
Sunday 30 November 2008

Mixed ...

... few days.

Had a lovely, crafty day with friend's from the imag-e-nation forum on Friday. Pippa played host as she's done a couple of times previously. She is a wonderful hostess and always does us proud with the venue and the lunch she lays on. 6 of us descended on her this time. Debs, Kaz, Jackie, JanR, Cathy, me and of course Pippa made 7! We repaid her by trashing her kitchen with embossing paste and glitter - rofl!! Oh boy, did we trash her kitchen!! Well, I seemed to manage to do so really well. My embossing was fine - really impressed with it. Then I made a big mistake .............. I added some glitter!

Somehow, whenever I have to add colour to something, I manage to mess it up and this time was no exception. After failing miserably with 2 attempts I had a third and used a different glitter. That was so much better that I'm going to blame my failures, not on the embossing or me but on the glitter that I used - lol!! I need to thank Debs and Pippa for the demo's and instructions and help along the way. Sorry I was such a rubbish pupil (a word beginning with 'c' comes to mind but I prefer to be polite in my commentary - LOL!) .......( Right - My 1st failure)

After the superb lunch - some of which were contributions from the others - I attempted to demonstrate the poinsettia's (found here) that I made in Jane Gill's class a little while ago. I'd already punched the shapes to save time and provided a piece of the backing paper used on my card. Everyone took the finished 'flowers' home to make into a card and from the results posted on the forum I must have got the instructions over reasonably well as I'm very impressed with the finished results. I only made one 'flower' as I wanted to be free to help when, or if, it was needed. I'd taken the relevant punches and papers and everybody punched shapes to take home as well so I'm hoping to see some more examples of cards made. Reckon I will try using just the one as an accent on a card at some point!

(L-R: Debs, Jackie, Kaz, Pippa, JanR, Cathy)

I soooo don't like 'tutoring' or whatever you want to call it. It is way out of my comfort zone and I feel completely tongue-tied when trying to explain things. Doing is one thing, explaining is another!

Fortunately Dad has been having a calm period so it's not been so stressful doing my twice daily visits. Isn't it awful to wish but, his case worker is coming on Wednesday and he's to see the doctor on Thursday to start his dementia assessment. They both really need to see him at his worst but looks as though they're going to be seeing him at his best! Not a good omen for the help that we need .....

Unfortunately, something that has been going on in the background for some time now has come to a head and ........... eldest son has returned home! It's great to have him back but unfortunate that it has had to happen. You can only try to make things work for so long and he's been trying for over 2 years now but it takes 2 to make a relationship work. Hopefully we can give him the space and time to regroup and eventually move on to the next stage in his life. He's been married 18 years in 8 days time but it's only his 36th birthday on Wednesday so he's plenty of time ahead of him and he's still young enough to move on. It's strange but, they could end up good friends ...... That's been the reason for the recent activity of the trips to the Dogs Trust, the tip and offering stuff on Freecycle. I've been preparing the room but hoping it wouldn't be needed!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Stamping & Floral Punch Craft with SU!

An evening with Joanne and like-minded people (19th November). Joanne is not just a very talented crafter but a Stamping Up demonstrator as well so, the evening was spent using a variety of Stamping Up goodies to make 2 really pretty projects - with a little spend at the end - lol!!

This A6 card is really suited to the coming season. Unfortunately the photo does not do it justice. It is most definitely better 'in the flesh'!

3 shapes per flower were punched using the 5 Petal Flower punch - 2 in Ruby Red and one in Old Olive. Veins were scribed on each petal/leaf, which had been cut further towards the centre to aid shaping, then they were cupped slightly and layered - offsetting the petals - to make the complete flowers. Sequins were added for the centres. A flourish was stamped 3 times onto the white card and the Stamp-a-ma-jig used to position the greeting. A piece of Holiday Treasures Designer paper was layered onto Chocolate Chip cardstock and Old Olive grosgrain ribbon knotted round. This was then layered onto the base card of Old Olive and the white, stamped card layered on top of that. Finally the flowers were positioned and stuck in place.

