14th September .....

..... long awaited and over all too soon - :o((

It's a long drive from the South Coast to Manchester (in the region of 550 miles round trip) so we - Greta & me - decided to make more of a weekend of it and go craft shopping before we arrived at the hotel. Decided to add another 60-ish miles to the journey and visit Cardcraft Plus factory outlet in Preston. A mention in passing to Jak, resulted in us meeting her, Jean, Susan (Daisycat on imag-e-nation forum) and Joy in the Outlet car park, lunching and shopping!! Cardcraft are not necessarily the cheapest of places but - they have some very different decoupage papers that are well worth purchasing - lol! They were also doing a really good deal on sheets of the Coredinations so a fair bit of that was purchased between us. Poor staff got a bit confused with us all descending at once and we had a bit of a giggle when they tried charging me just over £3000 for my purchases .......... "Don't worry" says she. "I won't" says I, "'cos you ain't getting it - lol!" Poor girl had forgotten to hit 'enter' after £2.99 and added £4.99 immediately so £2,994.99 was added to bill. Still, it all came out in wash!

On to the first evening of the main event and, after a bit of a rest (perhaps not as much as I would have liked having been up since 05:30am and driving for around 5 hours) we all met for dinner booked at a local hostelry. There's always one isn't there and it seems it's always the same one with our meets. Poor Jackie - lol! We'd barely sat down when she knocked a whole glass of wine over herself trying to help somebody with cutlery! She ended up going commando and wearing someone else's top. Could be an improvement on a feather I guess hehehehe! ............. Sorry J but 'twere funny - lol! A reasonable meal and brilliant company resulted in a great evening. Camera stayed in bag for this evening - forgot I had it with me :o((

CRAFT DAY itself! We split into 2 groups for classes with John Townley (Acetate cards) and Paddy from Paddy's Stamping Place (Stampbord). John's was as entertaining as ever and, surprisingly, he remembered some of us from last year and also some who weren't attending this year - lol!! We made several cards using acetate in different ways and left us embellishments to finish them with. Some were finished in class but I left mine blank to finish at home - which I've still to do. Some really good ideas were gleaned from this class and can see them being used in the future. Not a class heavy in technique but for entertainment value and ideas it's hard to beat - lol!

A break for lunch and a bit of socialising and then Paddy's class. Very intense and this one was heavy in technique. I'm not a stamper - well, a very novice one - and never used stampbord so was intrigued. Not sure I will do much with it in future but who knows. Some good, some bad but none-the-less very enjoyable but, those of us on this class started to flag sometime before the end of it. Think the previous day was catching up. It certainly was with me - lol!! (piccie isn't me - hehe!) I finished the projects I chose on this class, with mixed results ......

Dinner in hotel restaurant (deeeeee-licious!) followed by a great evening of chat and tea with our birthday girl Kath. Back & shoulders were severely aching after the day of craft so comfort was the key here .... and not just for me - lol!!

Sunday morning, breakfast and check out time. Some went straight home while others went to Paddy's shop as she opened specially for those that wanted to visit. Greta, me, Jak, Jean, Susan and Joy went home via - Warrington and the QVC Outlet (as did a few others we bumped into there) - LOL! I'd never been before but Greta had. We knew the chances of a bargain were slim, especially as we'd heard that there were a lot of craft items there on Friday but Saturday had intervened - lol!! Anyway, we were pleasantly surprised as there was a fair bit of craft bits. Not much to my taste but I did pick up a couple of packs - one thanks to Greta! Purchases made and, after a pleasant lunch together (well, tea/coffee and muffins), we went our seperate ways. Greta & me still had a good 4 hours drive ahead (with break) and I had a further hour after dropping her home. At the end of more than 600 miles of driving over the weekend I arrived home around 7pm, exhausted, drained, but thoroughly chilled from a really good weekend with like-minded people. I'm still trying to recover but it was totally worth it!