Products used:~
Season of Joy and Seasonal Wishes stamp sets.
Old olive - grosgrain ribbon, base card and ink.
Layering - chocolate chip, whisper white and Holiday Treasures Designer Paper.
Flowers - 5 Petal Flower Punch and Ruby red cardstock

This was actually the first card we made ... this tiny, but very pretty, one. It is 9.5cm square. The edge of the card was trimmed with a cuttlebug folder. A square, cut and embossed with a nestability, was masked with a post-it note up to the embossed line. The background was stamped in Mellow Moss (stamped off on spare paper to lighten the stamping) and then the foreground was stamped using Rose Red and Mellow Moss markers to ink the stamp. The square was matted onto a scalloped nestability square cut from Rose Red cardstock and then stuck to the base card.

Products used:~
Pocket Silhouettes stamp set
Inks - Rose red, mellow moss
Card - Rose red, whisper white
Forest Branches cuttlebug A2 folder



I've been tagged by Toni - thanks Toni - I think - LOLOL!
With this tag I have to give 7 interesting facts about myself and then pass the tag on to 7 more people. Not sure how interesting any of these will be to others but ..... it's a bit of fun!

1. I've climbed Dunn's River Falls in Jamaica.- absolutely loved it but, no way could I do it now ... no matter how much I'd like to. Health wouldn't allow :0((

2. I've shot for 2 counties as an archer - Surrey and Sussex - although only ever lived in Sussex and was invited to shoot for Sussex again, 3 years ago, on my return to the sport after a 13 year layoff.

3. I used to play a bugle, tenor drum and side drum in a marching band and ended up as the Drum Major before becoming too old to be a member.

4. I love old musical, mythical and swashbuckling films. Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Harry Hamlin etc - just love 'em !

5. I'm a collector of owls - in any non-living shape or form - as well as craft stuff!

6. I'm a very proud Mum to 2 handsome sons (well, I think they are) and Nana to 5 beautiful grandchildren (although the eldest wouldn't appreciate being called beautiful - lol!) ranging from 17 years old down to 11 weeks young.

7. I ate Theodore at my B&B for the North Yorkshire meet (there's an entry relating!)

Not sure who to pass this on to at the moment so I'll come back to that .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Stamping and Floral Punch Craft.

Here are my versions of the beautiful cards we made at the North Yorkshire meet on 1st November, where Jak was our tutor. The morning class was taken up with stamping and the afternoon, Floral Punch Craft. (click on photos for a larger image)

The stamped Christmas card used several techniques including shadow stamping (making use of a stamp positioner), heat embossing and highlighting with Sakura stardust pens. We stamped the reindeer in Brilliance white and, once dry, we used the stamp positioner to slightly offset the black image stamped on top which gave the shadow effect. The greeting was stamped and heat embossed and the other stamped images were highlighted with the Sakura stardust pen. Everything was then matted and layered using mirri board - lovely to look at but awful to photograph - lol!! The whole card was then edged with Krylon pen, after practising on an offcut of card!
The trees are Stampscape stamps (available unmounted or mounted) and the reindeer is a Penny Black stamp.

The sweetpea card was made from shapes punched out of thin card using the 'sweetpea' punch. They were then coloured with a Marvy pen and softened with water and brush. Each part of the punched shapes were then given form using a large embossing tool and were moulded and stuck in place with PVA glue. Tendrils were made from fine strips of green card and the leaves added to the backs of the flowers. They were then stuck to circles cut with Spellbinder's nestabilities and everything was layered up onto a card that had been scored using a ScorPal. A ribbon and crystals were added as a final trim.

The 'Happiness' card was made with two punched blossom shapes and one 'splat' shape per flower. Each petal was embossed to give form and then petals made to 'pop up' by pressing the middle of the individual shapes before they were layered up, off-setting the petals. Stamens were made and added to the centre of each complete flower after the tips had been coloured. The greeting was stamped on a square nestability shape, using Brilliance ink and then, everything was layered onto another card scored on a ScorPal with a ribbon as the finishing touch.

I loved making these cards, particularly the stamped Christmas card as I learnt a lot from doing that but, I also learnt different ways of using my FPC tools to those I've already learnt .... It's always good to have a different take on things!

All punches are available from 'Scrappily Ever After'


Phew!! ...

... Dad seems to have settled down for a while. He told me this afternoon that he was having a really good day - bless! Must admit he seems a lot more cheerful but that could all change again tomorrow 'cos he's got to go out ....... 2 days running!! Chiropodist tomorrow and nurse for blood tests on Thursday. Then it'll be back to the doctor when results are back as he's going to do a full dementia test. Really need to know what we're dealing with I think. Then we can make proper arrangements for him - suited to his needs ...... and mine!!

Finally managing to catch up with stuff on the craft front. I've posted for the Glitterpot class with Jane back in October and I've nearly got my makings from the Yorkshire meet done then it's what I did at Joanne's last week. I still need to sort out piccies etc. for the bits & bobs I've done under my own direction as opposed to a workshop/class but hey - Rome wasn't built in a day - LOL!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 24 November 2008

Rubber Stamp Tapestry...

...Jane Gill's classes at the Glitterpot 24th October.
(Click on photos for a larger image)

I've bought Tapestry stamp sets and I've seen samples of cards made using the technique but I'd never tried it. I'm not a stamper but I keep trying as I'd like to be. It's not a technique that I have a natural empathy with so find it difficult but I really enjoyed this, particularly the morning class, which had a Christmas theme.

No cards were made in the morning but Jane had planned that we would make toppers to take home and finish with cards from our own stash. Her idea is that we concentrate on the technique rather than the actual card making. I'm not completely sure of the names of the sets used as but a quick scan of the Rubber Stamp Tapestry site tells me that Holiday Stockings, Christmas Garland and Holiday Garden Border sets were among some that we used for the Christmas toppers. They all mix and match so any of the sets would do just as well. We used Kaleidacolor, Distress and Colorbox inks and plenty of Stickles glitter glues. The stamping was done on watercolour paper and then matted and layered onto Bazzill card of appropriate colours.

The NOEL was stamped using Papermania Clear Alphabet - Standard Font except, the O was left out and a circle template used to lightly pencil an O in as a guide for the stamping. The letters were coloured with Marvy le Plume pens and then enhanced with stickles.

A circle template was used in the same way for the bauble topper.

The tree followed a lightly hand drawn triangle and should have been in a pot but I somehow managed to mess that up 3 times so gave up and had it growing in the ground instead - lol!!

The wreath just followed a circle lightly drawn round an upside down tea mug - or anything the size suitable for your needs.

The afternoon class was on a more general theme. We actually made a whole card this session and 2 toppers. This time we used the Pottery Garden, Moonlit Vase, African Daisy Border, Dragonflies at Dusk and Berries and Buds Wreath sets. Inks were from the same selection used in the morning but no stickles were used on any of these toppers.

The card ... this was made from a large scalloped circle card cut in half and then folded in half. Can't remember the make at the moment but when I find out I'll post. The edges were distressed with ink and then a small leaf stamp used. This was done on the outside and on the inside of the card. The Pottery Garden set was used for this card and the row of pots were stamped directly onto the card and then again on a piece of spare card for cutting out. The cut out pots were laid on card and their position marked then the plants were stamped. The cut out pots were then shaped and added with silicone to give depth. The ground was water-coloured using ink from the pads. A dragonfly stamp was used and a greeting added. Another greeting was added to the inside of the card which was embellished with some of the stamps.

The Moonlit Vase set was used for this oriental looking topper. The vase stamp was inked up with a Marvy pen and stamped onto spare white card and cut out. The foliage was then stamped onto the squares and the vases shaped and added with silicone to give depth. Edges of base card were distressed and stamped and a greeting added. Everything was then matted and layered.

The final topper wasn't totally successful as I didn't make the aperture large enough. The aperture was made by drawing a circle or oval and then the card was stamped, stamping over some of the oval but leaving the centre clear. It was then trimmed to give irregular shape shown. Another piece of card was then stamped with a greeting and some simple tapestry stamping and positioned, using foam pads to give a 3D effect, behind the aperture. Love the effect but the aperture does really need to be bigger!!

My favourite one, over the whole day, has to be the Christmas Bauble topper. Just love it and it was so easy but really effective.


Sunday 23 November 2008

Busy, busy ...