Thanks ladies and particularly Anne Marie ........................... and keep an eye open for a slideshow of photo's taken over the weekend!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 11 September 2008

Let me introduce ...

... the new baby in the family! He doesn't have a name as yet 'cos Mum & Dad still haven't settled on one - lol! Had he been a little girl he would have been called Hannah Joy (the Joy after my Mum and, by default, me - the J in PeeJay) but he's most definitely a little boy ..... our 2nd grandson but our 5th grandchild.

Born Tuesday night at 10:38 (ish) and weighing in at 7lb 7oz.

I took loads of photo's but most have come out dark and grainy because I didn't want to use the flash. Unfortunately there are not many of good enough quality to post but I'll try to do something with them and see what I can 'rescue'. I'm soooo disappointed :0((

Well, that was the first event I was hoping to record this week but the second one didn't happen and that was ........................ my BALLOON FLIGHT!! I'd rebooked it for yesterday afternoon and, although a bit breezier than originally forecast, the company were obviously unsure whether it would proceed or not. The notification to say it was cancelled didn't appear on their phone line until nearly 2pm. Previously it has been on the day before. I've lost count of the number of times my selected flight has been cancelled. I'm beginning to think it will never happen for me. Still, this time it wasn't so disappointing because it meant I got to see Baby Noname yesterday, otherwise I would have had to have waited for today - lol!!

Home Help for Dad didn't arrive as arranged - just some 3.5 hours later and three quarters of an hour before my afternoon visit - so she should now be calling today! Apparently she couldn't find the address - doh! He lives behind the local shops, as I'd told her, so why she didn't pop into one of them and ask for directions heaven knows. Still, hopefully she'll be suitable and he will have another regular visitor. The phwoooooooooaaaaaaaaarrr gardener called on Tuesday and he's definitely going to be a regular visitor - lol!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 7 September 2008

Rain, rain ...

... and more rain!! We're lucky really. We live in an area that hasn't been as badly affected as some parts of the UK but it's still been pretty wet. Where has our summer gone this year? It never really arrived apart from the odd week or day here and there. It's just not been sustained enough to give us a proper summer and now it's becoming decidedly autumnal.

Not a lot been happening over the last few days. Grandson has started college, eldest grand-daughter has started High School (secondary school in my day - lol!), little grand-daughter has gone back to school for her last year at primary level and tiniest has started back at nursery but for a couple of mornings a week this time, so longer sessions. Nothing has happened on baby front. She's now 2 days overdue and really suffering. Thought she was in early stages of labour 3 days ago but ............. nothing! Just hope she has it before Manchester or puts a cork in until afterwards - hehe!

Age Concern has finally managed to find a possible Home Help for Dad and she's calling tomorrow to see us. Hope she's fine, which I'm sure she will be and I can get her to call on a weekly basis. Gardener should be coming Tuesday but, with the weather the way it's been, I'm not holding my breath - lol!

I've spent the last few days cleaning, washing and ironing - hence no blog entries here. My place missed a 'spring clean' earlier this year 'cos of doing Dad's so I'm giving mine an 'autumn clean' - LOLOL!! Bedroom and bathroom now done - cupboards emptied, cleaned and cleared ..... how much junk manages to accummulate in bathroom cupboards let alone bedroom ones? I've a few more bags half filled for the dogs home so won't be long before I can make another trip out there. Ironing is totally up-to-date, as is the washing - until next time!! Busy week this coming week, with Manchester at the end of it, so won't be getting much done at home and possibly not much blogging either although I'm hoping that there will be a couple of events to record!

I did, by way of a change, manage to post to show how I store my Spellbinder Wizard dies - all of 'em, including the nestabilities.  I know I've still to post stuff I've promised in earlier entries on this blog. I haven't forgotten - just need some time ............................