... day today! Who says Sunday is a day of rest? Very cold - many parts of country have had snow - but this morning it was raining very heavily in this area. Can't let the weather stop the work being done so, after the usual morning visit to Dad, loaded up back seat of car with more stuff for tip, couple of boxes of toys for the littlies and a Freecycle delivery, wrapped up against the cold and wet and off I went. First stop the tip and, by the time I'd gone round putting stuff in relevant skips for recycling I was soaked through - woolie hat, coat and jeans! Dropped off Freecycle delivery ('twas an old - and I mean old - 1950/60's food mixer, definitely retro and not repro) and called in for lunch with the littlies.

Managed to get some photo's of Zac smiling, although they had to be done on a pot-luck basis 'cos every time camera was in his sight he stopped smiling! Obviously camera was more interesting. The posers wanted photo's as well, including the not quite so angelic angel with a dirty face!! Seems to be a nearly permanent state of affairs for our little Amy. A lady she most certainly isn't but a right little character she most certainly is. Just as well that big sis Emma, and baby bro are placid and quiet - lol!! Coat and hat were still soaking wet by the time I left them a couple of hours later.

(Click on photo's for larger, crisper image)

Have to say that it's been another reasonable day with Dad, despite the fact he decided to choke on some chicken curry this evening. I know there'll be no point now, in trying to get him to eat anything resembling curry in the future - lol!! Now I'm home, still trying to thaw out as the cold and wet seems to have permeated right to my core. I'm definitely relaxing this evening as it's another busy day tomorrow ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

A big thank you ... Cazz who has presented this blog (& me) with the...

This award states that this blog invests and believes in proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

This is a difficult one for me as, in keeping with the traditions of this award, it should be passed on. It's difficult because I don't like to single people out as there are so many that touch my life, comfort and inspire me in equal measure and in a variety of ways. Because of that I'm going to gratefully accept this award and pass it on, with huge great thanks, to all my friends - both cyber and physical (and those that come in both categories - lol!) - that have supported and inspired me over the past, difficult, months.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 22 November 2008

Got on ...

... scales today and I've lost nearly ½ a stone in just over a week and that's without even trying! Just goes to show what an extra bit of stress can do. I lost ½ a stone quite quickly after Mum died, sorting out the house for Dad, so that's nearly a stone I've lost since April without being on a diet .....

Quiet day with Dad today - thank heaven. Having TV on seems to be calming him a little, although I had to check out all 4 of his clocks as he thought they'd all stopped working. They hadn't - not even one of them - but once he was convinced of that he settled again.

A bit of success on the Freecycle front. Somebody actually collected an item today and I'm delivering one tomorrow - hooooooooooooray! Still no takers on the TV though so reckon that it will join the tip run. Already got my car boot full ready to go and think there may have to be a 2nd trip. There's 2 box loads of toys and crafty stuff for the littlie grand-daughters and more grown-up stuff for the eldest grand-daughter. I've also started another collection for the Dogs Trust. Can't believe how much junk we have and there's still loads more in the loft and in a big shed. It's all stuff we've decided, over a period of time, that we don't want but have kept to take to car boot sales. Trouble is, we've never got round to doing the car boots and now, needs must that we get rid - lol!! Won't know ourselves when it's all cleared ....... perhaps I can catch up with the photos I need to take soon - lol!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 21 November 2008

Can't believe ...

... it's Friday already! Had a great evening at Joanne's on Wednesday night. Made 2 cards but as yet, haven't had time to photograph them .......... or anything else I need to do for that matter .......... and spent a bit (she's an SU demonstrator)! I've been really busy sorting out my first floor (where proposed craft room - my 'wip' for the past 2 years - is situated) and a boot load of bedding, towels, carpet offcuts and a back seat full of knick-knacks and clothes have been taken over to the Dogs Trust for the dogs (the first lot) and the shop (the latter stuff - lol!!). Took Dad with me for the ride but not sure he understood, or was even aware, of what was going on as one of the staff spoke to him and he didn't see or hear her. Anyway, I can now reload with the stuff that has to go to the tip, which will include items that have been offered on Freecycle and not collected by timewasters! Why do people do that? Beg - literally in some cases - to be the one to have the offering then don't turn up to collect. Beginning to consider it a waste of time so not sure I'll be offering much more for nowt! Tip is only a couple of miles away ..... lol!

All the above has been inbetween trying to get Dad back on the straight and narrow! Wednesday was quite a relief as the stairlift wasn't mentioned but, as seems to be the norm at the moment, it didn't last. We went over and over it again yesterday. I just can't seem to make him understand that he does use this blooming lift when I'm not there, so he really doesn't have a problem with it. The problems are all in his head. Today he asked me how he could use the toilet as it's moved and that he can't find the door because it's not where it's always been anymore. 55 years Dad has lived in this house and suddenly he can't find the toilet. He did find it, where it's always been - lol! - and then tells me not to worry as 'it'll all come back soon' I've asked him to have the TV on all day so he's got something different to concentrate on thinking it may help. Trouble is he thinks the TV is connected to his hearing aids and that having it on all day will mean his aids batteries will run out quicker - not that it would be too much of a problem if they did but - that's how his logic works. Then he tells me that I've got to check the next telephone bill (??) really well when it comes in because 'they' took over the TV last night and knocked out all his usual programmes. Haven't actually got to the bottom of that one but I think he managed to get a channel he's never watched, therefore got programmes he's never seen. He must have got back to his usual ones at some point though 'cos the TV was on ITV this morning and he tells me it only happened for just over an hour.

I've taken the bull by the horns and rang his surgery. I've got an appointment to see his doctor, on my own, on Monday morning. I need to talk to the doc about what's happening with him before I take him to be re-assessed and hopefully, medicated to help him more than at the moment. It has gone from him muddling along quite nicely to this, virtually overnight and it's heartbreaking to see.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 18 November 2008

The lull ...

... before the storm. That was yesterday. Arrived at Dad's this morning and couldn't get in as the stairlift was blocking door. Dad tells me, through crack in door, that the lift had jammed. Got him pushing the right buttons and got the lift out of the way so I could get in (it hadn't jammed at all). Through the procedure we went again and again. He can't remember how he gets up and down stairs when I'm not there but he says he doesn't walk the stairs he goes 'the usual way' which is actually using the stairlift and, where I find it when I get there, bears that out. It seems we now have 'magic' buttons if I was to listen to him. I got him to show me what he does when I'm not there and it was painful to watch as he just couldn't remember. I get the feeling that when he actually thinks about what he needs to do he gets so confused he forgets how to work the thing. When he needs to use it he just does it - on a sort of auto pilot - with no problem.

If I thought this morning was bad, I hadn't seen anything as this afternoon was even worse! I got to him earlier than usual as I had a hairdresser's appointment and went to his straight from there. Opened the door and found him sitting on the bottom of the stairs. Said he was trying to work out how the lift worked - doh! I thought that if I wrote the instructions down it may help. I wrote them down in a number of different ways, none of which he seemed to understand. I ended up using a permanent marker to number the buttons. I put a number by the side of each button so that I could get a large number. Dad decided that he had to push the written number instead of the red button by the side of it - derrr!. Then he said he couldn't read the written instructons - done in large, block capitals - despite the fact that he's reading books again (now I wonder how much he's actually reading!). He then told me that he didn't know what the parts of the stairlift were that I was referring to so, I labelled them as well. Next he proceeded to read the instructions half a dozen times but wouldn't, or couldn't, act them out! Finally he wanted to know what a stairlift was!! 2 hours later and we were still no nearer getting any sense, or action, out of him. On top of all this he couldn't put his jumper back on although I have no idea why it was off in the first place and he couldn't tell me.

I think Dad has totally lost the plot at the moment but the sad thing is, he knows it and gets frustrated with himself because but he can't seem to control it. He knows he's being 'silly' but doesn't know what to do about it. He's now frightened me completely and I'm scared of leaving him on his own. I probably don't help the situation either because he sees me getting frustrated, angry and upset - despite trying my best not to show it - and I think it makes him worse because he starts trying hard to please me and he can't seem to do 'trying'. He has become noticeably worse since Ollie went so I'm guessing that was the catalyst that has bought about such a severe deterioration in his mental state.