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 6 September 2008

Storage - Spellbinders Nestabilities & Wizard dies

There's been a thread on the imag-e-nation forum recently asking how people stored their nestability dies. I own several Spellbinder (Wizard) dies including sets of nestabilities and I had to find some way of storing them that took up as small a space as possible whilst having them portable to carry around so, I thought I'd show my storage system for them. A search of t'internet brings up various suggestions from hooks on rails or pegboards to the usual CD cases. I found CD cases, whilst being OK and convenient indoors, still took up a fair bit of space and didn't make for easy transport. I decided to stay with the CD storage idea and purchased a cheap 'Value' 24 CD wallet from Tesco. I've managed to store all of my Wizard dies (at least those that I've opened) in this wallet and still have space for more. If I ever get round to opening my Petite sets of nestabilities I will need to buy another of these wallets - or buy a bigger one - but the space saved is amazing and I can just pick up the whole thing to carry around. That has proved very useful - LOL!!

In the front of the wallet I keep my chipboard/cardboard shims and my tan mat (I've still to cut another larger piece for the larger dies but it will still fit in the front). The dies are stored on magnetic sheets, cut to fit, so I can just slide them in and out as needed. One set of nestabilities fit in each side so you can keep the relevant shapes together. 2 of the small Wizard dies will fit in a section as do the large Wizard dies.

I wrote the stacks, needed to cut and emboss in the Cuttlebug, onto a large sticky label and stuck it on the inside back cover. Currently, in this wallet, as well as my shims and tan mat, I have the Classic scallop and plain sets of circles, ovals, rectangle and square nestabilities (8 sets), abstract and octagon geometrics, 2 spirabilities, flutterby's, buckles, fan, charms, hearts, 2 edgeabilities, car/flag and the christmas sleigh. I still have half a side and 3 double sides available.

I now have neat, tidy and organised storage that I can just pick up and go with! Easy to flick through and, easily labelled if I so choose.

I purchased the magnetic sheets from eBay. They are A4 sheets that I have cut to size. The bonus here is that they also double up to hold a die in place for embossing the middle of a card or for cutting an aperture. I chose matt magnetic paper and found that I can write on it, which has given another method of labelling.

UPDATE: Storage has moved on and this version is no more so if you want to see what I'm using now then visit here to see versions 2 & 3 *LOL*

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Christmas came ...

... again today - lol!! The 2nd, and last, part of my Create and Craft order came today. Die-cut (yep, I'm cheating!!) Dufex Christmas decoupage. Don't need it at all as I've a huge stock of Dufex decoupage but, it's not die-cut - lol!! My order of the Bazill cardstock from Artbase arrived as well. Didn't get all of the colours ordered as they'd sold out but that's fine. Got a good selection but, it's only when you get so much together you realise the difference in quality of the card, even with the same make. Some of it will make good card blanks but some other is really only suitable for matting and layering and possibly the odd flower - lol!

To round the day off nicely I've just had an email from Hallmark Scrapbook to tell me my Cuttlebug order has been despatched. 8 folders, 3 border sets and 1 3x3 combo! Something to look forward to receiving next week sometime .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Another job ...

...covered. Just booked a gardener to maintain Dad's garden. Grandson has been doing it - sort of - but he's lost interest (if he ever had any in the first place - lol!!) He was paid for doing it and seems I was being fair as the gardener is charging the same as I paid grandson but gardener will be more reliable methinks! Not only that he's a young man and I have to say ........ phwooooooooaarrr!! He is one goooood-looking young man. If only I was 35 years younger - LOLOL!! He's also a carpenter and we need a bit of maintenance done on the ballustrades round our decking and some laminate laid indoors. Could be seeing quite a bit of this young man - wink, wink, hehehe!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 1 September 2008

Just realised ...

... it was 6 months today that I started this blog but only just over 5 since I went 'public'. I had it for nearly a month before I told anyone about it 'cos I wanted to play but mainly because it was my diary and I was keeping it for me. It still is for me but if people read it and get something from it then that's a bonus. A lot has unexpectedly happened in that 6 months. My life has changed quite dramatically in that time and it's all documented. Wonder how the next 6 months will fare ......

Thanks for dropping by .....