I hate to admit it but I can't hack it anymore and I'm scared of what I might end up doing. I no longer know how to handle the situation so I've contacted Social Services to bring forward his assessment and I'm going to ask for some respite care. I need space and I need to be a daughter again. I know that there are plenty a lot worse off than us but I have to think of my own health as well and at the rate we're going I'll be gone long before him! It would help if my dear brother would have him stay for a few days, or even call occasionally but, we haven't seen hide nor hair of him since June and there's been no acknowledgment of my news about Ollie but I've had his approval for what I'm trying to do regarding Dad's housing ...... so kind!

Roll on tomorrow evening. I've got an evening out at Joanne's (Mainly Flowers) for a crafty soirée with ladies I've met at the Glitterpot. Youngest daughter-in-law may come as well, as long as youngest son gets home from work in time. BRING-IT-ON!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 17 November 2008

Quieter morning ...

... with Dad this morning and even quieter this afternoon! He was waiting for me at the lounge door when I arrived this morning and, as he headed towards the stairlift I stopped him and told him that I was no longer going to talk about it. He knows how to use it - he is using it - when I'm not there so he has no problem with it other than what is in his head. It took me 3 times of telling him that I wasn't going to talk about it anymore and he stopped. Mind you, we sat in silence for around 5 minutes so I guess he was absorbing the fact that the stairlift is no longer a topic of conversation. This afternoon it wasn't even mentioned - bliss!! Wonder what he'll find to worry about for tomorrow - lol!!

Paid vet bill this afternoon (Dad will have a shock when he knows how much that was) and eldest has collected the food and a few toys for Chalky and Lolly to use. All remaining toys, grooming kit and throws, are going to the Dogs Trust for the homeless dogs. Now haven't done that trip for a few months - hehe!!

Can't believe what a difference a month can make in a little one's life. Before lappy went wrong I had photo's of Zac to post but never got them off of camera. Since then I've taken more (although the best got corrupted somehow) and, by downloading them to new lappy at the same time, the comparison was obvious. He is such a contented baby and he's now going down around 21:30 and doesn't usually wake again before 03:00am and generally later. He's not known to cry but he does shout - bless!!

Left - Zac 15th Oct (5 weeks)
Above - Zac 10th Nov (9 weeks)

I've done a few more updates to the blog and it may now be completely up to date but I have updates to do re the craft stuff - in the fullness of time.
Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 16 November 2008

I've been ...

... out today with eldest son who was competing in his first tournament of the indoor season. He shot really well and was pleased with the way he shot - which is a novelty - lol! He didn't win but he came 2nd with a score just 2 points behind the winner so he's every reason to be pleased with his performance. I enjoyed it as well 'cos I got to catch up with some friends and it gave me a break away from the 'stair lift' saga - which continued this morning. That's now 5 days, 9 visits, that have been taken up with the stair lift and I've been warned that it's likely to continue tomorrow. Youngest son took over the reins this afternoon and Dad told him that he didn't think I was too happy and would be even less happy when he speaks to me about it tomorrow - aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!! I need to find something else to move his focus to but haven't a clue what, at the moment. I'm now becoming scared of opening the door as this morning he was waiting to pounce ...........

I've been beavering away over the last couple of evenings, updating blog. Because it's my 'diary' I wanted to keep it in chronological order so that's what I've done. I haven't finished but I've made a good start and updates can be found here, here, here, here, here and here.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 15 November 2008

Going cheap ...

... one stairlift with owner!! Owner may be wearing said stairlift after this afternoon's visit if I have to go through the whole rigmarole with it yet again - lol! I know I shouldn't but, after 3½ days of going through the whole procedure, several times, every time I visit him, I'm gradually losing patience. I wouldn't mind but it's obvious he manages perfectly well when I'm not there but he pounces, as soon as I open the door, with all the 'problems' he has with it.

He received a pet condolence card - well, we all did 'cos it was addressed to Mr **** and family - from the vet and the surgery staff today. I thought that was a really nice gesture and the card was lovely. Just a simple, square, cream card with a dirty doggy pawprint on it. Details on the back of it led to this site ... Veterinary Sympathy Cards.

Not sure I should put the next bit on here but hey, it's my blog and my diary so don't see why I shouldn't as it's for my thoughts! Back in June (oh, was it only June - it seems so long ago now) there was a problem raised it's ugly head on the imag-e-nation forum and I remarked, on here, how disappointed I was with it all. I thought it had all been settled and that there was a level of tolerance and live and let live going on - as there usually is in any large 'family' - and things were plodding along reasonably well. Seems I was wrong 'cos it's all gone pear-shaped again ... unfortunately. There has only ever been one incidence similar in the past - although so much worse and everyone couldn't help but be aware of it going on. It was so bad that the main perpertrator was banned from the forum by the forum owner (first and only time that's ever happened) and, having been on the receiving end - victim, if you like - of that one I'm fully aware of what it's like. Fortunately I now have a reasonable relationship with the other member involved (they were new at the time) and we have met and get along fine (and talk about it quite light-heartedly now) but we resolved the issue privately, between ourselves, without further involvement from anyone else. Anyway, in this latest incident, I guess it would help if we all read things in the same way but we don't so, remarks made by some people are taken in different ways by those reading them. Some people read more into them than others do - all down to 'interpretation and expectation' mainly. What would upset some wouldn't upset others and vice versa but nobody has a crystal ball or can mind-read so, there's not much can be done if it's not bought to the attention of admins if the issues can't be resolved privately. Hopefully this will be a short-lived episode and we can all get back to normal. There are 2 admins at the moment who have more than enough going on in their private lives and really don't need the hassle of trying to sort out a couple of clashing personalities.......

More piccies sorted last night although not as many as hoped for 'cos of above and hopefully can finish tonight then it's all ready for blog updates but ........... don't hold yer breath - lol!!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Friday 14 November 2008

Poor Dad ...

... he's finding it hard at the moment. Trouble is he doesn't show grief as most people do. He just gets extremely confused - more than usual. Normal day-to-day things become nearly impossible for him. At the moment it's the operation of his stairlift that has changed, if I was to listen to him. The stairlift has been used for years but now he's having problems remembering how it works. He's decided he has to stop it halfway up the staircase (coming down) and has to get off it there. I've managed to convince him to ride it all the way down to the bottom but I'm half expecting to turn up and find him laying at the foot of the stairs! I had to collect him for his hearing aid check today and he needed to make sure he was comfortable before he went. He had to be assured that he had to take the stairlift completely to the top of the stairs before he got off. Last week he was seeing numbers, where there are none, on his daily pill container. On a more positive note, his house is a lot warmer now that he doesn't have to keep a door open for Ollie to go in and out. Which reminds me - I need to pay a bill....

He's found his wedding ring and has started wearing it. Now Dad hasn't worn his wedding ring since, probably, the early 1970's - a)for safety reasons in the job he was doing and b)because it got too tight. Now it's in danger of falling off but he grinned when he showed me and said he wondered what Mum would say when she noticed - lol!! I've also got him reading again, which he gave up doing about 3 years ago. He's in the middle of the 3rd book in just over a month and he bought himself 4 new ones when I took him shopping on Monday. Seems Jeffrey Archer has worked wonders but Stephen King & Dean Koontz are next on the list :0)

Still feeling rough myself. Sore throat has gone, cough has eased (a bit) but I'm all stuffed up with cold and sneezes. Trouble is the sneezes end up as a coughing fit. Hubby took ill last Saturday morning (thank heaven I wasn't at home much last weekend) and is still suffering as well. Definitely a no-go zone here and I just hope that Dad doesn't catch it from me. Another positive note, but for me this time. Because I've been at home more this week (having had 2 weekends away from home - one in Yorkshire and the other sitting on 2 dogs, 1 teenager and 1 nearly-teenager while sorting Dad out) I've been able to start finding my way round this Vista stuff. Had problems with one of my old progs that I installed but managed to find a fix on Microsoft website which means I've been able to start playing with my photos - yay!!! I've now got them all downloaded onto lappy, although a lot I took on Monday while babysitting little ones, were corrupted, including one of a dirty faced Amy with Jak on the TV behind her :0( There were none of the girlies not corrupted and I was left with only half a dozen of little Zac that are usable-ish. Anyway, I've been sorting and editing so reckon I can start a mega update, quite soon, of my blogs, filling in the last month's happenings - crafty and otherwise - with pictures .... !!

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Wednesday 12 November 2008

Another sad ...

... day today. One that has been expected for the last 6 months but that we hoped would be longer. Ollie went to Rainbow Bridge and joined Mum today. He hung on to keep Dad company for the last 6 months but he went downhill quite quickly over the past couple of days and Dad decided that it was his time.

Rest in peace Ollie. You did your job here well. Now you and Mum can take care of each other again .....

OLLIE - July 1996 to Nov 2008

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Tuesday 11 November 2008

Aaaarrgghhhh!! ...

... just get my new lappy then lose the time - and inclination - to play!

Dad had a treat yesterday - a shopping trip and a McD! He wanted to come shopping with me. Can't remember the last time he went to a supermarket and he's never had a McD (not that I've had many - lol!) Trouble is I got a treat as well - a 2nd shopping trip for me today :0(( Yesterday took so long with Dad that, by the time we'd done his shopping all he wanted to do was go home so, mine had to wait. I was sitting on babies last night and now I've got some sort of lurgy and not feeling up to 'playing'.

Hohum - guess I need to remain patient!

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Sunday 9 November 2008

I'm sort of ...

... back!! I've got a brand new, all singing, all dancing lappy! Decided to put extra to the voucher (as I'd been contemplating replacing old one anyway) and really get a good one! Trouble is I now have Vista which is why I'm only 'sort of' back. I'm now online and finding my way round the new opsys. Thinking of getting techie to partition the lappy for me though and stick XP on as well - if only I was knowledgable enough to do it myself - lol!! That way I can get on with the 'work' to catch up with everything and play with the new stuff. Haven't plucked up courage to hook up the hard drive from dead lappy yet though as I've only been playing for a couple of hours. Need to find out exactly what I've got ready installed on this new one and decide what I want to keep and what to get rid of. Plenty of room to play though - 3gb RAM and 250gb hard drive. Here's the really scary bit - There's an integral webcam!!

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Wednesday 5 November 2008

Claim made ...

... and now I've just to wait for voucher to arrive so I can go and buy a new lappy. Only problem I have with that is that it'll have Vista on and I soooooooo don't want Vista! Reckon I might just see about having it taken off and XP installed in it's place. I'm thinking about treating myself to a better model though. I had been considering buying a new one so this will actually save me a bit of money and, with the credit crunch I may be able to get an even better deal - lol!

Been thinking of my dear friend Jak today. It's been a hard day for her and her family - Crafter's Kitchen blog

I think my Dad is trying to recover from my weekend away. He's been very confused since I came back and daughter-in-law, who took over from me while I was away, tells me he was fine until Sunday but she noticed he wasn't quite with it Sunday afternoon. He does not cope well with anything being out of the normal routine and I think that he finds it difficult when somebody different calls into him - no matter how well he knows them. I know he'd rather I didn't go away because of the way he is when I tell him that I'm having time away. I've not had longer than 3 days away since Mum died though, so I don't think he's done too badly. He accepts that I have to have some time for myself but guess he doesn't have to like it. It's just extra difficult for a while when I get back. He seems to think that everything changes and it's hard to get him back into his normal thought process - especially where his pills are concerned this week. I've not heard any more about the sheltered housing other than it could be months before he's assessed as to what type of sheltered housing would be best for him. Strange that I know what they'll say once they've assessed him but they won't take my word for it .....

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Tuesday 4 November 2008

A couple of ...

... sneaky peeks from Jak's workshops at the North Yorkshire meet.

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Lappy ...

... is no more!! It's died - or rather - new part fitted and it still didn't work :0(( [sob!] Techie thinks that the motherboard was also damaged (although lappy works fine off of battery) and is refusing to recognise any mains power connected. Tells me new motherboard will be around £190 so has said it's an 'uneconomical' repair and he'll do a report so I can claim off the house insurance. He's now in process of moving hard drive into a carrier so I can just plug it in to a PC and use it for the time being. He reckons that even the software may work, if not fully, enough for me to do things while I'm waiting for a new one. May just have to talk to OH nicely (grinning!) in case I need to install some software, even temporarily, on to his PC.

Still, thinking positively, I should soon be the owner of a nice, spanking new lappy. Just need to be sure NOT to get foot caught in lead in future, so it remains on table and not lands up on floor - lol!

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